
The 61-year-old aunt boiled water with cassia seeds every day to drink, and after one year of physical examination, her physical condition changed significantly

author:Mr. Wang Medical Science Popularization

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"Aunt Zhang, how do you feel about boiling water with cassia seeds every day?" Uncle Li, a neighbor, asked curiously while peeling peanuts.

Aunt Zhang, 61 years old, is a cashier at a supermarket. Since a year ago, she heard that cassia seeds have the effects of clearing the liver and eyes, lowering blood pressure and lipids, so she began to boil water with cassia seeds every day to drink.

The 61-year-old aunt boiled water with cassia seeds every day to drink, and after one year of physical examination, her physical condition changed significantly

She persisted in this habit for a year. On this day, she decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination to see if the cassia had any magical effects.

The doctor looked at Aunt Zhang's physical examination report, and his expression was a little surprised: "Aunt Zhang, your body has changed so much!" Your blood pressure, blood lipids have been lowered, and your liver function has improved significantly. ”

The 61-year-old aunt boiled water with cassia seeds every day to drink, and after one year of physical examination, her physical condition changed significantly

When Aunt Zhang heard this, her heart blossomed, and she hurriedly asked, "Doctor, is this cassia really so magical?" ”

The doctor smiled and said, "Cassia does have many benefits, but it should also be used in moderation. Cassia is rich in alkaloids, flavonoids and dietary fiber, which have a good health care effect on the body. The alkaloids and flavonoids in cassia have the effects of lowering blood pressure, lowering lipids and clearing the liver. ”

The 61-year-old aunt boiled water with cassia seeds every day to drink, and after one year of physical examination, her physical condition changed significantly

Cassia seed, as a common Chinese herbal medicine, is mainly used to treat symptoms such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and constipation. The alkaloids and flavonoids in cassia can dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure, while also inhibiting cholesterol absorption and lowering blood lipid levels.

Drinking cassia tea in moderation every day can significantly reduce blood pressure and blood lipids, which is of great help in the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

The 61-year-old aunt boiled water with cassia seeds every day to drink, and after one year of physical examination, her physical condition changed significantly

Aunt Zhang recalls that she started boiling water with cassia seeds, when she often felt dry eyes, blurred vision, and high blood pressure. I heard from a friend that cassia seeds have the effect of clearing the liver and brightening the purpose, so I began to boil water with cassia seeds every morning to drink. Over the course of a year, she noticed that her vision problems had improved and her blood pressure had returned to normal.

The doctor nodded and said, "The flavonoids in cassia have a strong antioxidant effect, which can remove free radicals in the body, protect liver cells, and improve liver function. ”

The 61-year-old aunt boiled water with cassia seeds every day to drink, and after one year of physical examination, her physical condition changed significantly

The flavonoids in cassia can significantly increase the activity of superoxide dismutase in the body and reduce the production of lipid peroxides, thereby protecting the liver and delaying aging. It is no wonder that Aunt Zhang's liver function is much better than before, and even the condition of her skin has improved.

Aunt Zhang was even happier when she heard this, she didn't expect that this cassia had so many benefits. The doctor went on to say, "Cassia seeds are also rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation. Dietary fiber can increase the volume of feces and shorten the residence time of feces in the intestines, thereby reducing the irritation of harmful substances to the intestines and preventing the occurrence of colon cancer. ”

The 61-year-old aunt boiled water with cassia seeds every day to drink, and after one year of physical examination, her physical condition changed significantly

Aunt Zhang feels that she has suffered a lot less gastrointestinal problems in the past year, and the problem of constipation is almost gone, which may have a lot to do with the role of cassia. The doctor also reminded her that Cassia has a slight coldness, and long-term drinking in large quantities may cause stomach cold, so it is necessary to pay attention to the appropriate amount.

She also decided to continue the habit and share this regimen with more friends and family.

The 61-year-old aunt boiled water with cassia seeds every day to drink, and after one year of physical examination, her physical condition changed significantly

After returning home, Aunt Zhang immediately shared her physical examination results and health experience in the family WeChat group, and everyone said that they wanted to learn from her and boil water with cassia seeds every day.

A few months later, Aunt Zhang's friend Aunt Liu also came to ask her for advice and asked, "Aunt Zhang, I have dry eyes recently, I heard that Cassia is good for my eyes, is it true?" ”

The 61-year-old aunt boiled water with cassia seeds every day to drink, and after one year of physical examination, her physical condition changed significantly

Aunt Zhang smiled and said: "Yes, cassia seeds have a very good effect on clearing the liver and eyes, you can use cassia seeds to boil water and drink it every day, and if you stick to it for a while, there will definitely be improvement." However, it is necessary to pay attention to the appropriate amount, about 10 grams per day. ”

Aunt Liu listened to this, expressed her gratitude again and again, and decided to start boiling water with cassia seeds every day. A few months later, Aunt Liu's eye problem had improved significantly, and she said to Aunt Zhang gratefully, "Thank you so much, Aunt Zhang, this cassia boiled water is really a good thing." ”

The 61-year-old aunt boiled water with cassia seeds every day to drink, and after one year of physical examination, her physical condition changed significantly

Aunt Zhang's heart is also full of a sense of accomplishment, she feels that she has not only maintained her health, but also helped her friends. She decided to continue to promote this healthy eating habit to more people.

How important a healthy diet and a scientific approach to health care are to the body. Although cassia is a good Chinese herbal medicine, it is also necessary to pay attention to the appropriate amount and not overdo it. Maintaining a moderate and balanced diet can truly achieve the effect of health care.

The 61-year-old aunt boiled water with cassia seeds every day to drink, and after one year of physical examination, her physical condition changed significantly

Through Aunt Zhang's story, I hope everyone can understand how important it is to maintain a healthy diet. Boiling water with cassia seeds every day may seem simple, but it can bring unexpected health effects. I hope that everyone can be like Aunt Zhang, through scientific dietary methods, to maintain good health and stay away from diseases.

What do you think about boiling water with cassia seeds to drink? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 61-year-old aunt boiled water with cassia seeds every day to drink, and after one year of physical examination, her physical condition changed significantly

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