
The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

author:Xu Xiake

In cold Russia, mother bears with two puppies, Big Bear II, try to swim across a half-frozen lake, but things don't go as they originally planned...

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

1. Love and loss

It's a story about loss and about hope. It tells the story of a family of loving human friends who are forced to separate before receiving some unexpected help.

Desperately, powerlessly, and powerlessly, a mother bear was forced to abandon her two cubs in a frozen lake, perhaps never to see them again.

Suddenly, the fishermen appeared and risked their lives to run to the rescue, but did they arrive in time?

2. Frozen lake

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

The story takes place in an icy lake in northwestern Russia, where temperatures often drop to minus 20 degrees. The lake is called Vigo Zero Lake, which is not a popular place, where people are rarely seen.

The lake is too big and too cold for humans and animals to swim safely in in the winter. It's almost impossible for you to live from side to side. It's definitely not a great place for two bears to get stuck...

3. No one knows why Mother Bear jumped into the lake with her two cubs?

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

It's unclear why, but Mother Bear brought her cubs to the water's edge. Looking for food? Looking for a place to hibernate? Hunted down by predators? No one could be sure why she was doing it.

For some reason, mother bears took two cubs and decided to jump into the water. This began an adventure that put not only her own life, but also the lives of her two cubs in danger.

4. A dangerous choice

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

Soon after, Mother Bear discovered that jumping into the water was a huge mistake. The two cubs suckled with all their strength, trying to avoid the current and the cold water, and they grabbed their mother's back with all their might.

When they reached the middle of the lake, it was clear that the cubs could not hold on. In the middle of the lake, they were separated by the rapids and the mother bear, and were getting farther and farther away from her.

5. A terrible and desperate situation has emerged

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

At this point, panic begins to occur, and mother bears are usually very protective. They will do their best to protect the cubs, but in this case, the mother bear cannot do anything about it.

As her children grew farther and farther away, she made the heartbreaking decision to leave the two and continue swimming on her own to the other shore.

6. Powerful and dangerous rapids

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

The lake was too turbulent for the mother. Although she wanted to stay with the cubs, the current was too fast for her to go back. She wasn't even sure if she would be able to swim to the other side of the lake alive.

Desperate to take all she had left, Mother Bear managed to crawl out of the cold lake and try to get to a dry place. When it put its paws on land and looked around, it was already frozen half to death, but its two cubs were gone.

7. The helplessness and loneliness of the bear

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

The two cubs were still hopelessly trying to struggle in the icy water, and they didn't know where the mother bear was or how they could crawl out of the water.

Their chances of escaping danger are slim, the bear cubs already have a hard time staying warm, and they have much less experience swimming. For them, it's only a matter of time before the icy waters of the lake engulf them...

8. The life-threatening situation of the two cubs continues to deteriorate!

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

Time did not wait for the bear children, and when the icy waters of the lake slowly began to freeze their claws, they became more panicked. Try to imagine how scared you would be if it were you.

They may not be human, but that doesn't make things any better. Trapped in the icy water, floating up and down, looking for their mother, the lake is cold!

And the mother bear was on the shore in the distance, wailing powerlessly!

9. The dawn at the dark end of the tunnel

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

The fluttering bears looked around helplessly, where was their mother? Is there any place where they can swim safely? Just as they began to lose all hope, something of hope appeared on the horizon.

Two fishermen in fishing boots saw the bears, and at first they didn't know what was happening to the bears, until they realized that the bears were not around with their mother bears, and the fishermen realized that they had to act quickly to save the two bears whose lives were in danger.

10. The bear children are already exhausted

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

As the boat approached the bears, they realized that time was running out and that the bears were already having a hard time sticking their heads out of the water. The fishermen must come up with a solution as soon as possible to get them out of the water.

The fishermen needed to do something as quickly as possible, and they quickly decided to rescue the bear children from the cold waters of the lake.

11. The mother bear in the distance watches anxiously

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

The mother of the bears, exhausted on one side of the lake, watched the boat sail toward her cubs. She was considering jumping back into the water to protect her cubs from fishermen. It freaked out, those two fishermen who were unsure if they were safe.

