
【Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Class】Xiaoman is clever in "tonic", often eats 9 kinds of food, strengthens the body and prevents diseases

author:Healthy Fat City
【Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Class】Xiaoman is clever in "tonic", often eats 9 kinds of food, strengthens the body and prevents diseases

Paying attention to diet and health care during the Xiaoman period has certain benefits for preventive health care and disease prevention.

【Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Class】Xiaoman is clever in "tonic", often eats 9 kinds of food, strengthens the body and prevents diseases

Xiaoman eats a lot of fresh

【Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Class】Xiaoman is clever in "tonic", often eats 9 kinds of food, strengthens the body and prevents diseases

Cherry - prevent measles, relieve astringency and relieve pain

"Southern Yunnan Materia Medica" records that cherries "cure all false evidence, can greatly replenish vitality and moisturize the skin".

Contraindications: cherries are warm, and those with febrile venereal disease and hypothermia cough are fastened; Cherries are high in potassium and can aggravate oliguria and edema in patients with kidney disease.

Luffa - clears heat, cools blood, and dissolves phlegm

The loofah is rich in nutrition and has higher medicinal value, and has the effects of clearing heat and cooling blood, moisturizing and beautifying, activating meridians, detoxifying and laxative, dispelling wind, dissolving phlegm, promoting blood veins, lowering blood pressure, and lowering milk.

Contraindications: Excessive consumption of loofah will cause diarrhea, and it should not be eaten raw; People with diarrhea should not eat.

Mulberry - nourishes blood and nourishes yin, and quenches thirst

Mulberry can nourish blood and nourish yin, nourish liver and kidneys, strengthen waist and knees, and black hair.

Contraindications: People with spleen deficiency and loose stools and diabetic patients should not eat mulberries.

Cucumber – reduces inflammation in the mouth

Cucumber juice can prevent frequent oral diseases in the small full solar term.

Because cucumber contains a lot of vitamins, it can play a certain therapeutic role in mouth ulcers.

Garlic sprouts – to prevent gastrointestinal diseases

In the small season, there is a lot of hot and rainy days, and it is easy to have diarrhea and constipation, so eating more garlic sprouts at this time can prevent many gastrointestinal diseases.

In particular, garlic sprouts contain capsaicin, which can reach one-tenth of penicillin's bactericidal ability, which is conducive to protecting intestinal health.

Bitter gourd - the first gourd to reduce fire

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, bitter gourd can remove evil heat, relieve fatigue, clear the heart and eyes, and is very suitable for consumption when the weather is hot.

It is also recorded in the "Suixingju Diet Recipe" that bitter gourd "nourishes blood and liver, moistens the spleen and kidneys" when cooked, which shows that the fully ripe bitter gourd has a good tonic effect.

Kale – the king of leafy greens

Kale is very high in vitamin C and calcium.

Moreover, kale is rich in glucosinolated, and its degradation product is called sulforaphane, which has certain benefits for improving human immunity when eaten regularly.

Gourd - water dilution and swelling melon

Gourd, also called gourd, belongs to the gourd family, sweet taste, cold, return to the lungs, kidneys, stomach meridians, can benefit the kidneys and water, dispel dampness and swelling, quench thirst and remove annoyance, clear heat and detoxify.

In addition to ordinary people's consumption, it is especially suitable for people with swollen limbs, thirst and damp heat, as well as people who are usually prone to fire.

Loquat - nourishing lung fruit

Loquat is sweet, sour, cool, returns to the spleen, lungs, and liver meridians, can moisten the lungs, quench thirst, and moisten the five organs, and can be used to treat lung heat, cough, asthma, vomiting, and polydipsia.

At this time, if you have dry mouth, dry cough, constipation and other dry symptoms, you can eat some loquat appropriately, or you can use loquat and rock sugar to boil loquat paste and eat.

【Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Class】Xiaoman is clever in "tonic", often eats 9 kinds of food, strengthens the body and prevents diseases

Xiaoman can't miss the tea, porridge, soup

Mt. Yucha

Ingredients: 5 grams of dried lotus leaves, 5 grams of dried hawthorn, 3 grams of tangerine peel.

Method: Put the top 3 flavors in the tea jar, brew in boiling water for 15 minutes, add an appropriate amount of sugar to taste, and replace the tea.

Efficacy: Clears away heat and turbidity, regulates qi and appetizes. It is suitable for people with internal resistance to dampness and heat, and poor appetite.

Lotus seed millet porridge

Ingredients: take 20 grams of lotus seeds, 20 grams of raw and cooked coix seeds, an appropriate amount of yellow millet, 10 jujubes, 10 grams of astragalus and 10 grams of cocos.

Method: Boil water instead of soup to make porridge, eat 2~3 times a week.

Efficacy: The formula follows the homology of medicine and food, which can be sweet and pleasing to the spleen, and to correct and dispel dampness.

Tangerine peel and coix seed soup

Ingredients: 10 grams of tangerine peel, 50 grams of coix seeds, appropriate amount of sugar.

Method: Wash the tangerine peel and coix seeds, add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, boil and then change to low heat and cook for about 30 minutes. Remove the slag and extract the juice, add an appropriate amount of sugar to taste.

Efficacy: This soup is suitable for people with summer dampness and boredom, loss of appetite, spleen and stomach disharmony, indigestion, abdominal distension, vomiting and diarrhea.

Copyright Notice

This article is selected from Health Care China, edited and recommended by Feicheng Health Bureau and Feicheng Traditional Chinese Medicine Association, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

Submission address: [email protected]

Editor's review: Feicheng Health Education Center

【Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Class】Xiaoman is clever in "tonic", often eats 9 kinds of food, strengthens the body and prevents diseases

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