
Don't look at this dish as inconspicuous, high potassium and high folic acid, there are many benefits, and the stomach is also very comfortable~

author:Health Road Plue

As the saying goes, "nine stomachs out of ten people" means that 9 out of 10 people have stomach problems. From this point of view, stomach problems exist in general.

Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, with the growth of age, the gastric mucosa begins to shrink and thin, if the stomach function decreases or there is a problem, the body is difficult to obtain enough energy, and it will cause a series of physical discomfort after a long time. Therefore, nourishing the stomach has become a top priority for middle-aged and elderly people.

But in the hearts of many middle-aged and elderly people, nourishing the stomach is equivalent to drinking more porridge, drinking more hot water, and drinking more milk...... These seemingly "stomach-nourishing" habits may make your stomach worse and worse!

3 stomach habits, easy to nourish the stomach


Can drinking white porridge nourish the stomach?

White porridge is soft and rotten, and it is indeed easy to digest, so it can reduce the burden on the stomach to a certain extent, but the stomach is an organ that is "used in and discarded", and eating this easily digestible food for a long time will promote the deterioration of gastric function.

In addition, drinking porridge will also promote gastric acid secretion, which may cause abdominal pain, acid reflux, heartburn and other symptoms, and is easy to aggravate the condition of peptic ulcer patients and reflux esophageal patients with excessive gastric acid secretion.

Correct approach: When normal people feel indigestion, they can drink some porridge appropriately; For patients with gastrointestinal diseases, whether to drink porridge should be subject to the doctor's advice.

Don't look at this dish as inconspicuous, high potassium and high folic acid, there are many benefits, and the stomach is also very comfortable~


Drink "hot water" to nourish the stomach and warm the stomach

If the water is too hot, it will not only fail to warm the stomach, but also damage the mucosa of the digestive tract and gastric mucosa.

Long-term drinking of hot water will also cause repeated damage to the injured mucosa, and over time, the mucosa will become hard and increase the occurrence of inflammation, thereby greatly increasing the risk of gastric cancer and esophageal cancer.

What to do: The appropriate eating temperature is 10-40°C, and it is more appropriate to replace "hot water" with "warm water" that is similar to the temperature of the human body.


Drinking milk before bed can nourish the stomach

Drinking milk before bedtime is not beneficial for the stomach, especially for people with reflux esophagitis.

The proteins, fats, and sugars in milk promote gastric acid secretion, which may worsen acid reflux symptoms when fasting at night.

Correct practice: Patients with gastritis and gastric ulcers should avoid drinking milk before going to bed. If you are a friend who plans to drink milk before going to bed to help you sleep, it is recommended to drink milk 1~2 hours before bedtime, otherwise it will not only fail to help you sleep, but may affect your falling asleep.

It is the "repairer" of the gastric mucosa!

So what should you eat to nourish your stomach? In fact, there are many stomach-nourishing foods, such as cabbage, purple cabbage, spinach, carrots, peanuts, jujubes, etc.

But what I want to share with you today is a stomach-nourishing ingredient known as "the first nourishing melon" - pumpkin.

Don't look at this dish as inconspicuous, high potassium and high folic acid, there are many benefits, and the stomach is also very comfortable~

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that pumpkin is warm and sweet, enters the spleen and stomach two meridians, and has the effects of nourishing the spleen and stomach, moistening the lungs and invigorating qi, relieving cough and asthma, facilitating urine, nourishing the kidneys and nourishing the heart, and detoxifying.

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that pumpkin has the effects of tonifying the middle, invigorating liver qi, invigorating heart qi, invigorating lung qi, and invigorating essence qi, and also has a certain therapeutic effect on spleen and stomach weakness, lack of food and abdominal distention.

From the perspective of nutrients, pumpkin is rich in pectin, which can protect the gastric mucosa, reduce the stimulation of invasive factors such as gastric acid, and promote the healing of the ulcer surface. In addition, pumpkin also contains vitamin A and other substances, which have a certain effect on the prevention of gastritis and gastric ulcers. Therefore, pumpkin is also known as "gastric mucosal repair agent".

In addition to nourishing the stomach, pumpkin also has other health benefits:

1. Maintain intestinal health

Pumpkin contains a lot of insoluble crude fiber, as well as pectin, which can improve constipation, shorten the time food stays in the intestines, and help the intestines maintain a healthy state.

2. Protect blood vessels

Pumpkin is a high-potassium and low-sodium food, and potassium can promote the excretion of excess sodium from the body and play a role in regulating blood pressure.

In addition, pumpkin contains 269 micrograms of folic acid per 100 grams, while 100 grams of apples contain only 6.3 micrograms of folic acid. This is equivalent to 42 times more folic acid in pumpkin than in apples! Folic acid not only protects blood vessels, but also prevents dementia.

Don't look at this dish as inconspicuous, high potassium and high folic acid, there are many benefits, and the stomach is also very comfortable~

Pumpkin is also rich in dietary fiber, which can not only increase satiety and control diet, but also promote intestinal peristalsis and wrap excess fat out of the body, thereby helping to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

3. Anti-aging

Pumpkin contains a lot of vitamin C, vitamin A and other ingredients, both of which have certain antioxidant effects, which can help us take care of our skin and improve the problem of dry and dull skin.

