
Truly self-disciplined children are never forced out by their parents!

Truly self-disciplined children are never forced out by their parents!
Truly self-disciplined children are never forced out by their parents!

Do you want to have a self-disciplined child? Persecution alone will only backfire.

Parenting first raises themselves and becomes highly self-disciplined parents, so that children can feel and learn in a subtle way, and slowly cultivate good learning and living habits.

Apple founder Steve Jobs once said, "Where does freedom come from?" It comes from self-confidence, and self-confidence comes from self-discipline. ”

Self-discipline is self-confidence, and self-confidence is freedom.

Self-discipline is the foundation of everything.

The more disciplined a person is, the better he tends to be.

The future I want is to see a sense of security


Self-disciplined children

It's something you can't imagine

For most children, self-discipline is a scarce commodity.

They do things without planning, often going in the twilight, doing whatever they think, and can't have a beginning and an end.

However, the gap between excellent and non-excellent children is precisely self-discipline.

Because self-disciplined children, sooner or later, are excellent.

There is a little boy who grew up abroad and later returned to China with his mother to receive a second-grade education.

On both sides of the Chinese test paper for the entrance test, the little boy did it for an hour and a half, filling in only one blank.

The mother was worried that her son would not be able to keep up, and told her son that he would start reading from the first grade, but the son insisted on reading the second grade.

He made a plan for himself, studying for half an hour a day Chinese, memorizing how many Chinese characters to memorize, learning a few pinyin, and so on.

Sure enough, not long after, he not only caught up, but also surpassed everyone.

Self-disciplined children have a strict concept of time, whether it is to do things or learn never procrastinate, have super self-control, can effectively resist external bad temptations, and insist on doing their own things.

A self-disciplined child, his future is unlimited.

Truly self-disciplined children are never forced out by their parents!


Cultivating self-discipline cannot be achieved by force

Some people say that expecting children to realize themselves is the most powerless education.

Laziness is human nature, and children are no exception.

Self-discipline is not innate, and a self-disciplined child is raised from an early age.

However, when cultivating children's self-discipline, parents must remember not to "force", often the more parents "force", the more the child comes backwards.


1. Control is too strict, causing a rebellious mentality.

Some parents feel that if they want their children to be self-disciplined, they must be strict, whether it is a big thing or a small thing, they must be compared, and they must be on the line.

But in this way, children with strong self-esteem are bound to escape or resist.

Forcing will only stimulate the child's rebellious psychology, which is unfavorable.

2. In a hurry, the child's willpower is overestimated.

The child's ability to control himself is not achieved overnight, and if you want to make the child self-disciplined, you must give him enough time.

But some parents are always in a hurry, and children can't stick to it for a day or two to succeed.

Overestimating a child's willpower is counterproductive.

Truly self-disciplined children are never forced out by their parents!


Behind the self-disciplined child

Parents who both stand by example

Near Zhu is red and close to ink, and self-discipline can be "inherited".

Children are the mirrors of parents, and we want our children to be what kind of people they want to be.

Actor Sun Li is very self-disciplined, insisting on sports, writing calligraphy, painting, etc. in life, striving for excellence in her career, every play, she carefully speculates on the role, and the script alone has accumulated hundreds of books.

Sun Li's self-discipline not only achieved himself, but also deeply affected his children.

Turning over Sun Li's Weibo, we will find:

She picked up pens and painted, and her children also liked to draw; she insisted on practicing yoga for ten years, and her children became sports masters.

Only self-disciplined parents can raise self-disciplined children.

As a parent, don't talk too much truth to your children, but use practical actions to influence them and give them a good example.

As the saying goes: "As a parent, just be a good example, when a mirror is incomparably bright and beautiful, children can naturally find what they should look like." ”

Only when parents lead by example can they educate their children who are self-disciplined.

Truly self-disciplined children are never forced out by their parents!


Teach children to learn self-discipline

Parents need to master these skills

To cultivate children's self-discipline, it is best to be early.

In addition to leading by example, there are also the following skills to be mastered.

1. Establish normative rules

Parents can set clear and unambiguous family rules at home, then follow them, and if the rules are broken, then they have to bear the consequences.

At this time, the child will need to limit his behavior according to the norm and urge himself to make the right decision.

2. Set an example for your child

For example, the star so-and-so that the child likes, behind his success, is how much sweat and bitterness he has paid.

Celebrities are versatile and the result of daily persistence, not innately.

3. Start with your interests

Interest will make a person aware of the temptation to resist play, and will make a person willing to make a plan and execute the plan.

Parents can help their children find things that interest them, stimulate their children's enthusiasm and initiative, and cultivate good self-discipline.

4. Develop good habits

The highest level of self-discipline is natural habits.

Cultivate children's good living habits and learning habits, and let habits become natural.

Self-discipline is the greatest wealth that parents give to their children.

From now on, guide the child in the right way and cultivate the child's self-discipline.

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