
[Four sends, four in, four promotions] The health promotion action of Hutun Town Health Center entered Baizhuang Mining School

author:Healthy Fat City
[Four sends, four in, four promotions] The health promotion action of Hutun Town Health Center entered Baizhuang Mining School

In order to better serve the grassroots people, popularize the health knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, and meet the health needs of the grassroots people for traditional Chinese medicine. Recently, Hutun Town Health Center organized grassroots famous doctors and business backbones to enter Baizhuang Mining School to carry out traditional Chinese medicine health culture publicity, emergency knowledge publicity and love free clinic activities for faculty and staff, and delivered high-quality medical services to the campus.

Liu Chunming, a "famous doctor at the grassroots level" in Shandong Province, introduced the identification of nine different constitutions, including yang deficiency constitution, yin deficiency constitution, qi deficiency constitution, phlegm and dampness constitution, damp heat constitution, blood stasis constitution, special constitution, qi depression constitution, and peaceful constitution from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, and introduced the syndrome differentiation and treatment of common diseases in spring and summer, as well as the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of diseases.

[Four sends, four in, four promotions] The health promotion action of Hutun Town Health Center entered Baizhuang Mining School

In order to help everyone improve their self-rescue and mutual rescue capabilities, win more rescue time for patients, and increase the success rate of rescue, the correct first aid treatment methods for drowning, electric shock, scalds, burns, fractures and other situations were explained in the form of video playback, and the cardiopulmonary resuscitation process was explained in detail for everyone, so that effective emergency measures can be taken in case of accidents.

[Four sends, four in, four promotions] The health promotion action of Hutun Town Health Center entered Baizhuang Mining School

Liu Chunming identified the TCM constitution of the faculty and staff through looking, smelling, asking and cutting, and gave guidance on diet and health according to their physical condition and the current climate characteristics, advocating everyone to develop a healthy lifestyle and improve the cultural literacy of Chinese medicine among residents. He patiently answered the questions raised by the faculty and staff one by one, and put forward targeted guidance from the aspects of lifestyle, medication standards, healthy exercise, nutrition and health care, and health preservation.

[Four sends, four in, four promotions] The health promotion action of Hutun Town Health Center entered Baizhuang Mining School

Tao Li and Rao Chongyang, attending physicians of Tai'an Rongjun Hospital in Shandong Province, measured blood pressure for faculty and staff on the spot, explained in detail the importance of salt-restricted diet and taking medication on time to patients with hypertension, and gave medication guidance.

[Four sends, four in, four promotions] The health promotion action of Hutun Town Health Center entered Baizhuang Mining School

Dr. Wang Guangxin of the Chinese Medical University carried out a traditional guidance experience to the teachers, and used massage, shock wave, acupuncture and other techniques to treat the teachers and staff who came to consult.

[Four sends, four in, four promotions] The health promotion action of Hutun Town Health Center entered Baizhuang Mining School

The site also carried out health education knowledge publicity for faculty and staff, distributed health education brochures and health education prescriptions, publicized and popularized the basic scientific knowledge of chronic diseases such as infectious disease prevention and control, hypertension and diabetes to faculty and staff, and provided consultation and health guidance.

[Four sends, four in, four promotions] The health promotion action of Hutun Town Health Center entered Baizhuang Mining School

In the next step, Hutun Town Health Center will continue to sink to the front line, vigorously publicize and popularize health knowledge, guide the masses to correctly use medical drugs, and continue to improve the health and well-being of the people. (Hutun Town Health Center)

Submission address: [email protected]

Editor's review: Feicheng Health Education Center

[Four sends, four in, four promotions] The health promotion action of Hutun Town Health Center entered Baizhuang Mining School