
This is the delicious way to "vermicelli tofu balls", without adding a little water, golden crisp and fragrant

author:First Chef

Hello everyone, I am Zhang Dalei, the first chef, pay attention to us, there will be more food for your reference, so that your life is more delicious.

Vermicelli tofu vegetarian balls is a home-cooked dish, golden crispy, delicious and fragrant, simple method, delicious to see, friends who like to eat vermicelli tofu balls, have time to try.

Today I will share with you a noodle tofu vegetarian ball method, this dish is simple ingredients, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, especially delicious.

See our production for details:

1. Boil water in a pot, boil the water and add a handful of sweet potato noodles, blanch the noodles softly and cook thoroughly.

This is the delicious way to "vermicelli tofu balls", without adding a little water, golden crisp and fragrant

2. Turn off the heat and fish out the noodles after boiling thoroughly, and then put them in the basin of water to avoid sticking to the noodles.

This is the delicious way to "vermicelli tofu balls", without adding a little water, golden crisp and fragrant

3. Prepare a small piece of old tofu, first cut into thin slices, then cut into tofu grains, chop the tofu and put it in the basin.

This is the delicious way to "vermicelli tofu balls", without adding a little water, golden crisp and fragrant

4. Drain the noodles, put them on a cutting board, cut into small pieces of about one centimeter with a knife, cut them well, and put them together with the tofu.

This is the delicious way to "vermicelli tofu balls", without adding a little water, golden crisp and fragrant

5. Start seasoning below, add a large spoonful of salt, a little chicken essence, add a spoonful of thirteen spices, add a few drops of old soy sauce on the base color, mix well with chopsticks.

This is the delicious way to "vermicelli tofu balls", without adding a little water, golden crisp and fragrant

6. Finally add two spoonfuls of corn starch, add starch to make the balls better shaped, mix well again.

This is the delicious way to "vermicelli tofu balls", without adding a little water, golden crisp and fragrant

7. If the filling is too dry, beat an egg or add a little water and stir well.

This is the delicious way to "vermicelli tofu balls", without adding a little water, golden crisp and fragrant

8. Re-cook and pour in the cooking oil.

This is the delicious way to "vermicelli tofu balls", without adding a little water, golden crisp and fragrant

9. When the oil is heated to five layers, turn off the heat when there is a slight smoke, squeeze out the balls with the tiger mouth of the left hand, and dig out the balls with a spoon and put them in the pot.

This is the delicious way to "vermicelli tofu balls", without adding a little water, golden crisp and fragrant

10. After frying the balls into shapes, gently turn them with a colander to avoid sticking.

This is the delicious way to "vermicelli tofu balls", without adding a little water, golden crisp and fragrant

11. Fry the balls to make golden crisp and add them to a colander.

This is the delicious way to "vermicelli tofu balls", without adding a little water, golden crisp and fragrant

12. Prepare a small basket, put on the oil absorbent paper, and place the fried balls on the plate.

This is the delicious way to "vermicelli tofu balls", without adding a little water, golden crisp and fragrant

13. Finally, add a coriander to garnish and serve.

This is the delicious way to "vermicelli tofu balls", without adding a little water, golden crisp and fragrant

14. Well, this crispy and tender vermicelli balls are ready.

This is the delicious way to "vermicelli tofu balls", without adding a little water, golden crisp and fragrant

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