
People with constipation, how can they go to the toilet freely? 3 actions to improve constipation, there is always one that can be used in daily life, there is an "unspeakable hidden" called constipation. A lot of people think it's not a big deal

author:Health on the front line

People with constipation, how can they go to the toilet freely? 3 actions to improve constipation, there is always one that can be used

In daily life, there is a "hidden secret" called constipation. A lot of people don't think it's a big deal. In fact, constipation is also a disease. In recent years, with the change of dietary structure and the influence of mental, psychological and social factors, the incidence of constipation has increased year by year, and long-term constipation will cause harm to the human body.

If the following three conditions occur, it is necessary to be alert to constipation

1. Lack of bowel movement and frequency of defecation: I don't feel like I want to defecate for a long time, and occasionally the amount is small;

2. Difficulty in defecation: the feces are dry, difficult to discharge and there is no sense of pleasure, there is a sense of falling and pain;

3. Poor defecation: squatting for a long time before defecation, and sometimes squatting for a long time also fails to defecate.

3 actions to improve constipation, there is always one that can be used

Abdominal massage

Method: Take a sitting or lying position, place your palms on your abdomen, and massage your abdomen in a clockwise direction for 20~30 minutes each time.

Levator ani exercises

Method: Take a sitting or lying posture to contract the anus, that is, imitate the action of retracting and releasing during normal defecation, so as to exercise the contraction force of the levator ani muscle, and repeat it for 5~10 minutes.

Hip lift exercises

Lie flat on the bed or on a yoga mat with your feet slightly shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees on the ground, shrink your abdomen, push your pelvis forward with all your hands, and try your best to push your pelvis upwards so that the side looks like it is in a straight line from your knees to your neck. Stop for 10 seconds and repeat 15 times; If your proficiency increases, you can increase your stay time according to your ability

Patients with constipation must be cautious when choosing drugs, never blindly use drugs, and if you want to completely get rid of constipation, you still need to use scientific methods to cure it.

If constipation is still not relieved, it is necessary to consider scientific medication, there are many types of constipation in traditional Chinese medicine, from the virtual and real aspects, it can be divided into virtual and real secret, the real is laxative, and the virtual is supplemented.

It is recommended that you can keep Shouhui laxative capsule at home, it has a certain representativeness in the treatment of stubborn deficiency constipation, its formula is compatible with the principle of "to supplement the treatment of constipation", the whole formula is composed of ginseng, Polygonum multiflori, aloe vera, cassia seed, ejiao, wolfberry, atractylodes, citrus aurantium a total of eight flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, nourishing yin and invigorating qi, diarrhea and laxative, and laxative, which is very suitable for patients with qi deficiency, yin deficiency or qi and yin deficiency constipation.

At the same time, it is characterized by "supplement-based, supplemented by tong" to dredge and regulate the intestines and help the human body restore its ability to defecate independently, but Shouhui laxative capsule as a Chinese patent medicine is not "slow Langzhong", generally in 2 to 8 hours after taking the bowel movement, the effect varies from person to person, a course of treatment for two weeks, generally take one to two courses can have a significant improvement.

People with constipation, how can they go to the toilet freely? 3 actions to improve constipation, there is always one that can be used in daily life, there is an "unspeakable hidden" called constipation. A lot of people think it's not a big deal
People with constipation, how can they go to the toilet freely? 3 actions to improve constipation, there is always one that can be used in daily life, there is an "unspeakable hidden" called constipation. A lot of people think it's not a big deal
People with constipation, how can they go to the toilet freely? 3 actions to improve constipation, there is always one that can be used in daily life, there is an "unspeakable hidden" called constipation. A lot of people think it's not a big deal

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