
"Children who love to talk have average grades, and most children with good grades do not like to talk", which is quite reasonable

"Your children are very quiet, and they must study very well", this sentence is a sentence that many people can often hear in daily life.

So, why do people have preconceived notions about "learning well" for Wenjing's children?

In fact, it is because children who do not like to talk and are quieter have strong concentration, and concentration is an important influencing factor of learning.

"Children who love to talk have average grades, and most children with good grades do not like to talk", which is quite reasonable

A parenting expert once said that children with slippery mouths have relatively average grades, while children who do not say a word generally learn very well.

Indeed, we can also find in life that most of the children with better academic performance do not like to talk, because when they are learning, they pay all their attention to learning, and they are not easily disturbed by some other things, so they will not say too much.

"Children who love to talk have average grades, and most children with good grades do not like to talk", which is quite reasonable

But those children who like to talk, obviously when learning, are easily disturbed by some things that have nothing to do with learning, or they can't concentrate on learning at all, so they can't get good academic results.

Indeed, if the child is particularly talkative in class, it will distract the child's attention, affect the progress of learning, and the academic performance will naturally be affected, so how should parents educate these children who are particularly talkative?

How can parents educate their talkative children?

First of all, we need to know one thing, love to talk is not the child's shortcomings, but because the child lacks concentration, which leads to the child's easy interference with some things, and then produces some useful and useless topics.

Therefore, when dealing with such children, parents cannot look at children with the attitude of "children making mistakes", but need to interfere with the attitude of guiding education.

"Children who love to talk have average grades, and most children with good grades do not like to talk", which is quite reasonable

★ Interact effectively with your child

Talkative children, in addition to the focus is too scattered, it may also be because of the problems of parents. Some people may ask, children love to talk, what is the relationship with parents, is it that parents also love to talk?

In fact, it is not so, parents love to talk, of course, will make children slowly become love to talk, but the greater reason why children love to talk is that parents "do not love to talk", that is, parents usually have little communication and interaction with their children, which will lead to children's lack of security and extreme emptiness in their hearts, so they can only use more talk to attract the attention of parents, so that parents can notice themselves.

"Children who love to talk have average grades, and most children with good grades do not like to talk", which is quite reasonable

Therefore, if your child often likes to talk, especially after seeing you, then parents need to pay attention, probably because they usually spend too little time with their children.

If this situation really exists, it is recommended that parents allocate more time to their children when they are off work in normal times, or when they are off on weekends, and accompany their children when they have time, such as going home from work to read books with their children, and they can also do games that children are interested in with their children, etc., to increase parent-child interaction and improve children's sense of security and happiness.

"Children who love to talk have average grades, and most children with good grades do not like to talk", which is quite reasonable

★ Focus on improving your child's concentration

The biggest reason why children talk is because the child's concentration is not enough, can not focus all their spirits on one thing, because if the child can devote himself to something, then, naturally there will not be too much, so if you want to make the child become no longer often talking, the best way is to enhance the child's concentration.

We all know that concentration is the most affecting factor of children's learning effect, which not only affects children's cultural knowledge learning, but also affects children's behavior habits, skills and experience. So, how to improve your child's concentration?

"Children who love to talk have average grades, and most children with good grades do not like to talk", which is quite reasonable

First of all, pay attention to protecting your child's concentration

Many things, in fact, after the birth of the child, will gradually form as the child grows, such as the child's concentration. When children grow up, they will gradually form concentration due to various factors, but many parents will cause their children's innate concentration to be destroyed because of wrong education methods or behaviors, which will gradually lead to poor children's concentration.

For example, when the child is doing homework at home, the parents are distressed about the child, so they often serve tea, water, fruit, etc. Such behavior seems to be the parents caring for the child's body, but in fact, it is seriously destroying the child's concentration, because when the child concentrates on doing homework, it is always interrupted, resulting in the child's attention distraction, and in the long run, the child's concentration will be worse and worse.

Second, pay attention to effective concentration training for children

Some children's innate concentration is not strong, or has been destroyed by parents, then at this time, parents need to focus on cultivating children's concentration.

In general, cultivating children's concentration needs to do three things, that is, starting from the child's interest (child's acceptance), implementing effective concentration improvement training methods (professionalism and effectiveness), and improving the child's initiative to improve concentration, and gradually improving children's concentration

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