
Delicious enough to lick the dishes under the meal fried tofu balls

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Delicious enough to lick the dishes under the meal fried tofu balls

By self-taught little kitchen man


1 carrot

1 piece of old tofu

1 male egg

Starch to taste

Thirteen spices 1 scoop

1 scoop of salt

White pepper to taste

1 scoop of chicken essence

Half a green onion

4 cloves of garlic

Celery half a root

1 scoop of sesame oil

1 scoop of light soy sauce

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Delicious enough to lick the dishes under the meal fried tofu balls

1: A piece of tofu

Delicious enough to lick the dishes under the meal fried tofu balls

2. Prepare the ingredients

Delicious enough to lick the dishes under the meal fried tofu balls

3, minced meat, I chopped the onion and garlic a piece

Delicious enough to lick the dishes under the meal fried tofu balls

4: Carrots and celery Chopped and a male egg

Delicious enough to lick the dishes under the meal fried tofu balls

5: Crush the tofu

Delicious enough to lick the dishes under the meal fried tofu balls

6, release raw sesame oil, thirteen spices salt pepper starch chicken essence

Delicious enough to lick the dishes under the meal fried tofu balls

7. Balls

Delicious enough to lick the dishes under the meal fried tofu balls

8, from the pot to burn the oil, 7 into the oil warm put the balls fried 5, 6, 7, 8 minutes cooked or not I rely on taste

Delicious enough to lick the dishes under the meal fried tofu balls

9, this is out of the pot

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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