
The Ukrainian daughter-in-law who touched the Central Plains married to China 23 years ago, and her husband supported the whole family after his early death

author:Interesting view of the great powers

23 years ago, a young man in Henan married a Ukrainian beauty. After the two were together, they gave birth to 3 mixed-race sons, how did the two live afterwards?

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The Ukrainian daughter-in-law who touched the Central Plains married to China 23 years ago, and her husband supported the whole family after his early death

First, study abroad and meet love

This Henan boy who married a Ukrainian beauty was named Zhao Peng, and was born in an ordinary rural area in Xinxiang, Henan. In 1995, zhao Peng, who was diligent and studious, went to Ukraine to study in order to learn more knowledge.

Coming to a foreign country alone, Zhao Peng suffered a lot, but he was not defeated by these sufferings, and no matter what trouble he encountered, he maintained a positive and optimistic attitude.

Later, Zhao Peng met the young and beautiful Najia. When the two first met, Najia's fair skin and smile were bright, and she looked particularly beautiful and moving, and Zhao Peng was quickly attracted to Najia and began to take the initiative to contact Najia.

After spending some time together, Zhao Peng successfully got Najia's heart. When the two first established a relationship, Nadya's parents were reluctant to accept the relationship.

At that time, China's economy was not yet very developed, and Najia's parents felt that if their daughter married Zhao Peng, she might have to suffer hardships, and she always tried to obstruct it.

Nadya knew that her parents were caring about her, but she didn't give up the relationship because of her parents' obstruction. She constantly told her parents about Zhao Peng's advantages and worked hard to win their understanding and support.

In the end, Nadya broke through many obstacles and followed Zhao Peng to China. The two returned to China together in 1998, and zhao peng's hometown rarely showed up with foreigners.

The Ukrainian daughter-in-law who touched the Central Plains married to China 23 years ago, and her husband supported the whole family after his early death

Therefore, the news that he had returned home with his foreign daughter-in-law soon attracted the attention of the villagers. Because of the continuous fermentation of public opinion, the transnational marriage of Zhao Peng and Najia has also attracted the attention of the local media and has been reported by many newspapers and magazines.

However, the people in the village are not optimistic about the transnational feelings of the two people, because the difference between the two people is too obvious, one is a white beauty from abroad, and the other is a poor boy who is backward in the countryside, which looks very unworthy.

People in the village subconsciously felt that Najia followed Zhao Peng to live in the countryside, which may be just a momentary impulse.

Zhao Peng is very clear that Najia followed him to live in the countryside, made a great determination, he is not willing to live up to this precious friendship, has been trying to find ways to earn money, as far as possible to provide Najia with a good living environment.

Because the rural economy was not very developed, Zhao Peng worked hard for a long time and did not make any money. Seeing that his family was becoming more and more tight, Zhao Peng's heart became heavier and heavier.

During this period, Najia suffered a lot with him, but she did not regret her previous choice and has been silently accompanying Zhao Peng.

Najia's understanding and support made Zhao Peng particularly moved. Zhao Peng once again made up his mind that he must make a name for himself.

The Ukrainian daughter-in-law who touched the Central Plains married to China 23 years ago, and her husband supported the whole family after his early death

Second, work hard for many years, and achieve fame

In 1999, Zhao Peng took Nadya out of the countryside and went to Ukraine. Zhao Peng took Najia abroad this time, with two goals.

First, let Nadya reunite with her biological parents for a few days. Second, see if you can do some business in Ukraine and make some money.

Before Zhao Peng went abroad, he bought a lot of small commodities in China. After arriving in Ukraine, because there was no storefront, I had to go to the side of the road to set up stalls.

At the beginning, Zhao Peng spent a long time because he did not know how to sell his own small goods, and did not sell much.

Father-in-law and mother-in-law saw that Zhao Peng was so embarrassed, and couldn't help but nag a few words, Najia was very angry when she heard her parents' words, and has been maintaining Zhao Peng's face.

In order to impress his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and to fulfill his promises, Zhao Peng carefully studied various business skills and learned a lot of words to sell products.

After working hard for a period of time, Zhao Peng successfully opened the market, attracted a group of customers by relying on small commodities, and became friends with them.

After working hard for a period of time, Zhao Peng's small commodity sales business gradually gained a certain scale and made a lot of money.

