
A 67-year-old man drank tea for 8 years and was diagnosed with throat cancer, doctor: How can you drink tea like this?

author:Starfire Life

"Don't you know how dangerous it is to drink tea like this?" The doctor's eyes widened and he looked at me in disbelief.

I've always been a tea lover, and I can't live without the fragrant smell of tea every day. But lately, I've been feeling my throat upset, so I came to the hospital for a check-up.

Hearing the doctor's rhetorical question, I was shocked, could it be that my favorite tea has become an invisible killer of health?

Lao Liu, there is a lot of pressure at work every day, and the only way to relax is to taste tea. Especially when I get home from work, a cup of hot tea and a book are simply the most anticipated time of the day.

But I didn't expect that this seemingly innocuous habit could cause me so much trouble.

"You're already experiencing significant inflammation in your throat." The doctor said solemnly, "Long-term consumption of high-temperature strong tea, especially for people like you who have a smoking habit, the mucous membranes of the larynx and esophagus are easily damaged, and in the long run, the risks are self-evident." ”

When I got home, I was lost in thought. How to drink tea? Do you really want to give up this long-standing habit?

A 67-year-old man drank tea for 8 years and was diagnosed with throat cancer, doctor: How can you drink tea like this?

1. Strong tea is not strong, and the risk of throat cancer needs to be vigilant

Lao Liu is a tea lover, especially strong tea. Every day, he brews a pot of strong Pu'er tea and drinks it from morning to night, enjoying the unique aroma and taste of tea. What he didn't expect, however, was that this habit turned out to be a hidden link to laryngeal cancer.

Strong tea, especially high-temperature strong tea, has a lot of irritation to the mucous membrane of the throat. Some compounds in tea may have adverse effects on the body at high concentrations, and long-term consumption of such strong tea in large quantities undoubtedly increases the risk of throat damage. At the same time, the temperature of hot tea may also damage the cells of the larynx, further exacerbating the health problems of the larynx.

A 67-year-old man drank tea for 8 years and was diagnosed with throat cancer, doctor: How can you drink tea like this?

What's more serious is that Lao Liu still has a long-term habit of smoking. Smoking itself greatly increases the risk of laryngeal cancer, and this double stimulation is compounded by frequent consumption of overheated strong tea.

Therefore, we need to pay attention to the appropriate amount and temperature when drinking tea to avoid overstimulating the throat. At the same time, for people who have smoking habits, they should be more vigilant about the risk of laryngeal cancer, quit smoking in time and have regular health check-ups. Only in this way can we take care of our health while enjoying the tea culture.

A 67-year-old man drank tea for 8 years and was diagnosed with throat cancer, doctor: How can you drink tea like this?

2. Health and tea go hand in hand: tea selection tips and tea drinking skills

Tea, as one of China's traditional cultures, not only brings people a unique taste experience, but also carries a thousand-year-old cultural heritage.

However, drinking tea is not simply brewing and tasting, choosing the right tea and drinking tea can truly experience the beauty of tea and let it add points to our health.

A 67-year-old man drank tea for 8 years and was diagnosed with throat cancer, doctor: How can you drink tea like this?

Choose the tea that suits you

Green tea: Rich in tea polyphenols and vitamins, it has a variety of health benefits such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It is suitable for daily drinking, especially for those who want to lose weight and lower lipids.

Black tea: rich in theaflavins and thearubigins, which is less irritating to the stomach. Black tea not only does not hurt the stomach, but can nourish the stomach. At the same time, the tea polyphenols in black tea can refresh the mind and improve work efficiency.

Oolong tea: It has a weight loss effect of dissolving fat, because the main ingredient in tea, tannins, is closely related to the metabolism of fats and can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

A 67-year-old man drank tea for 8 years and was diagnosed with throat cancer, doctor: How can you drink tea like this?

Master the correct way to make tea

Water temperature: Different tea leaves require different water temperatures to brew. For example, green tea typically uses a water temperature of around 80°C, while black tea and oolong tea require a water temperature close to 100°C.

Time: The time to make the tea is also crucial. If you steep it for too long, the tea will become bitter; If you steep it too short, you may not be able to fully extract the aroma and nutrients of the tea.

Tea set: Choose a ceramic tea set with good air permeability to better retain the aroma of tea.

A 67-year-old man drank tea for 8 years and was diagnosed with throat cancer, doctor: How can you drink tea like this?

Drink tea in moderation

While tea has many benefits, it should not be consumed in excess. It is generally recommended to drink 3-5 cups of tea a day, too much may affect sleep or cause other discomforts.

Avoid drinking tea on an empty stomach

Drinking tea on an empty stomach may cause stomach upset, especially colder teas such as green tea and jasmine tea. It is best to drink tea half an hour to an hour after a meal.

A 67-year-old man drank tea for 8 years and was diagnosed with throat cancer, doctor: How can you drink tea like this?

Tea is selected according to the individual's constitution

For people with a hot physique, it is suitable to drink cool tea leaves such as green tea and jasmine tea; For those with a cold physique, you can choose warm tea such as black tea and Pu'er tea.

In short, choosing the right tea and drinking tea can not only taste the beauty of tea, but also bring many benefits to our health.