
A 20-year-old college student was diagnosed with liver cancer just because he drank soy milk every day? The doctor said: The bane is moldy soybeans

author:Pediatric Dr. Lee

Soy milk, as a traditional Chinese health drink, has always been highly regarded.

But can you believe it?

A 20-year-old college student was finally diagnosed with liver cancer because he drank a cup of soy milk for breakfast every day!

What's going on here? Could it be that soy milk has really become "poisoned milk"?

A 20-year-old college student was diagnosed with liver cancer just because he drank soy milk every day? The doctor said: The bane is moldy soybeans

Drinking a glass of soy milk for breakfast every day, a 20-year-old college student with hepatitis turned to cancer, and the doctor sighed: saving money hurt her

Xiaoling, an ordinary college student, prepares a cup of hot soy milk for herself every morning as a "source of energy" to start a new day.

Xiaoling didn't know that her "sweetness" day after day was actually an accumulation of "chronic poison".

Those seemingly ordinary soybeans have been contaminated with aflatoxin due to improper storage.

This strong carcinogen quietly grows in her body, slowly eroding her otherwise healthy liver.

Xiao Ling's body began to sound the alarm.

A 20-year-old college student was diagnosed with liver cancer just because he drank soy milk every day? The doctor said: The bane is moldy soybeans

At first, it was just a slight fatigue and loss of appetite, and she thought it was because of the pressure of studying and not enough rest.

Until a chance physical examination, it was found that her liver function indicators were very bad and needed further examination.

At that moment, Xiaoling's world seemed to collapse, and she couldn't accept this cruel fact - she, a college student in her youth, actually suffered from liver cancer!

It turned out that the reason why this college student suffered from liver cancer was not because the soy milk itself was harmful, but because she had eaten moldy soybeans for a long time.

A 20-year-old college student was diagnosed with liver cancer just because he drank soy milk every day? The doctor said: The bane is moldy soybeans

These moldy soybeans contain high amounts of aflatoxin, a strong carcinogen.

After aflatoxin enters the human body, it will cause great damage to the liver, and long-term accumulation may eventually lead to liver cancer.

In addition, these two foods are also very harmful to the liver, so try not to touch them

Pickled foods

Pickled food, sour and spicy, appetizing and refreshing, is the "darling" of many people's tables.

But you know what?

These seemingly delicious foods actually hide the "hidden danger" of hurting the liver.

During the curing process, a lot of salt and preservatives are often added in order to prolong the preservation time.

When these substances enter the body, they not only increase the burden on the kidneys, but also may cause direct damage to the liver.

A 20-year-old college student was diagnosed with liver cancer just because he drank soy milk every day? The doctor said: The bane is moldy soybeans

Moreover, nitrite in pickled foods is listed as a "carcinogen" by the World Health Organization!

So, for the sake of your liver health, it's better to eat less pickled foods!


Betel nut, the popular "chewing gum" in some regions, can refresh the mind, but its harm to the body should not be underestimated.

Areca nut contains a large number of alkaloids and other harmful substances, which will cause direct toxic effects on the liver after entering the body, resulting in liver cell damage and necrosis.

Chewing betel nut for a long time may also increase the risk of oral cancer and esophageal cancer.

Moreover, the chewing action of betel nut can also cause wear and tear on the teeth and mouth, affecting digestive function.

So, for the sake of your liver and whole body health, it's better to stay away from betel nut as soon as possible!

A 20-year-old college student was diagnosed with liver cancer just because he drank soy milk every day? The doctor said: The bane is moldy soybeans

If there are 2 abnormalities in the body, the liver CT should be checked early

Increased fart

Fartting a lot can be a sign of indigestion, but you know what?

It can also be an "alternative signal" of poor liver function.

The liver is our body's "detoxification factory", and if its ability to work decreases, it can lead to digestive disorders, resulting in increased farting.

So, if you find yourself farting frequently, you might as well go to the hospital to check your liver function to see if your liver is "throwing a tantrum".

palmar hepatic

When it comes to palmar liver, many people may not be familiar with it.

Palmar liver refers to the palm of the hand becoming unusually ruddy, especially at the base of the finger.

This is due to impaired blood circulation due to abnormal liver function.

The presence of palmar liver may indicate the progression of liver disease or even a precursor to cirrhosis.

Therefore, if you find that your palms have become abnormally ruddy, you must pay attention to it and go to the hospital in time to check your liver function.

A 20-year-old college student was diagnosed with liver cancer just because he drank soy milk every day? The doctor said: The bane is moldy soybeans


Xiaoling's story is a tragedy and a wake-up call.

It reminds us that health is not child's play, let alone a "luxury" that can be squandered at will.

Any small change in the body can be an "early warning sign" of health.

We should pay attention to the diversity and balance of our diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and maintain good living habits.

Only in this way can we keep the liver "young" in the busy work and continue to escort our health!

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