The Ukrainian daughter-in-law who touched the Central Plains married to China 23 years ago, and her husband supported the whole family after his early death

With this achievement, Zhao Peng improved the impression of his father-in-law and mother-in-law on himself, and also bought some intimate small gifts for Nadya.

On the surface, Zhao Peng's career seems to have entered the right track, but he is very clear that setting up a stall to do small business is only a temporary measure after all, and if you want to really change your life, you must look for better opportunities.

Therefore, Zhao Peng has been looking around for news, hoping to get better job opportunities. Zhao Peng later met a friend, and with the help of a friend, entered a Ukrainian enterprise and became the commercial representative of the unit.

At that time, Zhao Peng's main job was to help Ukrainian enterprises and Chinese enterprises to exchange and negotiate, and promote trade cooperation between the two sides.

Because he was familiar with the situation of the two countries, Zhao Peng was in charge of this work and quickly promoted many large projects. Not only did he get a lot of bonuses, but he also got the appreciation and promotion of the business owner.

After several years of continuous struggle, Zhao Peng became an executive of the company and had a good salary. It was also during this period that Zhao Peng and Najia gave birth to a son. This is the crystallization of the love between the two, and his birth has made this small family a little more energetic.

When the eldest son was born, Zhao Peng's work was very busy, and he could not leave Ukraine in a short period of time, and helplessly let the eldest son join the Ukrainian nationality. However, Zhao Peng's heart has always been worried about the motherland and his relatives in his hometown, and he always wants to find an opportunity to come back.

The Ukrainian daughter-in-law who touched the Central Plains married to China 23 years ago, and her husband supported the whole family after his early death

In 2001, Zhao Peng, who had accumulated enough connections, took advantage of the great wave of China's foreign trade development, left the original Ukrainian company, registered a trading company in the Ningbo area of Zhejiang Province, and began to start a business.

Because of years of hard work, Zhao Peng's ability has been significantly improved. Relying on the connections he had accumulated, the trading company he founded soon received many business orders and made a lot of money.

His wife, Nadya, is inconvenient to move around because she needs to take care of her young children and stays in Ukraine for a long time.

Every time Zhao Peng returns to Ukraine, he will bring Nadia a lot of exquisite gifts, and will also stay as many days as possible to enjoy a happy family life with his wife and children.

In 2002, Nadya gave birth to a lively and lovely son. The child's condition was similar to that of the eldest son, so he also became a Ukrainian citizen.

The birth of the second son brought a lot of joy to Zhao Peng and Na jia. In addition to the joy, Zhao Peng worked harder.

After two years of struggle, his annual income reached tens of millions, he owned his own car and house, fulfilled the promise of his youth, and let his wife live a happy and happy life.

In 2006, Najia bore another son for Zhao Peng. The business partners knew that Zhao Peng was happy to have a noble son, and they sent blessings one after another. Unfortunately, this life did not last long.

The Ukrainian daughter-in-law who touched the Central Plains married to China 23 years ago, and her husband supported the whole family after his early death

Third, he died young, and the orphans and widows had a difficult life

Because of doing business, Zhao Peng has been running around all year round, eating and drinking all day, sleeping time is extremely irregular, often black and white upside down, this state of life is very bad, seriously overdrawing his body.

Nadya was very distressed to see that his physical condition was getting worse and worse, and bitterly persuaded him to go to the hospital for examination, and the result was very unfortunate.

The doctor told Zhao Peng that he had suffered from liver cancer because of his long-term bad living habits, and he had also developed to an advanced stage.

After learning this bad news, Najia almost collapsed, and Zhao Peng's heart was also very uncomfortable, he really did not expect that he had worked hard for so many years, just lived a few good days, and fell to this point.

The 3 children are still so young, what should Nadya do if he goes west? What should the children do? What should the elderly in the family do?

The more Zhao Peng thought about it, the more panicked he became, in order to control the disease, Zhao Peng, accompanied by Najia, went to many hospitals and spent a lot of money, but the result was still not defeated. In November 2007, Zhao Peng died of liver disease at the age of 31.

The Ukrainian daughter-in-law who touched the Central Plains married to China 23 years ago, and her husband supported the whole family after his early death

Zhao Peng is the pillar of the family, and his departure to the west is almost like the sky falling for Najia and her 3 children.

Zhao Peng's parents learned of this nightmare and almost had a nervous breakdown. But at this point, no one can change it, no matter how uncomfortable it is in their hearts, they have to accept this result.