The fishermen first made sure that the mother bear would not come close, and such a large bear could easily subdue the two men. Only when they are sure that the mother bear will be far away can the fishermen help the bear children.

12. A plan has been made to rescue the puppy bear

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

Fishermen must find a way to rescue the bear from the water. What's the best way to do this? Most importantly: What is the safest way?

Although they are small, they are still wild animals. Once the fishermen are close enough to the cubs, anything can happen. The fishermen's rescue work must first ensure their own safety.

13. Precious video recordings

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

One of the fishermen happened to be carrying a camera. They wanted to record this incredible adventure, so when the others prepared the material, he began to videotape.

The idea is truly remarkable because it presents an incredible story. He filmed the moment they parked their boat next to the cubs in the water, and immediately, a cub tried to climb out of the water.

14. The timely helping hands of fishermen

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

It soon became clear that these bears could not board the boat on their own. The long trek in the icy waters of the lake had exhausted all their energy, and no matter how hard they tried, they just couldn't get on the boat.

Thankfully, the fishermen immediately took action. Using their fishing tools, they were trying to get the bear cubs into the boat.

15. Correct ideas and rescue methods

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

Getting Big Bear II on board is a daunting task — not something that a casual passerby can do simply, but a task for an experienced fisherman.

However, this does not mean that fishermen are safe. If the man tried to pull the bear to the boat, the bear might still attack him. They have to be very careful...

16. Does this work?

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

The plan seemed to work at first, but the fishermen still didn't dare to pick up the bears — fearing they would bite. So they let the bears bite the side of the ship so they could get up on their own.

But no matter how many times he tried, Big Bear II couldn't get on board. In the end, it seemed as if there was only one thing that could be done: the fisherman decided to take the risk of picking up the cub with his own hands.

17. The rescuer puts himself in danger

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

Not only is the fisherman in danger of being bitten by a bear, but if he leans forward too hard, he risks falling into the water. Falling into the water with two panicked bears certainly meant the end of the rescuer's life.

They can only hope that Big Bear II can cooperate with them in the rescue work. If not, their rescue operations would not have had a good outcome.

18. In this moment, the rescuers and the bears have a sharp heart

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

What happened next was unbelievable: the rescued man and Xiong Er did not say a word, and they knew how to help each other out of the predicament. The fishermen and bears seem to fully understand each other's needs.

It seems that the rescued warriors only need to extend their arms. They were about to start this dangerous plan when they suddenly came up with a better idea.

19. A brilliant solution

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

In hindsight, it sounds easy, but at that moment, with adrenaline rushing through your veins, it's much harder to come up with a solid plan.

One of them grabbed a large fishing net pocket with a handle, large enough to fit the bear in and fish it out of the water. Usually they are only used to catch big fish, but can it accommodate a bear cub?

20. Will this approach work?

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

The two warriors were worried about their net pockets and couldn't afford something so heavy. However, they have no better choice. If it is a matter of life and death, even if the fishing net is broken, it is worth it.

They started with the smaller Bear Ii, who was exhausted from fluttering in the ice water and couldn't hold out in the water for long. With little time left, they threw the net pocket into the water behind The Bear II and held it in their pockets.

21. Oh my God, this bear is too heavy

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

Once The bear falls into the net, it is not very safe. The fishermen must make sure they don't hurt The Bear when they take it on board.

Most importantly, they also had to make sure that Bear II wouldn't attack them. Although their intentions are good, the bears will still panic. If the bear children panic and attack the fishermen, it will mean a catastrophic end to their plans.

22. How do you keep both wild bear cubs on board calm?

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

The fishermen have quite a few questions. It's crazy to be on a boat with a bear, but what about two bears in one boat?

But, on the other hand, watching two bear cubs freeze to death in the icy waters of a lake is also a terrible and inhuman thing.

The two warriors decided to take the risk. Now they have to find a way for the bear kids to calm down after getting on the boat.

23. Rescuing a bear on board is a terrible and dangerous chore

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

As soon as they implemented the plan to rescue Bear Ii, they realized how heavy a bear was. With all their might, they tried to get Xiong Er to the boat. They should be thankful that these bear cubs are still young.

