
Parents can only educate their children well if they understand their children!

As we all know, children are not born this way. For parents, they are always learning how to successfully raise a child. Parents teach their children values and proper manners, sharing life skills with their children, but despite this, they still cannot decide on their children's behavior patterns because he is himself.

Parents can only educate their children well if they understand their children!

Toto is an eight-year-old boy with a cautious personality, so he always feels introverted and independent, and like Ben's "100,000 Whys", he always asks all kinds of strange questions in a thoroughgoing manner. He likes to play the piano and collect all kinds of rocks, he never participates in group activities, although he likes military art, not because he wants to compete with others, just to add a skill, he does not have special close friends.

Toto's father was a typical dominant person, and his mother was a typical interactive person. Toto's mother was always worried that he had no friends, and his father was upset that he never went outdoors to play basketball like other boys.

Every day, Toto's mother encouraged him to go out and make friends, but Toto just wanted to stay in his house and play the piano and play games. Whenever the father came home from work and saw other children playing outdoors, he would loudly reprimand Dodo and let him go out and play with the children.

Toto's parents take it for granted that they are thinking of their children, his father wants him to succeed by competing with others, and his mother wants him to be sociable. This is understandable, because this is the trait of dominant and interactive parents.

For the parents' requirements, do more clearly, in order to meet the expectations of parents, dodo must change. "But I really don't like playing basketball." "Especially the way my dad thinks it really doesn't work for me, I can meet my friends at school, at home, I just want to do what I like to do, and they don't understand me."

Parents can only educate their children well if they understand their children!

Many parents always like to pin their ideals and expectations on their children, and hope that one day their children can realize their dreams. When their children show resistance, they act rather frustrated. Disc personality and behavior pattern assessment can help parents accurately understand the child's personality and behavior patterns, and find the right way to communicate with the child, cultivate the child according to the child's nature, let the child's advantages be played, and help the child become an adult.

Every child is a unique individual. Some parents will say, "I'm fair, I treat every child the same way." "In fact, the real fairness is to love and care for him the way he wants. If this is done, parents can treat each child according to local conditions and let them grow up healthily according to their own disposition.

If you are willing to learn about the DISC personality and behavioral style theory from now on, you will find that your child is growing up healthy and happy according to his own rhythm.


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