
Folic acid is 15 times that of cucumbers, and it should be eaten as soon as possible in May, as it is tender and nutritious enough to strengthen immunity

author:Starfire Life
Folic acid is 15 times that of cucumbers, and it should be eaten as soon as possible in May, as it is tender and nutritious enough to strengthen immunity

On a warm May morning, Aunt Li went to the market with her old friend, Uncle Wang. They like to buy fresh seasonal vegetables at this time and enjoy a healthy life.

"Uncle Wang, look how fresh this asparagus is!" Auntie Li pointed to the green asparagus on the stall and said, "I heard that its nutritional value is particularly high, 15 times higher than the folic acid content of cucumbers." ”

Folic acid is 15 times that of cucumbers, and it should be eaten as soon as possible in May, as it is tender and nutritious enough to strengthen immunity

1. Asparagus, with its unique nutritional composition, has become the best among many vegetables.

Asparagus is rich in folic acid, which can provide 190 micrograms of folic acid per 100 grams of asparagus, which meets 65% of the body's daily needs. In comparison, cucumbers contain only 12.3 micrograms of folic acid per 100 grams.

Folic acid is known as the "longevity element" and is essential for improving immunity, preventing cardiovascular disease, and promoting cell production.

In addition to folic acid, asparagus is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, and a variety of B vitamins. These vitamins play an important role in antioxidants, boosting immunity, and maintaining good health.

The minerals in asparagus, such as selenium, magnesium, zinc and potassium, not only help regulate the electrolyte balance in the body, but also improve metabolism and cardiovascular function.

Uncle Wang smiled and nodded, "Yes, asparagus has the reputation of 'the king of vegetables'." Not only is it nutritious, but it also has a lot of health benefits.

Did you know that the folic acid in asparagus is very helpful in boosting immunity and cardiovascular health? ”

Folic acid is 15 times that of cucumbers, and it should be eaten as soon as possible in May, as it is tender and nutritious enough to strengthen immunity

2. Asparagus is not only nutritious, but also has a variety of health effects, especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

Asparagus is rich in vitamin C and folate, both of which are important nutrients for boosting immune system function. Vitamin C can promote white blood cell production and improve the ability to fight infection.

Folic acid plays a key role in cell production and repair, increasing the activity and number of immune cells and helping the body fight off disease.

Folic acid is 15 times that of cucumbers, and it should be eaten as soon as possible in May, as it is tender and nutritious enough to strengthen immunity

Asparagus is low in calories, low in fat, and rich in dietary fiber, which can increase satiety and reduce calorie intake. Its high fiber helps intestinal peristalsis, prevents constipation, promotes the excretion of waste products from the body, and helps middle-aged and elderly people maintain their body shape and healthy weight.

The vitamin E in asparagus has a strong antioxidant effect, which can scavenge free radicals and delay skin aging. Minerals such as selenium and zinc also have antioxidant properties, protect skin cells, promote skin regeneration, and keep the skin elastic and radiant.

Folic acid is 15 times that of cucumbers, and it should be eaten as soon as possible in May, as it is tender and nutritious enough to strengthen immunity

Asparagus is rich in antioxidants, such as vitamins C, E and polyphenols, which can effectively fight free radicals, reduce cell damage, and delay the aging process.

Folic acid plays an important role in cell repair and production, helping to maintain the body's youthful state.

The potassium in asparagus helps to maintain blood pressure stability and prevent the occurrence of high blood pressure. The dietary fiber and folic acid contained in it can reduce blood cholesterol levels, prevent arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, and are particularly important for the cardiovascular health of middle-aged and elderly people.

Folic acid is 15 times that of cucumbers, and it should be eaten as soon as possible in May, as it is tender and nutritious enough to strengthen immunity

While picking out the asparagus, Aunt Li asked curiously, "Then how should we eat the asparagus?" Are there any good practices to recommend? ”

Recalling a dish he recently learned, Uncle Wang shared, "Actually, there are many ways to make asparagus, and I especially like stir-fried oyster mushrooms with asparagus recently, which is both simple and delicious. ”

"Oh? Then you can teach me how to do it! Aunt Li seemed very interested.

"Okay," said Uncle Wang, "you need to prepare a handful of asparagus and a stick of oyster mushrooms." Blanch the asparagus and cut it into small pieces, and cut the oyster mushrooms into strips.

Folic acid is 15 times that of cucumbers, and it should be eaten as soon as possible in May, as it is tender and nutritious enough to strengthen immunity

Stir-fry the oyster mushrooms in a hot pan, then add the blanched asparagus, and finally add some oyster sauce and salt to taste. ”

Aunt Li listened with relish, and nodded again and again: "It sounds very simple, I will definitely try it when I go back." ”

At this time, Aunt Li, the stall owner of the market, interjected: "Uncle Wang is right, the asparagus in this season is the most delicious and nutritious. You buy some and try it back, and promise not to regret it. ”

Aunt Li responded with a smile: "Okay, then let's have a handful of asparagus and add another oyster mushroom." ”

Folic acid is 15 times that of cucumbers, and it should be eaten as soon as possible in May, as it is tender and nutritious enough to strengthen immunity

After paying, Aunt Li and Uncle Wang continued to wander around the market. Aunt Li sighed: "Now that the standard of living has improved, we must also pay more attention to healthy diet. With a nutritious vegetable like asparagus, it's always good to eat more. ”

3. When buying asparagus, you should choose fresh and tender asparagus with bright green color, smooth surface and hard texture.

The scales at the top of the asparagus should be tight, and the stem incision should be fresh and show no signs of drying. The asparagus you buy at home can be wrapped in a damp towel and stored in the refrigerator to preserve its tender taste and nutritional value.

Uncle Wang nodded in agreement: "Yes, a healthy diet is especially important for us middle-aged and elderly people.

Asparagus is not only delicious, but also has many benefits, such as improving immunity, protecting the cardiovascular system, delaying aging, and so on. May is the time when asparagus is on the market in large quantities, and it would be a shame not to eat it quickly. ”

After returning home, Aunt Li carefully prepared fried asparagus and king oyster mushrooms according to the method taught by Uncle Wang. It didn't take long for a dish to be on the table.

She took a bite and found that the asparagus was tender and refreshing, and the oyster mushrooms were tender and delicious.

Folic acid is 15 times that of cucumbers, and it should be eaten as soon as possible in May, as it is tender and nutritious enough to strengthen immunity

After dinner, Aunt Li shared today's harvest in the family group, and also attached the recipe of stir-fried oyster mushrooms with asparagus.

Family members praised it one after another, and some even said that they would buy asparagus next time they went to the market and try it back.

As a high-nutrient, low-calorie vegetable, asparagus is very suitable for the health needs of middle-aged and elderly people.

Moderate consumption of asparagus every day can not only replenish the vitamins and minerals needed by the body, but also effectively promote metabolism and enhance physical fitness.

That night, Aunt Li lay in bed, thinking about today's experience, and her heart was full of satisfaction and joy.

She knows that healthy eating habits will bring her more vitality and happiness.

And this season's fresh asparagus is not only a delicacy on the table, but also a treasure trove of health, which fills her with expectations for a better life.

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