Before Zhao Peng's death, in order to treat the disease, he spent almost all his savings, leaving only a nearly empty shell company.

Although Nadya knows the general process of the company's operation, it is difficult to balance the company and the family. In front of career and family, Nadya chose family.

She sold the company left by Zhao Peng to others in exchange for some money. This money became the only living guarantee for Nadya and her three children, and it was the basis for their survival.

Nadya knows that life is not easy, and if she keeps eating the old money, she will soon spend all her money. Therefore, she endured the grief in her heart and found a job as a freelance translator. The income is not very much, and the biggest benefit is that she is relatively free and does not delay her in taking care of the children.

Because she needs to take care of 3 children, Nadya has a very full schedule, often tired and sore back, and sometimes can't even sleep.

The Ukrainian daughter-in-law who touched the Central Plains married to China 23 years ago, and her husband supported the whole family after his early death

Fourth, dedicated to serving the in-laws, the Ukrainian daughter-in-law as desired to become a Chinese national

Nadia's parents, after learning about Zhao Peng's death, were also very sad, and they could not bear to let Nadya suffer alone, often advising her to take her child back to Ukraine.

Nadya's original family, the financial situation is relatively good, she and her 3 sons are Ukrainian nationality. If you return to Ukraine, you can still get some special care, and the pressure of life will be much less.

Zhao Peng's parents, after knowing what Najia's parents thought, were very scared. Their son is gone, and if the daughter-in-law takes all 3 grandchildren away, who knows when they will have a chance to meet again. If that were the case, they would have lost the rest of their lives.

But if they insisted on keeping Nadya and the 3 children, they couldn't help much. They are very old, perennially ill, often take medicine for treatment, even if they have the heart to help Nadya, they are more than enough and insufficient.

Because of too much despair, Zhao Peng's old mother even found a nunnery, and if Najia left with her children, she would spend the rest of her life by eating and chanting.

The Ukrainian daughter-in-law who touched the Central Plains married to China 23 years ago, and her husband supported the whole family after his early death

Nadya also knows that if she returns to Ukraine, she and her 3 children will be able to relax a lot. However, she finally chose to stay and provide for her husband's elderly father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Nadya's choice touched her father-in-law and mother-in-law. After the people in the village heard about Najia, they were particularly surprised and couldn't help but sigh that Zhao Peng had married a good daughter-in-law.

The in-laws know that it is not easy for Nadya to take the child alone, and she has sincerely told her that whether it is to remarry or stay at home, we will treat you as a daughter, and the property in the family will be yours in the future.

Nadya knew that her in-laws cared for her, but she did not take a penny, did not remarry, and always took care of the children at home and served her in-laws with all her heart.

The Ukrainian daughter-in-law who touched the Central Plains married to China 23 years ago, and her husband supported the whole family after his early death

Sometimes even if the in-laws want to reach out to help, Nadya will refuse. The reason given by Nadya is that it is not easy for her in-laws to work hard all their lives, it is time to rest, she is still young and can do more.

Because of her husband's untimely death, the Ukrainian daughter-in-law, who married to China 23 years ago, supported the whole family with her weak shoulders. No matter how hard and tired life is, she has never complained to her in-laws and has always behaved very sunny.

In order to earn money to support her family, in addition to translation, Nadya has done a lot of part-time work, such as delivery, part-time work, etc., as long as she can earn money, she is willing to do.

Because of Nadya's meticulous care, 3 young children grew up healthily. The children are particularly sensible and particularly likable.

Accompanied by Nadya and 3 children, Zhao Peng's parents once again felt the warmth of the family and had good expectations for their future life.

The Ukrainian daughter-in-law who touched the Central Plains married to China 23 years ago, and her husband supported the whole family after his early death

Nadya also touched the compatriots in the Central Plains because she insisted on staying in China to take care of her in-laws, and won the honorary title of "The Most Beautiful Xinxiang People".

Nadya and her 3 children, who had always been Ukrainian nationals before, were somewhat inconvenient to live in the country.

After the relevant departments learned of Najia's situation, they specially helped her and her 3 children go through the formalities and let them join the Chinese nationality as they wished.

At the moment of smoothly changing the nationality information, Naja couldn't help but cry. In a trance, she felt that the distance between herself and her husband seemed to be a few points closer.

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