
Men's long-term heavy drinking causes diabetes! The harm of drinking alcohol, how many people only know one

Recently, a 32-year-old man in Changchun lost weight due to irregular diet and long-term heavy drinking.

You may be wondering, how irregular is the diet that causes the weight loss?

In fact, it is precisely because this man socializes a lot, often greeting liquor and beer, resulting in alcohol liver and diabetes, and the weight loss is also a major feature of diabetes.

Men's long-term heavy drinking causes diabetes! The harm of drinking alcohol, how many people only know one

Do you think this disease can be solved by taking medicine and injections? The solution given by the doctor is: stomach incision treatment!

It can be seen that we really don't ignore our daily regular eating habits.

When it comes to drinking, many men prefer, especially when it comes to holidays, young people will choose to get together with friends, and in the process of partying, it is inevitable to drink.

One might think that being in good health, a few drinks is not a big problem. In fact, on the surface, it looks fine, but in fact, it has been stirred up in our bodies.

Men's long-term heavy drinking causes diabetes! The harm of drinking alcohol, how many people only know one

There are also many dangers of drinking alcohol in healthy people:

First, brain function declines

There are many people who think that as long as you are not drunk, it will not affect brain function, which is completely wrong. As long as the concentration of ethanol in the blood exceeds 0.05%, the cranial nerves will be stimulated, making people feel euphoric or excited.

If the concentration of ethanol in the blood reaches 0.1%, the normal function of the brain has been out of control, which will cause people to lose their self-control. Once it reaches 0.2 to 0.4%, it will make people unconscious, and even life-threatening.

If healthy people drink alcohol for a long time, then the central nervous system will be seriously affected. It can also lead to excessive death of brain cells, which can affect the normal functioning of the brain. Causes problems such as memory loss and slow thinking response.

Men's long-term heavy drinking causes diabetes! The harm of drinking alcohol, how many people only know one

Second, susceptible to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Even if it is only a small amount of alcohol per day, alcohol can cause abnormal spasms in the blood vessels. Moreover, the ethanol component will enter the vascular lumen with blood circulation, resulting in a certain degree of damage to the inner membrane of the blood vessel.

Some shedders will form and accumulate in the blood vessels, making the vascular lumen become narrower and narrower, and the elasticity of the blood vessels will decrease.

Over time, it can cause the rate of blood circulation throughout the body to slow down. The blood supply to the brain and heart is reduced, which can easily induce myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction.

Men's long-term heavy drinking causes diabetes! The harm of drinking alcohol, how many people only know one

Third, the health of the digestive tract is damaged

After alcohol enters the stomach through the mouth through the esophagus, it will irritate the oral mucosa, esophageal mucosa and gastric mucosa, and easily cause some inflammation or ulcers. If stimulated for a long time, the probability of cancer in these mucous membranes increases relatively.

In addition, after alcohol enters the human body, it needs to be decomposed in the liver, which will affect the digestion, metabolism and detoxification functions of the liver. The probability of developing a series of alcoholic liver diseases will be particularly high, and even induce the emergence of liver cancer.

Men's long-term heavy drinking causes diabetes! The harm of drinking alcohol, how many people only know one

Fourth, affect normal reproductive function

For men, if you drink alcohol for a long time, it will cause the testicles to shrink. The quality of sperm will be affected, and it is easy to reduce the number of sperm and motility. Moreover, long-term drinking will lead to the impact of men's sexual function, prone to impotence, erection and a series of problems.

If women drink alcohol, it will make the level of various hormones in the body abnormal. It will not only cause damage to the health of the breast, but also affect the normal function of the uterus, ovaries and other parts. Not only is it easy to suffer from a series of gynecological diseases, but the probability of infertility will also increase relatively.

Men's long-term heavy drinking causes diabetes! The harm of drinking alcohol, how many people only know one

All in all, even if people are very healthy, once they drink alcohol for a long time, they will cause the above 4 kinds of greater harm to their health. It will also lead to a rapid decline in the function of various organs, the overall immunity will be affected, and the probability of suffering from a series of diseases and even cancer will increase relatively.

Therefore, no matter what kind of crowd, do not drink. All kinds of alcoholic drinks, including beer and liquor, cannot be drunk to play a role in maintaining health.

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