
"School Bullying Incident" Although the bully is hateful, they hope that we can lead by example

author:Brilliant shadow talk

"Young You" is a film based on Jiu Yuexi's novel, which tells the story of how two teenagers who were changed by a campus accident on the eve of the college entrance examination guarded each other and became the adults they wanted to become.

Chen Nian (Zhou Dongyu) is a high school senior who is about to take the college entrance examination, and the suicide of the same school girl Hu Xiaodi (Zhang Yifan) has put her life in a difficult situation. After Hu Xiaodi's death, Chen Nian is bullied by a trio led by Wei Lai (Zhou Ye), who, although on the surface appears to be a well-behaved superior student, is actually vicious in his heart, and Hu Xiaodi's death is inextricably linked to her.

  By chance, Chen Nian meets a small named Xiao Bei (Yi Qianxi), and over time, sincere feelings develop between the two of them. Xiao Bei promised Chen Nian to secretly protect her from Wei Lai's bullying, but this decision triggered a chain reaction. The police officer in charge of investigating Hu Xiaodi's death, Zheng Yi (Yin Fang), is vaguely aware of the strange atmosphere on the campus, but his investigation has been repeatedly obstructed by the school authorities.

The film begins with a fall from the building, followed by a beating, nude photos, and unused mice, one move is more brutal than the other.

"School Bullying Incident" Although the bully is hateful, they hope that we can lead by example

Classmates jumped off the building, everyone was watching, and only one person bravely stood up.

This is a very rare thing, when we were students, we were all timid as rats, not to mention the big thing of jumping off the building, and our heads were blank, let alone stand up. The director dares to shoot and face reality; the actor will act, and the slightest is in the slightest; the review is passed and officially released. Trinity, one is indispensable.

"Young You" is not a "positive energy film", but it makes people more intuitively see the evil of school bullying and see the overwhelmed weight of life. It left every viewer pondering: How did I get here? What do I do in the future?

It also gives a clear attitude: dealing with campus bullying, hiding is always not the way, facing the darkness in order to embrace the sun.

The familiar campus scenes when watching the film seem to return my youth to my student days. Every day in the face of a lot of academics, such as mountains of examination papers, parents and teachers scolding, living depressed, which is the learning atmosphere that contemporary students should have? The director and screenwriter completely realistically represent the current situation of contemporary students, so that watching the film I feel "Oh my God, it's so real, there is a picture!" "Isn't this my student days?"

However, this is not a beautiful student era, the protagonist Chen Nian's classmate Hu Xiaodi was alienated by his classmates, ridiculed, humiliated, cold violence, punches and kicks. Hu Xiaodi, who could not bear all this, finally chose to jump off the building, only to have the opening scene of the film, of course, after Hu Xiaodi's death, the bullies did not give up, and Chen Nian became their next target.

"School Bullying Incident" Although the bully is hateful, they hope that we can lead by example

For the victims, it is a campus memory that should be a beautiful youth, but it has left an indelible psychological shadow in their hearts.

Bullying is what we are accustomed to in life, and some people have "played" the role of bully to a greater or lesser extent, consciously or unconsciously. Perhaps the indifference and indifference of the onlookers in my opinion are not "another kind" of bullying.

Every time the bullying will bring the bully a habitual next time, I think it is not a big deal. Vent the grievances or dissatisfaction you have received on the victims, attracting more bullies. Those who are young and ignorant, those who do not want to hurt the victim, have to join the ranks of bullying in order to behave "gregariously".

"School Bullying Incident" Although the bully is hateful, they hope that we can lead by example

It is precisely because of this "environment" that these innocent and kind children, which we often say, slowly become "twisted" in their hearts.

School bullying, it seems, is the fault of bullying students, and our accusations are directly aimed at these children. But in order to prevent the occurrence of "school bullying incidents", adults also have to take due responsibility. Direct violence, bullying, and bullying by minors should be curbed in the cradle in a timely manner.

The real danger is the tacit contempt, indifference, and cold-eyed observation of everyone.