Did you know that the average adult bear weighs about 590 kilograms? If it is to rescue the bear, no fisherman can handle this matter, and the fishing net must not be held.

24. Come on, keep up the good work!

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

Thankfully, the fishermen were accustomed to hard work and bad weather conditions, but that didn't make it any less difficult to get The Bear on board. They must work hard mentally and physically to get Kumaji on board.

After a long and arduous battle, they finally got Xiong Er on board. It took them a lot of time, but they were one step closer to their goal.

25. Welcome to the successful rescue of the first bear bear on board

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

The successful rescue of the first Cub Ii is not a reason to celebrate. They also have a cub cub that they want to rescue from the water. Their time was running out, and the bear had sunk into the water several times, and it had used up all its energy just to float on the surface.

Most importantly, the boat had drifted, and they had to readjust the direction and position of the boat and turn to bear big to save it.

26. A second rescue full of hope

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

This time, the Warriors were more confident. A bear is already on board, so another one shouldn't be a problem. They know it's still difficult, but they're ready.

Thankfully, the second one seems easier. They used the same method to get the bear on board, just as they did with its brother Bear II. This time it went much smoother.

27. The two brothers, Kuma dai and Kuma, are finally reunited

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

This consumed almost all of the fishermen's energy, but they finally got both cubs into the boat. Exhausted, they watched the results of their actions.

Kuma and Kumaji gasped for breath and stared at the fishermen. At the same time, the fishermen began to think, "What should we do with these bears?"

28. The warriors can finally take a break

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

After celebrating the success, the two took a moment to consider the next step: get Big Bear TWO and get back on land.

Although they were all exhausted, there wasn't much time to rest. The danger of bears attacking humans remains immediate.

29. Still in a state of confusion, I have just boarded the ship to bear yamato and bear two

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

The bears were still exhausted, curled up in a corner of the boat shivering, but how long would it take them to regain their energy and cause trouble? The bear children were confused, in a new environment—in a state of panic—and they could still cause some damage.

It is also quite possible that this is the first time they have interacted with humans. Most importantly, the bear children miss their mothers, who will protect them from humans.

30. The fishermen have developed an affair with two bear children and want to adopt Big Bear II

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

It's time for the fishermen to make a choice. They feel close to the bear cubs and think it might be a good idea to adopt them, but is that wise?

They also knew that the cub's mother was nearby, waiting for her cub. Although fishermen feel a strong connection to their cubs, they know it's best to bring them back to their mothers.

31. Where did Mother Bear go?

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

There was another problem: at that moment, they lost sight of Mother Bear. They weren't sure where she went. Where the hell is she?

They turned to land by the lake, looking for the last place to see the mother bear. After a long time, one of them thought he had seen a rock where the bear had come ashore, so they drove the boat toward the shore of the lake.

32. A plan of adventure

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

These people knew this was the most dangerous time in their plans. After they docked the boat, they carefully got the two brothers, Xiong Da and Xiong Er, out. However, the mother bear has not yet been seen.

Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge animal came running toward the boat. It was a mother bear, looking for her cubs. The fishermen hurried back to the boat and hid. Their intentions to rescue Bear II are good, but can the mother of the bear child know and understand?

33. Mother Bear looks at the distant savior with gratitude in her eyes

The fishermen venture to save two bear children, Big Bear II, and the mother bear's actions surprise everyone

They turned their backs on the bear and ran back to the boat. As they tried to start the ship's engine, they heard the mother bear's footsteps as if they were getting closer. As they sailed off the shores of the lake, their hearts pounded. That's when they turned around.

They were there: three bears, and together they gazed at the ship and two warriors who rescued the bear children. The mother bear, standing by the lake, looked at the two warriors who rescued her child from a distance, whimpering and howling, and her eyes and voice were full of gratitude!

The mother bear stood high on the shore, her two cubs snuggled up next to her. For the fishermen, it became clear that after the cruel lesson of this death-and-death farewell, the mother bear would never again leave Kuma Yama and Kumaji alone.

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