
Can diabetics lower blood sugar by eating goji berries? Yes, but you need to control the amount of consumption

author:Dr. Jiro

  Goji berries are an excellent health food in the impression of many people, some people like to chew a few wolfberries when they are fine, and some people like to soak wolfberries in water to drink, etc., no matter which way of use can play a good health and health care effect. And it is rumored on the Internet that eating wolfberries can also lower blood sugar, is this true?

Can diabetics lower blood sugar by eating goji berries? Yes, but you need to control the amount of consumption

  Diabetics can indeed lower blood sugar by eating wolfberries correctly!

  Goji berries contain a polysaccharide that can help diabetic patients increase the activity of superoxide dismutase in pancreatic islet cells, so that damaged pancreatic islet cells can be repaired, and at the same time, the patient's glucose tolerance can also be increased, and the serum insulin level can also be increased.

  Therefore, if diabetic patients regularly eat wolfberry, it can help the body prevent the rise of blood sugar and play a role in lowering blood sugar.

Can diabetics lower blood sugar by eating goji berries? Yes, but you need to control the amount of consumption

  It should be emphasized here that diabetics should eat goji berries in small amounts. Because wolfberries contain more sugar, if diabetics eat a lot of wolfberries, it will lead to an increase in blood sugar levels.

  Therefore, if you want to lower blood sugar, you should try to control it within 10 grams, and only eating wolfberries in small doses for a long time will not raise blood sugar and help lower blood sugar.

Can diabetics lower blood sugar by eating goji berries? Yes, but you need to control the amount of consumption

  Diabetics also have the following benefits of eating goji berries:

  1. Improve thirst symptoms

  Most diabetic patients have the symptoms of thirst, mainly because they often feel thirsty and need to drink a lot of water.

  2. Improve kidney function

  Diabetic patients are very prone to kidney disease, because of Xiao Ke, patients will drink a lot of water, and at the same time, the frequency of urination will also increase, which will lead to an increase in the burden on the kidneys and cause kidney disease.

  If patients can eat wolfberries regularly or use wolfberries to soak in water to drink, it can help patients improve kidney function and improve symptoms such as limb weakness and impotence.

Can diabetics lower blood sugar by eating goji berries? Yes, but you need to control the amount of consumption

  3. Improve eyesight

  Diabetic patients' eyes are also susceptible to the effects of high blood sugar, so that vision loss or abnormal vision, patients usually eat a small amount of wolfberry, can help improve vision, because wolfberry contains a certain amount of zeaxanthin, which can prevent the eyes from being stimulated by excessive ultraviolet rays, so that the optic nerve is protected.

  In addition to the above three aspects, diabetic patients often eat a small amount of wolfberry, which can also help the body remove free radicals, protect the endothelium of the heart and blood vessels, maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, and prevent heart lesions in diabetic patients.

  Moreover, wolfberry also contains more vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients, which can also help the body replenish nutrients and enhance physical fitness after eating.

Can diabetics lower blood sugar by eating goji berries? Yes, but you need to control the amount of consumption

  Finally, I would like to remind all diabetic patients that they must take hypoglycemic drugs on time and in accordance with the amount under the guidance of doctors, inject insulin, monitor blood sugar values regularly, strictly control the dietary structure, do not eat too spicy, greasy, and stimulating food, and avoid or eat less sugary food, and strengthen physical exercise every day to keep the body's blood sugar stable.

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