
Can liquor really fight cancer? Can white wine soaked in wolfberry be healthy? Tell you the truth

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

In the afternoon, Mr. Li sat on the balcony of his home, looking out at the mountains in the distance, holding a glass of white wine soaked in wolfberries in his hand. His friends once told him that such a drink is not only refreshing, but also anti-cancer and healthy.

Mr. Lee, a science buff himself, is always skeptical of such claims, but he also hopes to find a way to enjoy life and live a long and healthy life. On this day, he decided to check out, do liquor and wolfberries really have such a miraculous effect?

Can liquor really fight cancer? Can white wine soaked in wolfberry be healthy? Tell you the truth

1. The truth about the anti-cancer of liquor

The widespread claim that baijiu fights cancer stems from a university study that discovered a substance called lichenin, which is said to have the miraculous effect of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

This peptide substance, which is composed of 7 amino acids and fatty acids, is produced by Bacillus licheniformis during the fermentation of liquor. This sounds like a very scientific basis, so many people believe that baijiu can be used as a good medicine against cancer. However, the truth is not that simple.

First of all, the anti-cancer effect of lichenin is mainly obtained in the laboratory environment, through experiments on animals and cells, and has not been systematically tested and verified in humans.

Secondly, even if lichenin does exist in liquor, its content is extremely small, far from reaching the level that can affect human health.

What's more, the main ingredient in baijiu is alcohol, which itself is a recognized carcinogen. Long-term consumption of large amounts of liquor, especially high alcohol, actually increases the risk of esophageal cancer, oral cancer and other cancers.

Can liquor really fight cancer? Can white wine soaked in wolfberry be healthy? Tell you the truth

Second, the truth of soaking wolfberry in white wine for health preservation

When it comes to health, goji berries seem to be a good choice. Traditionally, goji berries have been believed to nourish the liver and kidneys, and are an indispensable part of many health regimens. However, soaking goji berries in liquor can really be healthy?

First of all, we need to understand that although goji berries are rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, the scientific community is still inconclusive whether these nutrients can be effectively released from goji berries into baijiu, and whether the concentration of these nutrients is sufficient to produce obvious benefits for the human body.

In fact, the nutrients in wolfberry are likely to be unable to maintain their original activity in a high-alcohol environment such as baijiu, let alone be effectively absorbed and utilized by the human body.

In addition, baijiu itself is an alcoholic beverage, and long-term excessive consumption will cause damage to the liver, gastrointestinal tract and other organs, which is far from the original intention of health preservation.

Therefore, soaking wolfberries in white wine is actually just a psychological comfort. If you want to be truly healthy, you should still choose a more scientific and healthy lifestyle.

Can liquor really fight cancer? Can white wine soaked in wolfberry be healthy? Tell you the truth

3. Alcohol content and health

Alcohol content refers to the amount of alcohol in an alcoholic beverage, usually expressed as a percentage. For baijiu, the alcohol content is generally between 40% and 65%, but the standard liquor in mainland China has a relatively wide range of degrees, ranging from 30% to 70%.

Generally speaking, the higher the alcohol content of baijiu, the higher its alcohol content, and the greater the harm to the human body.

The effects of alcohol on human health are mainly as follows:

1. Cardiovascular system: Alcohol intake can lead to vasodilation, increased heart rate, and increased blood pressure, and long-term alcohol consumption may increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension, myocardial infarction, etc.

2. Liver: The liver is the main organ of metabolism and detoxification in the human body, and long-term excessive alcohol consumption will cause damage to the liver, leading to fatty liver, liver cirrhosis and other diseases, and even liver cancer.

3. Digestive system: Alcohol can irritate the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, causing increased gastric acid secretion, and long-term drinking may lead to gastritis, gastric ulcers and other digestive diseases.

4. Nervous system: Long-term drinking can damage the nervous system, leading to neurasthenia, memory loss, mood swings and other problems, and in severe cases, alcoholic encephalopathy and other diseases.

Therefore, excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health, whether it is high or low alcohol. In order to protect our health, we should drink in moderation, follow the principles of healthy drinking, and never overdo it.

Can liquor really fight cancer? Can white wine soaked in wolfberry be healthy? Tell you the truth

4. Hangover relievers and health

Hangover cures are a class of drugs or supplements that are widely believed to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of alcoholism. There are many types of hangover remedies available in the market, including Chinese medicine, Western medicine, and health supplements.

These hangover relievers often claim to be able to quickly relieve the adverse effects of alcohol poisoning and reduce headaches, nausea, fatigue and other uncomfortable symptoms.

However, the actual results of hangover cures are not as good as they could be. First of all, there is no scientific research to prove that hangover drugs do have significant hangover effects, and the efficacy of many hangover drugs has not been verified by rigorous clinical trials.

Secondly, some hangover remedies may contain ingredients that are harmful to the human body, and long-term use may cause negative health effects.

According to the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents, the best way to prevent alcohol poisoning is to control alcohol intake, drink alcohol in moderation, and avoid alcohol poisoning caused by excessive drinking.

In addition, you should avoid drinking tea or coffee after drinking, so as not to increase the burden on your kidneys, and at the same time, do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach, and choose foods such as milk or snacks to slow down the irritation of the gastrointestinal tract by alcohol.

After drinking, the lateral position should be taken to reduce the risk of aspiration. If you have severe symptoms of alcoholism, you should seek medical attention immediately and receive professional medical attention.

Hangover relievers are not the best solution to alcoholism, and the key to preventing alcoholism is to control the amount of alcohol you drink and follow healthy drinking habits.

Can liquor really fight cancer? Can white wine soaked in wolfberry be healthy? Tell you the truth

5. Scientific and healthy lifestyle

Maintain a balanced diet, eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and other foods, and limit the intake of foods high in sugar, fat and salt. Moderate intake of high-quality protein, such as fish, poultry, legumes, etc., to ensure the various nutrients required by the body.

Engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, etc., and also muscle strength training, such as weightlifting, push-ups, etc. Moderate exercise helps to enhance cardiopulmonary function, improve the body's metabolic level, and prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases.

Maintaining good sleep habits and getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night is necessary for adults. Lack of sleep can affect the body's metabolism and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, and other diseases.

Maintain a good attitude, learn to cope with the pressures and challenges in life, regulate emotions through relaxation techniques, psychological counseling, etc., and maintain mental health.

Through the above scientific health advice, we can better protect our physical health, stay away from diseases, and enjoy a happy and healthy life.

Can liquor really fight cancer? Can white wine soaked in wolfberry be healthy? Tell you the truth


Wine is not a good medicine for cancer, and soaking wolfberries in white wine is not a real way to maintain health. Long-term excessive alcohol consumption can increase health risks such as cancer and cardiovascular disease, and hangover relievers are not the best choice for alcoholism.

A scientific and healthy lifestyle is a true way to maintain health, including a reasonable diet, moderate exercise, good sleep, and mental health. Through these methods, we can better protect our physical health, stay away from diseases, and enjoy a happy, healthy life. Let's take care of our health together and stay away from excessive drinking and bad lifestyle habits to maintain a healthy and happy life.

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