
Boys can sleep too well in kindergarten, can sleep until 3 o'clock after school at 4 o'clock, Bao Mom: The tuition fee is a bit of a loss

Text/Little Snow Mom

For many mothers, it is difficult to let the child "nap" a lot, because the child is always in good spirits when you are mentally tired, in order to cultivate the good habit of the child's nap, parents are also worried a lot.

Wait until the child goes to kindergarten, replaced by a teacher to take care of the nap, because with the teacher's strict supervision, the vast majority of children can fall asleep at noon, but when they fall asleep, they are afraid of encountering children who cannot wake up, and the teacher is also helpless.

Boys can sleep too well in kindergarten, can sleep until 3 o'clock after school at 4 o'clock, Bao Mom: The tuition fee is a bit of a loss

Boys can sleep too well in kindergarten and sleep until 3 o'clock after school at 4 o'clock

For many kindergarten teachers, arranging a quiet nap for children is a big problem, because children are more naughty, small actions are more, teachers need to pay attention to it at all times so that they will not find loopholes in children, but few teachers say that because children can sleep too much and have no choice.

A netizen in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, sent a video, after watching it, people cried and laughed, a little boy in the kindergarten can sleep too much, to the lunch break time, other children have not yet laid down, the boy "purr" on the fight, it is simply a second sleep.

Boys can sleep too well in kindergarten, can sleep until 3 o'clock after school at 4 o'clock, Bao Mom: The tuition fee is a bit of a loss

More importantly, the other children have gotten up at the point, the boy is still immersed in his dreams, the teacher shouted and did not wake up, can only call the child's mother and tell the mother about this matter.

The mother also explained that the child is not sleepy in the morning or can go to class normally, that is, after eating and starting to take a nap, the child is more "able to sleep a little". At the same time, the mother also laughed and said that the kindergarten ended at four o'clock, my child could sleep until three o'clock, if it was not the teacher shouting, the child was estimated to be able to continue to sleep, "this tuition fee is a bit of a loss."

Boys can sleep too well in kindergarten, can sleep until 3 o'clock after school at 4 o'clock, Bao Mom: The tuition fee is a bit of a loss

After watching this video, many parents also appeared in the comment area to say that some mothers said that their children are also "super sleepy", two o'clock at noon can sleep until six o'clock in the afternoon, anyway, not in sleep or on the way to sleep; there are also mothers who express envy, their children's nap is a kind of torment, lying ten minutes can turn over more than a dozen times.

Nap do not sleep too long, it is not good for the child later

In fact, the child's nap is a good habit, which is conducive to the child's development of good living habits, but the nap is not suitable for sleeping for too long, otherwise the impact on the child after a long time is not very good.

Boys can sleep too well in kindergarten, can sleep until 3 o'clock after school at 4 o'clock, Bao Mom: The tuition fee is a bit of a loss

Although there will be no impact on the body, but if you sleep too much during the day, the child can not sleep at night, the day and night sleep time is a little upside down, to know that a large part of the child's long body is carried out in the night sleep, so the child can not stay up late, parents should still pay attention to this.

Moreover, now the nap time is so long, once the habit is formed, the child will go to primary school and junior high school in the future, so it is easy to fall asleep in the afternoon and not wake up to class without energy, so it is said that the nap should not sleep too long, and it is appropriate.

Boys can sleep too well in kindergarten, can sleep until 3 o'clock after school at 4 o'clock, Bao Mom: The tuition fee is a bit of a loss

For most babies who don't nap, how do you get them into the habit of napping?

For most children, it is not very fond of napping, but we also know that children's energy is consumed quickly, they do not rest for a while at noon, it is easy to lose energy in the afternoon, and it is easy to disturb others, so how to develop the habit of children's naps?

First, good habits should start with daily cultivation

In fact, usually at home, parents can restrain the child to take a nap at noon, after half an hour after lunch, let the child go to the nap, sleep for more than an hour, let the child watch TV and play games at night, and develop regular sleep habits, so that the child is easy to sleep at the point, and can take a nap at noon, and do not delay the normal sleep at night.

Boys can sleep too well in kindergarten, can sleep until 3 o'clock after school at 4 o'clock, Bao Mom: The tuition fee is a bit of a loss

Second, at home as in kindergarten

Sometimes the child naps in the kindergarten, after coming home, the parents do not care, the child is busy playing and does not sleep, this kind of fixed biological clock once destroyed, it will take several days to adapt to it, so the child at home and in the kindergarten should be the same, to the point to urge the child to sleep for a while, good habits to adhere to.

Third, prepare a child's favorite toy pillow

Boys can sleep too well in kindergarten, can sleep until 3 o'clock after school at 4 o'clock, Bao Mom: The tuition fee is a bit of a loss

Some children have a small habit of sleeping, that is, they must hold their favorite toys or pillows, otherwise the sleep is not steady, parents can prepare an exactly the same pillow for their children in kindergarten, so that children can sleep more quietly.

Interactive Topic: Does your child have a habit of "napping"?

I am Xiaoxue mom, a post-90s mother, pay attention to me, and share scientific parenting knowledge every day!

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