
For two dollars, you can make a home-cooked meal without meat tofu balls

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
For two dollars, you can make a home-cooked meal without meat tofu balls

Now, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are getting younger and younger, since my husband participated in the company's physical examination in September and found that several indicators were high, I began to pay attention to the diet, and the dishes I made tried to start from the aspect of low fat and light salt. So there was this plate of meatless tofu balls

By White White Cloud OoO

1 piece of old tofu

2 green onions

Salt 1.25 g

1 egg

1 homemade fritter

Ginger 5 g

1 clove of garlic

Black fungus 5 g

Oyster sauce 1 tablespoon

1 tsp of soy sauce

1 medium scoop of cornstarch

Corn oil 20 g

For two dollars, you can make a home-cooked meal without meat tofu balls

1. Prepare the ingredients

For two dollars, you can make a home-cooked meal without meat tofu balls

2: Crush the old tofu, chop the fritters, chop the green onion, chop the ginger and garlic, and soak the mushrooms

For two dollars, you can make a home-cooked meal without meat tofu balls

3: Put the crushed old tofu, chopped fritters, green onion, and half of the minced ginger into the pot, then pound the eggs and stir well

For two dollars, you can make a home-cooked meal without meat tofu balls

4: Mix well and add oyster sauce

For two dollars, you can make a home-cooked meal without meat tofu balls

5: Add soy sauce and a little salt and stir well

For two dollars, you can make a home-cooked meal without meat tofu balls

6: Roll into balls, put into the steaming grid with a steaming cloth, put the water in the steaming pot after boiling, steam on high heat for 8 minutes, steam and then buckle upside down on the plate

For two dollars, you can make a home-cooked meal without meat tofu balls

7: Add corn oil to the wok, sauté the ginger and garlic and then add water, then pour in the soaked black fungus after the water boils

For two dollars, you can make a home-cooked meal without meat tofu balls

8: After cooking for 2 minutes, add 12 grams of june fresh special grade oyster sauce to taste, then add the water starch made of corn starch and water to hook a thin owe, sprinkle with green onions, and drizzle on the tofu balls

For two dollars, you can make a home-cooked meal without meat tofu balls

9, a plate of tofu balls without meat is ready

1 When steaming the tofu balls, be sure to wait for the water in the pot to boil before basketing, and the steaming ribs must be cushioned with steaming cloth. 2 Steamed tofu balls can also be used for stew if not drizzled with soup

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