
The new overlord of summer drinks: not milk, not soy milk, but it!

author:The food life encyclopedia of the baby gecko

As soon as it is cool and "summer", milk and soy milk have to give way!

Hello dear friends, I'm a little gecko. It's my habit to use simple words to introduce delicious food. When the summer heat gradually fills, everyone's heart is looking forward to that ray of coolness. Today, I would like to introduce you to a cool product in summer, which is neither the warmth of milk nor the mellowness of soy milk, but it can bring us a different kind of refreshment and nourishment in the hot summer. That's – mung bean soup!

In the traditional Chinese concept of health preservation, "medicine is not as good as food", and mung bean is one of the best food supplements in summer. Mung beans are cool, have the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, quenching heat and quenching thirst, especially suitable for summer drinking. Moreover, it can be made in a variety of ways, both as desserts and soups, which are nutritious and suitable for all ages.

The new overlord of summer drinks: not milk, not soy milk, but it!

Next, I will teach you how to use this ordinary mung bean to make eight delicious mung bean soups, and how to change the mung bean soup into different flavors to satisfy your taste buds.

The new overlord of summer drinks: not milk, not soy milk, but it!

1. Classic mung bean soup

Ingredients: mung beans, rock sugar, water


1. Soak the mung beans the night beforehand.

2. Put the mung beans in a pot and add enough water.

3. After the heat is boiling, reduce the heat to low and cook until the mung beans bloom.

4. Add rock sugar to taste and cook until the rock sugar melts.

This is the simplest and most classic mung bean soup method, sweet but not greasy, is a good product in summer.

The new overlord of summer drinks: not milk, not soy milk, but it!

2. Mung bean and barley soup

On the basis of the classic mung bean soup, add barley and cook together. Barley has the effect of reducing swelling and strengthening the spleen and dampness, and complements mung beans.

3. Mung bean and red date soup

Adding red dates to mung bean soup can not only increase the sweetness of the soup, but also replenish qi and nourish blood, especially suitable for women and the elderly.

Fourth, mung bean and lily soup

Lily has the effect of clearing the heart and calming the nerves, moistening the lungs and relieving cough, and the combination of mung beans can not only relieve the heat, but also nourish the heart.

5. Mung bean and pumpkin soup

Pumpkin is rich in vitamins and pectin, which can protect the gastric mucosa, and boiled with mung beans can enhance the effect of relieving heat and nourishing the stomach.

6. Mung bean and kelp soup

Kelp is rich in iodine and minerals, which can be soft and firm, and when added to mung bean soup, it not only adds to the freshness of seafood, but also helps to clear away heat and detoxify.

7. Mung bean and lotus seed soup

Lotus seeds have the effect of tonifying the spleen and stopping diarrhea, nourishing the heart and calming the nerves. Boiled with mung beans, it can enhance the effect of nourishing the heart and soothing the nerves, and is suitable for people with upset insomnia.

8. Mung bean honeysuckle soup

Honeysuckle has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, cooling blood and reducing swelling. Adding honeysuckle to mung bean soup can not only increase the aroma of the soup, but also enhance the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying.

In addition to the above eight recipes, we can also add different ingredients, such as goji berries, longan, etc., according to our own taste and needs, to create more flavorful mung bean soup.

In the scorching summer, a bowl of cool mung bean soup can not only quench your thirst, but also nourish your body and mind. In addition, mung bean soup is easy to make and inexpensive, making it a dish that every family can easily enjoy.

In addition, mung beans can not only be used to make soups, but it can also be transformed into various delicacies, such as mung bean cakes, mung bean paste, mung bean popsicles, etc., which are all delicious dishes in summer.

Here, I would also like to share a tip: when cooking mung bean soup, if you want the mung beans to cook faster, you can fry the mung beans until they are half-cooked, and then add boiling water to boil, which can greatly shorten the cooking time.

Friends, life is like this bowl of mung bean soup, although it seems ordinary, but as long as we do it with our hearts and taste it, we can find the deliciousness and fun in it. This summer, let's get our hands on it and cook a bowl of cool mung bean soup for your family!

Pay attention to the little geckos, and the delicious recipes will not be endless. Let's create delicious food in the kitchen together and enjoy every moment of life! May your summer life, like mung bean soup, be cool and nourishing.

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