The real incident of Xiao Hao was bullied, suffered from depression, and committed suicide many times.

He wanted to ask for help, hoping for justice.

However, what was waiting for me was the perfunctory work of the school, and I wanted to make big things small and small things.


Delete videos, close group chats, and have abusers punish daily codes of conduct and write written reviews of things.

For Xiao Hao, on the grounds of "psychological problems", he was asked to take a leave of absence to transfer schools.

It is said that "they are all children", "don't break the net", "the police station will not care".

"School Bullying Incident" Although the bully is hateful, they hope that we can lead by example


Follow the rules and inducements, with all kinds of "good for you" rhetoric.

Tell your child to leave it at that.

What a ridiculous solution, does that really solve the problem?

Can this really eliminate the shadow of the victim's psychology?

Can this prevent school bullying from happening at all?

Is this really the best solution for children?

In my opinion, both teachers and parents must pay attention to the education of children, whether it is learning or all aspects, it is necessary to be good at both character and learning, and it is far from enough to study well.

The neglect, indulgence, and forbearance of campus bullying have become the last straw to crush the victims.

The class teacher in "Young You" is the representative of the classic.

He appeared three times, and each time he spoke it felt like he was perfunctory.

"What do you know, be sure to tell the truth, now the Municipal Education Bureau attaches great importance to campus safety, teachers and schools will protect you well." Don't be afraid.

The relationship between classmates must be handled well, but if someone really bullies you, be sure to tell me.

You do it right, you have to believe that you are doing it right, I am also responsible for this, there will always be shadows on the road, but you can always see the sunshine when you look up. ”

It is very decent that there is no problem with the words, but every time he speaks, the close-up shot given to Chen Nian in the film is expressionless.

"School Bullying Incident" Although the bully is hateful, they hope that we can lead by example

Ironically, everything he said seemed to Chen Nian to be like a wind in his ears, as if he had said the same thing before Hu Xiaodi died.

Digging deeper, some people in the class jumped off the building, some people were bullied, and as a class teacher, did he really not know anything?

The indifference of all people has jointly built a thick protective wall for school bullying.

Don't chisel it.

No amount of anger and curse is in vain.

Turning a blind eye to everyone will not eliminate the impact of bullying on campus.

Bullies often don't feel like they're at fault.

In recent years, violence, bullying, and bullying have not only appeared in the workplace or society, but have also slowly become younger. What is the reason for the endless occurrence of school violence, school bullying, and bullying? The campus should be a beautiful and desirable youth.

"School Bullying Incident" Although the bully is hateful, they hope that we can lead by example

On March 15, 2021, the news reported a school violence incident in which a 16-year-old boy was bullied by his classmates for several years from junior high school to high school, including physical injury, verbal insults, and even suspected sexual assault!

After a long period of bullying, Xiao Hao suffered from depression, appeared inferior, self-harmed behavior, and even tried to commit suicide.

"School Bullying Incident" Although the bully is hateful, they hope that we can lead by example

I've heard a lot of sayings before, such as the teacher saying: How is it possible? It should just be a prank between classmates, otherwise how can it be possible to bully him alone and not other students? Such a young child should not do such a thing.

But is the truth really as the teacher said? The cruelest thing is that when you want to ask someone for help, the onlookers are indifferent.

Bullies are abhorrent, but we need to see who is cultivating and protecting the atmosphere behind them.

Although human nature is not perfect, we do not need to force it.

But the evil of indulging and wanton human nature is the greatest evil.

In recent years, due to the frequent occurrence of school bullying incidents, more and more people have paid attention to it, and the movies of school bullying have also been displayed in front of the audience.

People who feel empathy will say that it is a more terrifying movie experience than a horror movie, and the familiar scene seems to be just yesterday, vividly remembered.

Thinking that it represents the majority of the people, represents the collective punishment of the unsociable.

I hope that we can lead by example and cultivate a good atmosphere among contemporary teenagers.

Refuse to bully on campus and refuse to look at it coldly.

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