
The ruins of the Black Water Country have no representative cultural relics, and the culture here has been broken, why did the ancients disappear

In the vast land of China, many dazzling kingdoms were born, but also many very mysterious and very small kingdoms, the Black Water Country is the representative of the latter, once existed an "ancient country", but now there is no representative cultural relics, what is going on? Let me reveal the secrets to you.

The ruins of the Black Water Country have no representative cultural relics, and the culture here has been broken, why did the ancients disappear

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The ruins of the Black Water Country have no representative cultural relics, and the culture here has been broken, why did the ancients disappear

How can a city have a country? To explain this problem, we have to start with a river, originating from the Qilian Mountains of the Heihe, its length is second only to the Tarim River, is the second largest inland river in the mainland, because the flood will be wrapped in rolling black sand, so named, the Heihe River water is very sufficient, which provides a stable source of water for the nomadic people in the ancient northwest, there are people, and gradually here a small country - black water country.

However, this name only remained in the mouth of the people, the people passed down from generation to generation, this name has also been passed down to this day, but we read the ancient books that record the early history of the northwest region, and we can't find the record of the Black Water Country, until the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Gu Yanwu recorded in the "Book of The Diseases of the Tianxia County": "The Black Water Country is the ancient city of Zhangye County."

The ruins of the Black Water Country have no representative cultural relics, and the culture here has been broken, why did the ancients disappear

In order to unveil the mystery of the ancient city of Heishui, archaeologists from the mainland formed a group and went to the ruins of Zhangye Heishuiguo for excavation many times, as of now, the outline of the ruins of the ancient city of Heishui has been very clear, which is mainly divided into two cities in the north and south, the distance is about 3 kilometers, and the two cities in the north and south are similar in size. All of them are about 58,000 square meters, and experts naturally attach great importance to these ancient city sites, and have repeatedly surveyed their soil quality, and the conclusions reached are somewhat disappointing, most of them were built for the Ming Dynasty, this age is too late, and it is of little help to the study of the Black Water Country.

However, the experts did not give up lightly, and they conducted a meticulous study of the two sites, found dozens of suspected cultural relics gathering places, and then excavated them in batches and groups. After several years of hard work, about 100 precious cultural relics were finally unearthed at the ancient site of the Black Water Country, covering a wide range of categories, including but not limited to copper mirrors, copper crossbow machines, wooden swords, wooden combs and a large number of pottery, which was an exciting good news, but the experts were not happy, because after the isotope tracking of these cultural relics, they found that these cultural relics were all Central Plains cultural relics born in the Han and Tang Dynasties, which has little reference value for the study of the history of the Black Water Country.

The ruins of the Black Water Country have no representative cultural relics, and the culture here has been broken, why did the ancients disappear
The ruins of the Black Water Country have no representative cultural relics, and the culture here has been broken, why did the ancients disappear

After liberation, an archaeologist surnamed Yu made a special trip to Zhangye, who wrote what he saw and thought in a poem, which said: "The ancient site on the bank of the West Heishui River in Ganzhou, covering an area of more than ten miles, the natives called the Black Water Country, and the diggers found that there were many stoves in the Central Plains, and the tibia of the remains were long." Yu picked up the big bricks, and found the grass numbers, so he composed a poem: "The sand and grass are lost on the edge of the black water, and the history of the founding of the He King is not passed on?" The Central Plains stove has long human bones, and the Daji inscription grass is brick. "Is the mysterious long human bone the bone of the BlackWater nation?" Where is it now? These are still unknown.

Several huge ruptures in regional civilization, resulting in the Blackwater Country did not form its own culture, naturally there is no unique cultural relics representing itself, in the center of the oasis appeared a desert raging Blackwater Country monument, which is history mocking human beings, unreasonable development and utilization, coupled with absurd war and greedy desire, the Blackwater Country's cultural relics are gone, the Blackwater Country has disappeared, and the Blackwater City has become a tragedy of cultural relics and archaeology.

Wenlan Hairun Studio Editor-in-Chief Wen Xiucai, this article is written by: Special History Writer: Jin Xiaozhou

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