
Don't soak goji berries in water to lower blood pressure! The doctor reminds that rumors are not credible, and blood pressure should be kept in mind!

author:Starfire Life

Goji berry, a Chinese medicinal material with rich nutritional and medicinal value, has occupied a place in the theory of traditional Chinese medicine since ancient times. Its sexual Ganping can not only nourish the liver and kidneys, but also have the special effect of benefiting the shrewd purpose.

In many traditional Chinese medicine formulas with tonic effects, such as Liuwei Dihuang Pill and Da Buyuan Decoction, wolfberry is an indispensable ingredient.

However, it is such a well-known Chinese herbal medicine that has been rumored on the Internet in recent years to have a miraculous effect on lowering blood pressure. So, can goji berries soaking in water really lower blood pressure?

01 Whether soaking wolfberry in water can lower blood pressure

As a traditional health care method, wolfberry soaking water is regarded by many people as a daily health choice. However, when it comes to the specific effect of lowering blood pressure, we need to make a clear distinction between facts and myths.

First of all, there are indeed some studies that show that some components in wolfberry, especially wolfberry polysaccharides, show certain biological activities in a laboratory environment, including promoting immunity, anti-aging, anti-tumor, and scavenging free radicals. These studies provide a certain scientific basis for the health care function of wolfberry.

However, when it comes to the specific issue of lowering blood pressure, the situation becomes complicated. On the one hand, there is not enough clinical evidence to show that soaking in water alone can significantly lower blood pressure. Although wolfberry may work synergistically with other herbs in traditional Chinese medicine to regulate blood pressure, this does not mean that the same effect can be achieved by soaking wolfberry in water alone.

Don't soak goji berries in water to lower blood pressure! The doctor reminds that rumors are not credible, and blood pressure should be kept in mind!

On the other hand, each person's physique and health are unique. Even though wolfberry soaking water may exhibit some antihypertensive effects in some individuals, this cannot be taken as a generally applicable conclusion. Because the physiological response of the human body is affected by a variety of factors, including genes, lifestyle, eating habits, etc.

Additionally, it is also important to note that any regarding the effects of herbs or supplements needs to be treated with caution. Although wolfberry itself is a safe Chinese herbal medicine, excessive use or concomitant use with certain medications may cause adverse effects.

Although wolfberry, as a traditional Chinese medicinal material, has a variety of health functions, there is no sufficient evidence that soaking wolfberry in water alone can significantly lower blood pressure.

Don't soak goji berries in water to lower blood pressure! The doctor reminds that rumors are not credible, and blood pressure should be kept in mind!

02 Scientific blood pressure, these precautions you must know!

1. Antihypertensive medicine should be combined with Western medicine

Although many people prefer natural remedies or traditional herbs, Western medicine is still very important in blood pressure therapy. Antihypertensive drugs that have been validated by clinical trials can control blood pressure more effectively and reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. Therefore, patients should choose the appropriate western medicine for prevention under the guidance of a doctor.

2. Guidance from regular hospitals and professional doctors

Antihypertensive treatment is not a simple matter of buying medicine, but needs to consider the overall situation of the patient. In a regular hospital, the doctor will formulate a personalized treatment plan for you based on your specific condition, age, gender and other factors. At the same time, your doctor will also regularly monitor changes in your blood pressure and adjust the dosage of your medication in time.

Don't soak goji berries in water to lower blood pressure! The doctor reminds that rumors are not credible, and blood pressure should be kept in mind!

3. Concurrent treatment of other diseases

Patients with high blood pressure are often prone to other diseases, such as hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia. These conditions increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. Therefore, concomitant treatment of these intercurrent conditions is required in addition to antihypertensive therapy.

4. Adjustment of lifestyle habits

In addition to drug prophylaxis, lifestyle modification is also an important part of antihypertensive therapy. Patients should choose a relatively light, low-salt and low-fat healthy diet, and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Don't soak goji berries in water to lower blood pressure! The doctor reminds that rumors are not credible, and blood pressure should be kept in mind!

At the same time, quit smoking, stop drinking, and avoid getting emotional. For obese patients, it is even more important to restrict diet and control weight.

Scientific blood pressure lowering is not just as simple as taking medicine, but also needs to consider many aspects. Patients should be treated under the guidance of a doctor and actively adjust their lifestyle habits to achieve better antihypertensive results.

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