
After the breakup, my ex-boyfriend reported the case and asked me for 8 cents a dumpling money

New year, new weather, new year new discovery.

When I was surfing the internet recently, I laughed at the news that was true.

After the breakup, my ex-boyfriend reported the case and asked me for 8 cents a dumpling money

After a couple broke up, her former boyfriend went to the police station to report the crime, claiming to get back the cost of the two people's love.

There are zeros and wholes, a total of 3422 yuan.

It also includes dumplings given to his girlfriend during love, dumplings are wrapped by the mother, according to the market price, the man's charge is 8 cents.

After the breakup, my ex-boyfriend reported the case and asked me for 8 cents a dumpling money

?? Pounds of dumplings!

Soon, this news is hot search, asking for a breakup fee is not surprising, but even dumpling money can be calculated clearly men are really not common. What a surprise!

After the breakup, my ex-boyfriend reported the case and asked me for 8 cents a dumpling money

"You eat dumplings, thinking in his eyes it's 'this little pig, eating a lot of flavor~', but in fact he is calmly counting '-0.8, -0.8, -0.8..."

Internet lack of morality Netizens complained: beware of the love trap in the name of selling dumplings.

Later, the parties to the incident also posted the liquidation record between the two on Weibo.

Only then did I find that not only the actuarial 8-hair dumplings, but also this "lower head man" had other confusing behaviors.

1. Not long after the relationship with the family quarrel, "there is no hundred pieces on the body" to sell misery, the girl is soft and let the boy borrow his own home, which clearly proposes not to live together before marriage to urge him to move away as soon as possible.

I thought that boys would find a house with interest, but I didn't expect that this would be nearly 1 month.

After the breakup, my ex-boyfriend reported the case and asked me for 8 cents a dumpling money

2. During the borrowing period, every day on the Internet, play mahjong, the boy himself brought the dog is also taken care of by the girl and the friends who live with him.

3. During the relationship, the boy gave the girl a cat, and after the breakup was due to the disagreement over the ownership of the cat, the girl offered to "return the money to buy the cat to you", and the boy said no.

After the breakup, the boy actually called the police to say that he wanted to take the cat away together, and the final result was that the settlement of the breakup fee included the money to buy the cat, and the girl continued to feed the cat.

After the breakup, my ex-boyfriend reported the case and asked me for 8 cents a dumpling money

4. Use the company business license to take out a loan and be fired but say to a friend that the work is too tired so quit.

After the breakup, my ex-boyfriend reported the case and asked me for 8 cents a dumpling money

Later, this "dumpling eight-haired man" also sent a clarification essay on Douyin, and I will give you a summary of the key points of his clarification:

*The money to buy a cat was purchased on a loan shark

* The original intention was not to liquidate other expenses other than opening the cat, because I saw that the girl brought other strange men to be angry, but there was a full settlement of the breakup fee during the love period, including dumplings.

* Regarding the girl's mention of playing mahjong to ask for money, he also spent money on the girl during the relationship, and what the girl said was purely "deceptive".

After the breakup, my ex-boyfriend reported the case and asked me for 8 cents a dumpling money

Other than that, this clarification statement does not make sense + the sentence is not clear, and the readability is really low. Nor did it post substantial evidence to prove its "innocence."

In addition to the 2800 yuan of buying a cat, there are only 622 yuan left, which also includes 58 yuan of handmade dumpling money. (This money should also be his mother's eh, and the boy is at best an errand fee.) )

After the breakup, my ex-boyfriend reported the case and asked me for 8 cents a dumpling money

Besides, people who are not within the economic range that they can accept, and who choose to borrow usurious loans to give gifts, don't they feel terrible? According to this kind of urine nature, it is possible to say that he will borrow usurious loans to gamble in the future!

That's a shame!

The girl also quickly refuted it, posting screenshots of the boys asking for money for various reasons many times.

After the breakup, my ex-boyfriend reported the case and asked me for 8 cents a dumpling money

Today is to pay the phone bill to buy dog food is poor, tomorrow is to issue 200 to support her card table cause.

This man's level of money can be "teaching", #begging 10086 little tricks #......

After the breakup, my ex-boyfriend reported the case and asked me for 8 cents a dumpling money

The "dumpling eight hairs" incident, even the police uncle laughed when he heard it, and the reason why the woman finally compromised to give money was only to spend money to ensure safety, and no longer wanted to have anything to do with this boy.

After the breakup, my ex-boyfriend reported the case and asked me for 8 cents a dumpling money

Dumplings eight mao, your cup of 13 and the sixth anniversary of lafite grass by netizens and called the annual door slamming object award.

Your cup 13 is from the chat history of netizens:

After the breakup, my ex-boyfriend reported the case and asked me for 8 cents a dumpling money

"Sixth Anniversary Lafite Grass" was also highly discussed before, and I mentioned it in passing

A couple who have been talking for 6 years, the girl part-time earns money to send a sincere gift to the boy, the boy returns the gift is the old cotton jacket worn + some snacks + hat + Wangzai milk + hat + yogurt + a pile of lafid.

After the breakup, my ex-boyfriend reported the case and asked me for 8 cents a dumpling money

A box of gifts can actually be filled in a plastic bag, even the clothes are old; the gap between the milk in Wangzai is so large that another bottle of milk can be put down; the yogurt and cake are too heavy and finally taken out; only the freight is collected.

Six years of six layers of grass, endure the pain of the old cotton jacket.

After being ridiculed, the boy also jumped out and said that he thought that the poor netizens who prepared the gifts he prepared were all Internet princesses, and even opened a trumpet to pretend to be his girlfriend to send a clarification...

After the breakup, my ex-boyfriend reported the case and asked me for 8 cents a dumpling money

Their love is indeed not the turn of netizen evaluation, but the partial etiquette and love do not occupy a case of boys still have to record a video posted to the Internet, was ridiculed and began to jump feet, this is not their own scolding.

Looking at the dumpling eight-haired man and the sixth anniversary lafite grass, what netizens ridicule is not poverty, but these two "lower head men" - chicken thieves are still showing, not paying, not responsible for the final want to end up with a good reputation ...

In an intimate relationship, whether emotionally or materially, giving is often a two-way street.

And at the end of the relationship, I still have to worry about calculating all the material contributions, and only my own share.

Sometimes it is difficult to ask for a breakup, but if you are not careful, it may also become a blackmail into the bureau, such as recently Huo Zun's ex-girlfriend Chen Lu was taken criminal measures for suspected extortion.

After the end of the relationship, should not ask for the breakup fee, in fact, it is a matter of two people, if both parties are reasonable, there is nothing to say, so that they can get together and disperse. If your lion opens his mouth and shouts for a price, more than 2,000 yuan can be suspected of extortion.

Do you think that after the relationship is over, should you settle the expenses during the relationship?

In any case, I sincerely hope that both men and women can stay away from the "chicken thief" object.

The thought of meeting such a person, when eating dumplings, you must silently calculate how much money you have eaten, and think about it.

After the breakup, my ex-boyfriend reported the case and asked me for 8 cents a dumpling money

— End —

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