
The 70-year-old uncle drank a cup of soy milk, foaming at the mouth and was sent to the emergency department, doctor: Drinking soy milk like this will cause poisoning

author:Starfire Life

In the early morning, when the sunlight shines through the cracks in the curtains and gently sprinkles on the face of 70-year-old Uncle Zhang, he is holding a cup of home-ground soy milk, ready to enjoy the most comfortable breakfast time of the day. Who would have thought that this seemingly ordinary cup of soy milk would hide a huge danger?

The sweetness of soy milk jumped on the tip of his tongue, and Uncle Zhang's mood became happy. But suddenly, his face changed suddenly, a mouthful of soy milk gushed out, followed by foaming at the mouth, and the whole person collapsed to the ground. The family panicked and immediately dialed 120.

Amid the whistling of the ambulance, Uncle Zhang was rushed to the nearest hospital. After a series of intense examinations, the doctors found that in addition to the symptoms of soy milk poisoning, Uncle Zhang also had a deeper health hidden danger in his body - early signs of bowel cancer.

Dr. Li explained to the family the reason for Uncle Zhang's poisoning: "Although soy milk is nutritious, if it is not cooked to no pink, the soy saponins in it will cause a poisoning reaction. ”

The family members were shocked, they never thought that soy milk, which seemed safe on weekdays, would become an invisible killer of health. What is even more unacceptable to them is that this accident also brought out the potential cancer risk in Uncle Zhang's body.

Could it be that the soy milk we drink every day is likely to become "poisonous soy milk"? Are our eating habits quietly affecting our health?

The 70-year-old uncle drank a cup of soy milk, foaming at the mouth and was sent to the emergency department, doctor: Drinking soy milk like this will cause poisoning

01. Create healthy eating habits

1. Eat a varied diet

Eating different kinds of foods ensures that the body gets the various nutrients it needs. Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, eggs, and milk should all be on our table. Eating a varied diet can also help maintain the diversity of gut microbes, which can be beneficial for overall health.

Second, the principle of moderation

Even if it's a healthy food, eating too much can be problematic. Every time you eat, you should pay attention to controlling the portion size of food and avoid overeating. In addition, eating regularly and quantitatively can help stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce hunger and the risk of overnutrition.

3. Less salt, less sugar and less oil

Foods high in salt, sugar, and oil, while delicious, can increase the risk of chronic diseases when consumed over a long period of time. Therefore, the use of these condiments should be minimized and healthier cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, baking, etc. should be chosen.

The 70-year-old uncle drank a cup of soy milk, foaming at the mouth and was sent to the emergency department, doctor: Drinking soy milk like this will cause poisoning

Fourth, pay attention to breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it can provide energy and nutrients for the day ahead. So, don't overlook the importance of breakfast and try to choose foods rich in protein and fiber, such as whole-grain bread, eggs, and milk.

5. Drink water regularly

Water is the source of life, and maintaining adequate water intake is essential for good health. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and try to avoid too much sugary drinks and alcohol.

By cultivating these healthy eating habits, we can build a strong foundation for our body, improve resistance, and prevent various diseases. Let's start practicing these healthy eating habits together today!

The 70-year-old uncle drank a cup of soy milk, foaming at the mouth and was sent to the emergency department, doctor: Drinking soy milk like this will cause poisoning

02How to enjoy nutritious soy milk safely

As a traditional nutritious drink, soy milk is rich in plant protein and a variety of vitamins, and is deeply loved by people. However, undercooked soy milk may contain harmful substances, leading to a risk of poisoning. In order to ensure the safe consumption of soy milk, we need to master some key anti-virus cheats.

1. Bring to a thorough boil

The most crucial step is to ensure that the soy milk is boiled well. The harmful substances in soy milk, such as soy saponins, need to be boiled at high temperatures to be effectively destroyed.

Therefore, when cooking soy milk, be sure to boil it until it is non-pink and continue to boil for at least 5-10 minutes to ensure that the soy milk is fully cooked.

The 70-year-old uncle drank a cup of soy milk, foaming at the mouth and was sent to the emergency department, doctor: Drinking soy milk like this will cause poisoning

2. Choose the right beans

Selection is the basis for making soy milk. Avoid using expired or spoiled beans as they may contain more harmful substances. When buying soybeans, pay attention to check their color and smell and make sure to choose high-quality raw materials.

3. Pay attention to the use of soymilk machine

If you use a soymilk maker to make soy milk, be sure to follow the instructions and operate it correctly. Make sure the soymilk maker has enough heating power and time settings to ensure that the soymilk can be fully cooked. At the same time, clean the soymilk maker regularly to avoid bacterial growth.

4. Drink in moderation

Although soy milk is highly nutritious, it should not be consumed in excess. Drinking soy milk in moderation can ensure that the body fully absorbs its nutrients while avoiding the discomfort that may come with excessive intake.

The 70-year-old uncle drank a cup of soy milk, foaming at the mouth and was sent to the emergency department, doctor: Drinking soy milk like this will cause poisoning

Fifth, pay attention to personal physique

Some people may have allergies or intolerances to soy products. Before drinking soy milk, it is recommended to understand your own physical condition, and if you have a history of allergies or intolerance symptoms, you should avoid or drink soy milk in moderation.

By mastering these anti-virus cheats, we can safely enjoy nutritious soy milk. Remember, boiling is key, but it's also important to choose high-quality beans, use a soy milk maker correctly, drink in moderation, and pay attention to your physical fitness. Let's enjoy delicious soy milk while also protecting our health.

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