
Heavy! Ali was desperate, Pinduoduo rose strongly, the financial report exploded, and a new e-commerce giant was born

author:Smell the Tao and practice

Just now, Pinduoduo released its first-quarter financial report, which greatly exceeded market expectations and aroused heated discussions.

Before today's market, Pinduoduo announced its financial report for the first quarter of this year, which was so good that it exploded, and it was unbelievable.

The revenue in the first quarter was 86.81 billion yuan, much higher than the market estimate of 76.86 billion yuan, an increase of 131% year-on-year. The adjusted net profit was 30.60 billion yuan, much higher than the market estimate of 15.53 billion yuan, an increase of 202% year-on-year. R&D expenditure was $2.91 billion, significantly lower than the market estimate of $3.31 billion.

This financial report amazed everyone, in the field of e-commerce, Pinduoduo has created a history of rapid growth.

Affected by this huge positive, Pinduoduo rose 7.06% pre-market, and its stock price soared to 155 yuan, and its market value once again surpassed Alibaba.

Heavy! Ali was desperate, Pinduoduo rose strongly, the financial report exploded, and a new e-commerce giant was born

Back then, Alibaba was unbeatable in the field of e-commerce, Tencent and Baidu invested heavily in the field, and finally returned home.

The outside world's evaluation of these two companies is that they have no e-commerce genes, so they cannot succeed.

Since then, Alibaba has been in full swing for a while, and Nasdaq has rung the bell and become the richest man in China.

With Taobao, the king of traffic, and expanding its brand through Tmall, Alibaba's moat looks impregnable.

At that time, the only thing that could compete with Alibaba was, which started with digital products, but the gap was visible to the naked eye.

In the words of Mr. Ma: At this time, Alibaba couldn't find an opponent with a telescope.

As the old saying goes: full of losses, humble benefits.

In the battlefield of business, there is no eternal king.

The prospect of China's e-commerce market is huge, but Tencent and Baidu have failed, which caught the attention of a young man, who began to reflect.

In deep reflection, he saw another possibility.

This person is Huang Zheng.

Heavy! Ali was desperate, Pinduoduo rose strongly, the financial report exploded, and a new e-commerce giant was born

He figured out that one reason for the failure of Tencent and Baidu in the field of e-commerce is that they compete with Alibaba in the same quality and have no advantages at all.

Another most important reason is that their understanding of e-commerce is wrong.

E-commerce is not only about monetizing traffic, but also about consumer-centric shopping experience.

In 2015, 35-year-old Huang Zheng founded Pinduoduo.

At that time, Alibaba was in full swing, and it didn't pay attention to the fledgling Pinduoduo at all.

In Alibaba's view, Pinduoduo is doomed to fail because Taobao is insurmountable.

For Taobao and Tmall, customers are merchants, not thousands of consumers.

This allowed Pinduoduo to see an opportunity, and around consumers, Pinduoduo has built an e-commerce model that is completely different from Alibaba.

Pinduoduo takes user experience as the starting point, adopts a consumer-to-manufacturer model, and encourages users to participate in group purchases and purchase goods at group purchase prices through social e-commerce, thus achieving lower prices than Taobao.

Profits are then made through commissions, account periods, advertising, and brand exposure advertising.

In terms of transaction disputes, Pinduoduo is completely inclined to consumers, and merchants are in a weak position.

These methods make the shopping experience of consumers far better than Taobao and Tmall.

Heavy! Ali was desperate, Pinduoduo rose strongly, the financial report exploded, and a new e-commerce giant was born

After the successful verification in China, Pinduoduo began to vigorously expand overseas markets, entering the American market Temu (Pinduoduo's overseas brand), which grew rapidly, making the e-commerce specific Amazon also feel threatened.

Alibaba and have been trying to break through overseas markets for years, but with little success.

However, Temu, which was born out of nowhere, became an instant hit, second only to TikTok in China's overseas mobile phone applications.

The success of Pinduoduo once again verifies a sentence: there is no era of enterprises, only enterprises of the times.

The rise of Pinduoduo is not only due to Huang Zheng's deep grasp of the psychology of consumers, but also to China's strong manufacturing capabilities.

Without Made in China, there would be no good quality and low price, and there would be no Pinduoduo.

Times are always changing, shopping malls are like battlefields, and the so-called can't see the opponent with a telescope, it is very likely that he is short-sighted.

It won't be long before Huang Zheng will most likely become the new richest man in China.

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