
What is the difference between a 30-day confinement and a 42-day confinement? Mothers may wish to take a look

Confinement is our unique "baby culture", after giving birth, we have many taboos in all aspects of life such as diet, movement, cleaning and so on in the month after giving birth, which need to be strictly observed by mothers.

There are many women who spend thirty days in confinement, counting the days with their fingers broken, which is too torturous, so once the thirty days have passed, the family and the mother are easy to let go of themselves.

What is the difference between a 30-day confinement and a 42-day confinement? Mothers may wish to take a look

After Xiaohua gave birth to the baby, her mother-in-law came from her hometown to take care of her confinement. During the month, the mother-in-law washed diapers and did housework, which was indeed quite hard and felt very tired.

Because Xiaohua was born by caesarean section, her mother-in-law often beat her with words: "You can't be regarded as confinement, and only a normal birth should be a confinement, and you are even a small operation." ”

Before Xiaohua was discharged from the hospital, the doctor said that after 42 days, even if the puerperium period was over, he could take the baby to the hospital for review. But on the 30th day, the mother-in-law will return to her hometown. Xiaohua begged her to stay for another half a month, and according to the doctor, after sitting for 42 days, her mother-in-law turned her face.

What is the difference between a 30-day confinement and a 42-day confinement? Mothers may wish to take a look

She said: "When I gave birth to a child, what diaper washing, cooking, and taking care of the children were all done by myself, until you were so squeamish, and it was only 42 days before the end of confinement, why didn't you say that you had to sit for 365 days?" "The mother-in-law is gone, and Xiaohua is so angry that she will have milk the next day."

In the traditional concept of the elderly, confinement is 30 days a month, but now many doctors recommend that baoma is best to rest for 42 days. Because from a medical point of view, the puerperium period after the birth of a child refers to 6 weeks after childbirth, that is, 42 days. The puerperal period is the period of time after a woman has given birth and her reproductive organs return to their prenatal state.

For example, in the process of childbirth, the woman's uterus and birth canal are expanded to several times larger, and the recovery process is relatively slow. Caesarean section, because there is a process of wound healing, it takes longer to recover. Therefore, it is scientifically reasonable that confinement takes 42 days.

What is the difference between a 30-day confinement and a 42-day confinement? Mothers may wish to take a look

What is the difference between a confinement of 30 days and a mother of 42 days of confinement?

First of all, the confinement rest for 42 days, the mother's physical recovery is better.

After giving birth, the mother's physical strength will be relatively weak, and she often sweats. Some mothers often feel very tired after 30 days after giving birth to their children.

After 42 days after giving birth, let the family take care of themselves for a period of time, so that the mother's body returns to normal and it is not easy to get sick.

What is the difference between a 30-day confinement and a 42-day confinement? Mothers may wish to take a look

Secondly, after 42 days of confinement, the uterus will recover better.

After the pregnant woman gives birth, the recovery of the uterus is mainly reflected in two aspects, one is that the uterus that is enlarged by the fetus is restored to the size before pregnancy. In the process, our uterus contractions occur, and the mother will feel occasional stomach pain.

The time for the uterus to return to its original size is about 6 weeks, so at 30 days, it cannot be fully recovered. We usually go to the hospital 42 days after giving birth on the advice of a doctor to check how the uterus recovers.

After the mother gives birth to the child, the lochia begins to discharge just like the usual menstrual leave, such a situation will last for 3 to 4 weeks, the amount of bleeding gradually decreases, the color gradually fades, and finally becomes white. If you are in a hurry to get out of confinement, the uterus will not recover well, and there will be lochia impurities, and it is easy to fall into confinement disease.

What is the difference between a 30-day confinement and a 42-day confinement? Mothers may wish to take a look

Confinement is very annoying, and she is uncomfortable and has to take care of the newborn baby. Therefore, many mothers are prone to bad mood and poor physical condition. If we want to be a full-bodied mother, we also need to pay more attention to ourselves.

Mothers should not be too tired.

Just after giving birth, the body is very weak, bao mom should be bed rest, appropriate relaxation exercise, but must not be too tired.

What is the difference between a 30-day confinement and a 42-day confinement? Mothers may wish to take a look

Mothers should maintain a happy mood.

During the confinement period, the mood is also important for the recovery of the body. Because of the changes in hormone levels in the body, when the mood is not good, you must learn to regulate by yourself, and your family should also pay more attention to the mental health of the mother.

The maternal diet should avoid cold, fine and mixed.

There are many rules for the mother's diet, but avoiding raw cold is the most critical, and it is best not to eat cold foods. In addition, according to their own physique, they should consume more protein- and vitamin-rich foods, delicate and diverse foods, so as to improve rich nutrition for postpartum body recovery.

What is the difference between a 30-day confinement and a 42-day confinement? Mothers may wish to take a look

Mothers should pay attention to keep warm.

Because of the weakness of the postpartum body, we often say that we cannot bathe and wash our hair, in fact, we are afraid that the mother will catch a cold. Cold wind and cool water are the biggest avoidances for pregnant women. We can do a good job of personal cleaning and hygiene during confinement, but we must pay attention to the temperature and not get cold.

Mom has a confinement, a new stage of life has begun, her own health, the baby is thriving, we are full of expectations day by day more and more beautiful!

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