In addition, pumpkin also contains a certain amount of iron, which can help replenish blood.

4. Sleep aid

Middle-aged and elderly people often eat pumpkin can be a good help to sleep, because it is rich in tryptophan, which is responsible for helping the body to produce serotonin, this neurotransmitter has the effect of relaxing the mind, can relieve tension, and can also improve the mood, so as to help sleep.

5. Eye protection

Pumpkin is also an "eye melon", which contains a very friendly nutrient - lutein. Lutein can protect eyesight, reduce blue light damage from electronic products, and prevent macular degeneration under the eyes.

In addition, pumpkin is rich in β-carotene that can be converted into vitamin A in the human body, which plays an important role in protecting eyesight, skin health, immunity, etc.

Note: Pumpkin has a GI of 75, which is a high glycemic index food, so eating pumpkin will not only raise blood sugar, but also rise quickly, and patients with high blood sugar should be cautious about eating it.

If you really want to eat pumpkin, we can choose some tender pumpkin, which is high in vitamins and low in sugar.

Pumpkin is so delicious to eat

Braised rice with pumpkin and chicken wings

Don't look at this dish as inconspicuous, high potassium and high folic acid, there are many benefits, and the stomach is also very comfortable~

Ingredients: 5 chicken wings, 1 small pumpkin, a little carrot, a few shiitake mushrooms, 1/4 onion, salt, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, ginger, shallots, vegetable oil, rock sugar, Sichuan pepper powder


1. Peel and cut the pumpkin into small pieces, remove the stems of the mushrooms and cut into small pieces, chop the onion, scrape off the skin of the carrot and cut into small pieces.

2. After the chicken wings are cleaned, chop them in half, add water and cooking wine to the pot, put the chicken wings to boil over high heat, blanch for half a minute and remove the water.

3. Heat a wok and add vegetable oil, add a few rock sugar and stir-fry until melted, the color turns red and bubbles, and then add the chicken wings and stir-fry until colored.

4. Add shredded ginger, chopped onion and a little peppercorn powder and stir-fry a few times, then add pumpkin, carrots and shiitake mushrooms and stir-fry evenly.

5. Add 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, oyster sauce and cooking wine, stir-fry 1/2 teaspoon of salt and turn off the heat.

6. Wash the rice, put it in the rice cooker, add the same amount of water as you usually cook rice, and then pour the vegetables in the pot on top for the normal cooking process.

7. After the cooking program is over, don't open it in a hurry, simmer for 5 minutes, open the lid, stir evenly and put it out, and sprinkle with some chopped green onions.

Don't look at this dish as inconspicuous, high potassium and high folic acid, there are many benefits, and the stomach is also very comfortable~

Pumpkin breakfast cakes

Don't look at this dish as inconspicuous, high potassium and high folic acid, there are many benefits, and the stomach is also very comfortable~

Ingredients: pumpkin, pure milk, chives, eggs, flour


1. Prepare a piece of old pumpkin and cut it into slices, put the pumpkin slices into a steamer and steam the pumpkin for 15 minutes until it is fully cooked.

2. Prepare a handful of chives and chop them, put the chopped shallots into the pot first, put the steamed pumpkin directly into the food processor, add 300ml of pure milk, and then beat it into pumpkin paste.

3. Then pour the pumpkin paste and shallots together, then add 150 grams of flour to the pot, stir with chopsticks until there are no granules, add 2 eggs, an appropriate amount of salt, if the batter is too thick, add some pure milk, and finally stir into a yogurt-like paste.

4. After the pot is heated, add an appropriate amount of oil, add a spoonful of batter under the heat of the oil, spread the batter evenly, and bake until both sides are golden brown.

Don't look at this dish as inconspicuous, high potassium and high folic acid, there are many benefits, and the stomach is also very comfortable~

Pumpkin millet porridge

Don't look at this dish as inconspicuous, high potassium and high folic acid, there are many benefits, and the stomach is also very comfortable~

Ingredients: 300 grams of pumpkin, 100 grams of millet

Method: Wash the pumpkin, peel and remove the pulp, then cut it into small pieces, and wash the millet. Put the pot on the fire, add an appropriate amount of water to boil, put in millet and pumpkin pieces, boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook until the millet is soft and the pumpkin is ripe.

Don't look at this dish as inconspicuous, high potassium and high folic acid, there are many benefits, and the stomach is also very comfortable~

Pay attention to these two points when eating pumpkin!

· Can't eat too much

Pumpkin is rich in β-carotene, if you eat too much, the carotene in the blood will increase significantly, the liver will not have time to convert the excess carotene into vitamin A, the carotene content in the body is high, and the skin will turn orange and yellow.

Eating too many oranges will also have this symptom, once the skin is yellow, drink more water, urinate more, usually within a few days can be yellowed.

· Don't eat bitter pumpkin

Pumpkin belongs to the Cucurbitaceae vegetable, and under special conditions, it will produce a toxic substance called cucurbitacin, which is bitter.

Accidental ingestion of cucurbitacin can cause poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding, liver and kidney damage and other symptoms, and even death in severe cases.

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