
A well-known actress suddenly fell ill and was rushed to the hospital! In the high incidence period of this disease, we must pay attention to →

author:Fujian Health News

Last night

Popular Yue Opera actor Chen Lijun

rushed to the first place in the hot search

It is understood

Yesterday afternoon in Hangzhou, Zhejiang

The Yue opera "New Dragon Gate Inn" was originally about to start

But Chen Lijun had a sudden gastroenteritis and was unable to perform

The entire creative team came to the stage to apologize

A well-known actress suddenly fell ill and was rushed to the hospital! In the high incidence period of this disease, we must pay attention to →

Last year, Chen Lijun relied on

Yue Opera "New Dragon Gate Inn" plays the role of Jia Ting

exploded with a wonderful interpretation

Become the "top stream" in the opera circle

A well-known actress suddenly fell ill and was rushed to the hospital! In the high incidence period of this disease, we must pay attention to →

Some netizens broke the news in the comment area

Chen Lijun's acute gastroenteritis and high fever do not go away

Even so, I still made it to the scene for the sake of the audience

It's really serious

The performance must not be cancelled at short notice

In this regard, many netizens expressed distress and understanding

I hope she takes good care of her body,

in order to better stand on the stage.

A well-known actress suddenly fell ill and was rushed to the hospital! In the high incidence period of this disease, we must pay attention to →
A well-known actress suddenly fell ill and was rushed to the hospital! In the high incidence period of this disease, we must pay attention to →

Fu Xiaowei reminds!

The stomach is more likely to "get sick" in the summer

Chen Lijun suffers from acute gastroenteritis

In fact, it is more common in the hot and humid summer months

How to avoid being "hit"?

1. On hot days, food is susceptible to contamination

Summers are hot and humid, which is conducive to bacterial growth. Improper storage of food in the refrigerator at home can also lead to bacterial growth and cross-contamination.

2. "Raw cold and heavy mouth" stimulates the gastrointestinal mucosa to be stimulated by strong cold and spicy, resulting in impaired gastric function and acute gastrointestinal diseases.

3. Irregular diet, gastrointestinal strike

In summer, people are more likely to eat irregularly, either lose their appetite, or eat supper, be hungry or overeat, and it is easy to disrupt the rhythm of gastrointestinal work. Hot weather leads to loss of appetite, weakened digestion, and the stomach and intestines are more susceptible to external stimuli.

"Prescribe the right medicine" to relieve gastroenteritis

Acute gastroenteritis is an acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, which is mainly manifested as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, etc. In severe cases, dehydration, electrolyte and acid-base balance disturbances may occur, and may be life-threatening.

It varies depending on the cause

Gastroenteritis can be divided into:

There are two types: infectious and non-infectious

Different gastroenteritis

There are also differences in coping methods

  • Infectious gastroenteritis is caused by infection by pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, etc.
  • Non-infectious acute gastroenteritis is caused by physical and chemical factors, such as eating too cold, eating too much, eating food that you are not tolerated, etc.

For milder symptoms: oral rehydration salts

If the number of diarrhoea is not frequent (< 5 times) and other symptoms are mild, bed rest should be possible. Small, frequent rehydration salts (composed of glucose, sodium, potassium, etc.).

Temporary fasting can be done on the first day, followed by light, frequent meals of light or semi-liquid foods.

If symptoms are severe: seek medical attention promptly

Gastroenteritis symptoms are severe, especially infants, young children, the elderly and infirm, and people with underlying chronic diseases, who need to see a doctor in time and take medication under the guidance of a doctor.

Dysbiosis: supplementation with live bacterial preparations

Gastrointestinal diarrhea is often associated with intestinal dysbiosis and the proliferation of conditionally pathogenic bacteria, and appropriate supplementation of probiotics is beneficial for treatment. In principle, live bacteria preparations should not be used in combination with antimicrobial drugs. If it needs to be used at the same time to control severe infection, it needs to be used at an interval of 2~3 hours.

Bacterial infections: Use antibiotics with caution

Antibiotics may cause diarrhea or promote the growth of resistant bacteria and are generally not recommended. Antibiotics are not effective for noninfectious and viral gastroenteritis.

Antibiotics can be used rationally under the guidance of a doctor for patients with certain pathogenic bacterial infections, severe patients requiring hospitalization, and patients with concurrent bacteremia or immunocompromise.

Severe diarrhea: use antidiarrheal drugs rationally

Antidiarrheal drugs can be added when diarrhea lasts for more than 24~48 hours and there is no indication of a more serious bacterial infection. However, it is not recommended for children.

Montmorillonite powder is a commonly used antidiarrheal drug, which is suitable for most people. However, it needs to be taken at a staggered time with other medicines.

The weather is getting hotter

Everyone should pay attention to food hygiene

Take care of your gut health

Now it's all up to fate

Remember to set the star

Pay attention to the wonderful content and don't get lost~

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