
What to look out for at 6 weeks of pregnancy

6 weeks of pregnancy is still in the first trimester, the fetus implantation is still unstable, we need to do some measures to prevent accidents. So, what do you need to pay attention to at 6 weeks of pregnancy?

1. Supplement folic acid

What to look out for at 6 weeks of pregnancy

Folic acid can pre-fetal neural tube malformations and is taken at 0.4 mg daily and needs to be eaten until the end of the third trimester of pregnancy.

2. Pay attention to tire preservation

In the first trimester, it is necessary to understand the development of the fetus according to HCG value, progesterone, estradiol, if there is a numerical abnormality, it is necessary to follow the doctor's instructions, and for those pregnant mothers who have signs of miscarriage or have a history of spontaneous abortion, they should carry out a small amount of exercise or directly stay in bed to protect the fetus under the guidance of a doctor.

3, do not smoke and drink

What to look out for at 6 weeks of pregnancy

It is important to avoid smoking and alcohol during pregnancy, as these can adversely affect the fetus. If someone smokes around, avoid the harm caused by second-hand smoke.

4. Pay attention to rest

Pay attention to rest, avoid fatigue, light labor or sitting in the office are OK, but do not stay up late, heavy physical labor, excessive exercise, these are the risk factors that lead to fetal abortion, to protect the fetus of pregnant mothers may also need to stay in bed. Do not carry heavy objects during pregnancy, ascend or perform strenuous exercises, such as jumping, twisting and spinning, which cannot be done to avoid force on the lower abdomen and waist.

5. Reasonable diet, supplement nutrition and balance

In the first trimester, pregnant mothers may have a variety of pregnancy reactions, poor appetite, then need to pay attention to a light diet, eat less and more meals, diet nutritional balance, reasonable collocation is the key. In addition, for foods containing alcohol, high oil, high fat and high calorie foods, spicy and irritating foods, and pickled foods, try to eat less.

6. Reasonable exercise

If the physical condition is appropriate in the first trimester, you can do some exercise appropriately, walking, yoga during pregnancy are OK, but you need to avoid strenuous exercise, push and pull heavy objects as much as possible, so as not to be dangerous.

7, Prohibited Husband and Mrs. Sex Life

The fetus is unstable in the first trimester, and the abdomen may be stimulated or squeezed during intercourse to cause miscarriage, which is generally relatively safe to have intercourse in the second trimester, but it should also be tempered, depending on the physical condition of the pregnant woman.

8, do not take drugs casually

During pregnancy, you can not take medication casually, and when you need to take medication in case of a cold, fever or other disease, you should consult a specialist doctor in time and follow the doctor's instructions.

What to look out for at 6 weeks of pregnancy

9. Stay away from bad environments

The embryo in the first trimester is extremely sensitive to external factors, including radiation, chemical contamination, drugs, tobacco and alcohol, etc., excessive exposure to these substances may lead to fetal malformations or miscarriage, pregnant women should stay away, if sick must take medication or X-rays, CT, etc., must follow the doctor's advice.

Iberian Baomei warm tips: the first trimester is the most unstable time period of pregnancy, when the incidence of miscarriage is high, therefore, we must not only pay attention to the above matters, but also need to strengthen monitoring and health guidance, such as abnormal symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time.

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