
Stories around you|Plan ahead, save more! The story behind an "emergency payment......

author:Shandong Armed Police

Text/Picture Wang Shengli Tan Haosheng bid for the Olympic Games

"Yan Yizhen won the first place in this quarter's 'Everyone Has a Deposit' activity, with a deposit amount of zero yuan!" Recently, at the site of the "Everyone Has Deposits, Stress Saving in Everything" activity organized by a certain unit of the Jinan Detachment of the Armed Police, political instructor Yao Chunyun announced the ranking of last year's squadron deposit list, and the soldier Yan Yizhen topped the deposit list with a deposit amount of "zero yuan".

"Fortunately, I saved a sum of money to save the emergency, and my family and I are the beneficiaries of the 'Everyone Has a Deposit, Everything Saves Money' campaign!" Yan Yizhen said with deep feelings. The officers and men told us that behind the "zero yuan" on the list, there is a touching and profound story.

Stories around you|Plan ahead, save more! The story behind an "emergency payment......

"Mom, you just recuperate in the hospital, I have already called the hospital for the medical expenses, and we will go home together when the illness is cured." Every time after paying the medical bills, Yan Yizhen would call his mother to report his safety, and this has become his "routine".

January 2022 was an unfortunate day for Yan Yizhen, the news of his mother's cancer was like a bolt from the blue, and the high medical costs became a big problem in front of him. "I used to spend a lot of money, and if I didn't have enough money, I would ask my family. Since the launch of the activity of 'everyone has savings, everything is economical', the party branch of the squadron has encouraged every officer and soldier to do a good job of handwriting every consumption and every transfer, organizing a collective posting of bills, comparing deposits, and helping comrades-in-arms to make good economic accounts and leave a balance of wealth. In the past few years, I have saved a sum of money, but I didn't expect it to become life-saving money! ”

Stories around you|Plan ahead, save more! The story behind an "emergency payment......

"It was the savings I had accumulated in the army in the early stage that gave me a lot of confidence in the face of the expensive medical expenses required for my mother's illness." At the story sharing meeting of "Everyone Has Savings, Everything Tells Savings", Yan Yizhen used his own experience to tell his comrades-in-arms, "Savings are the guarantee of a happy life for the family, and it is also an important source of security for the family. ”

Under the influence of Yan Yizhen, the officers and soldiers also started the trend of saving "salaries", "How should the money be spent?" "For whom should the money be spent?" "How much money should I spend?" This series of questions has also found the answer in the 'salary' fashion.

Stories around you|Plan ahead, save more! The story behind an "emergency payment......

The party branch of the squadron also took this opportunity to issue an initiative to all officers and men to "compare money bags with one another, and expose filial piety accounts", advocating that wages should be given priority to give back to families, enrich themselves, donate love, and spend money on the "blade", encourage officers and men to formulate personal consumption plans at the beginning of each month in combination with their own actual conditions, and comprehensively create a good atmosphere of "being proud of diligence and thrift, and ashamed of luxury and waste", and select the "savings experts" around them every month, so that the "savings experts" can go to the podium and enter the classroom to share the secrets and experiences of saving money. "Pillars" continue to grow.

In response to Yan Yizhen's actual situation, the squadron party branch also organized a donation activity, and the comrades-in-arms around him generously donated money to help his mother fight against the disease, encouraging him to cheer up, face it bravely, and get out of the predicament smoothly.

Stories around you|Plan ahead, save more! The story behind an "emergency payment......

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(This article is the original article of Shandong Armed Police, please contact for authorization for reprinting)

Producer: Zhao Mengjiang

Editor-in-chief: Li Qingling, Wang Yihai

Editor in charge: Yang Yiming

Editor on duty: Wang Dazhen

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