
Can you get breast cancer if you drink soy milk often? Women protect their mammary glands, and what they really need to stay away from are these 5 things

author:99 Health Net

Previously, the #豆浆是否会导致乳腺增生和乳腺癌#的讨论登上微博热搜 aroused widespread public attention and heated discussions.

For a long time, it has been said that "drinking soy milk is harmful to the breast glands and may cause breast hyperplasia and breast cancer". However, after several scientific studies, this accusation has proven to be unjust. Soy milk should not bear this trumped-up "crime".

Can you get breast cancer if you drink soy milk often? Women protect their mammary glands, and what they really need to stay away from are these 5 things


Can you get breast cancer if you drink soy milk often?

Regarding the question of whether drinking soy milk often can cause breast cancer, the current scientific research has concluded that there is no conclusive evidence that there is a direct causal relationship between soy milk and breast cancer.

The role of soy isoflavones

Soy milk contains soy isoflavones, which are phytoestrogens. The structure of phytoestrogens is different from that of animal estrogens, and their role in the human body is more complex. Soy isoflavones are sometimes described as having anti-estrogenic effects, meaning they may help reduce levels of active estrogen in the body, potentially potentially reducing the risk of breast cancer in theory.


Several epidemiological studies and clinical trials have shown that women who consume soy products such as soy milk and tofu for a long time have no higher incidence of breast cancer than women who do not consume soy products. Some studies have even shown that soy food intake is associated with a lower risk of breast cancer.

Consume in moderation

Although soy isoflavones may have some protective effect against breast cancer, the intake needs to be moderate. According to the "Balanced Diet Pagoda for Chinese Residents", the recommended daily intake of soybeans and nuts is 25~35 grams, which is equivalent to about 200 ml of soy milk.

Individual differences

For some women, the soy isoflavones in soy milk may affect their endocrine balance, causing breast tenderness or worsening symptoms of breast hyperplasia. These women may need to reduce their intake of soy milk or adjust their diet with the advice of their doctor.

Can you get breast cancer if you drink soy milk often? Women protect their mammary glands, and what they really need to stay away from are these 5 things


It is really possible to induce breast cancer

It's these five things


Smoking has been shown to be an important risk factor for lung cancer, and studies have shown that smoking is associated with the occurrence of breast cancer. Therefore, people who have the habit of smoking should actively quit smoking for the sake of their own health and the health of their families.


Drinking alcohol is also thought to increase the risk of breast cancer. Studies have shown that people who consume more than 10 grams of alcohol per day have a 10.5% increased overall risk of breast cancer.

In addition, a prospective study with a median follow-up of 10 years found that women who consumed 30 grams or more of alcohol per day had a 32% increased risk of breast cancer and a 43% increased risk of invasive breast cancer compared to women who did not drink alcohol.


Obesity is a global health problem and a risk factor for breast cancer. Studies have shown that overweight and obesity in adulthood, especially after menopause, increase the risk of breast cancer.

A study of Chinese women found that even those with a normal BMI had a high body fat percentage that increased the risk of breast cancer, with a 56% increase in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer for every 5 kg of body fat gained.

Not athletic

Lack of exercise has been linked to weight gain and fat accumulation, and excess fat can have a stimulating effect on estrogen, which increases the risk of breast cancer. Regular exercise can improve immunity, reduce body fat percentage, and help prevent breast cancer. Studies have shown that exercise can reduce the survival, proliferation and invasion of breast cancer cells.

Poor mood and stress

Poor mood and stress are also considered risk factors for breast cancer. A large-scale prospective epidemiological survey in the Netherlands also found that high survival stress was associated with an increased overall risk of developing malignancies, especially breast cancer. Therefore, we should strive to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and reduce stress to reduce the occurrence of breast cancer.

Can you get breast cancer if you drink soy milk often? Women protect their mammary glands, and what they really need to stay away from are these 5 things


Prevent breast cancer

It is also recommended to eat them

Cruciferous vegetables

Such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. These vegetables contain glucosinolates that can affect the regulation of inflammation and estrogen levels by metabolic enzymes, helping to prevent breast cancer.

Fish and foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids

Such as salmon, mackerel, etc. Omega-3 fatty acids are thought to help reduce the risk of breast cancer, especially for those with high inflammatory markers in the body.

Whole grains and fiber

Whole grain foods such as oats, brown rice, and whole-wheat bread are rich in fiber, which is thought to reduce the level of estrogen in the body, which may reduce the risk of breast cancer.


Some studies have shown that polyphenolic compounds found in teas such as green and black tea may help prevent breast cancer.

Nuts and seeds

Such as walnuts, almonds, flaxseeds, etc., they contain healthy fats and trace elements, which are beneficial to good health.

Low-fat dairy products

Low-fat milk and yogurt, like low-fat milk, are rich in calcium, which helps maintain bone health.

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