
How can new mothers alleviate postpartum depression?

After childbirth, due to the decline in progesterone levels, resulting in emotional instability, many new mothers will have great emotional and emotional changes, if the surrounding people apply pressure, there is a great possibility of turning into "postpartum depression", which is very unfavorable to the family and children.

How can new mothers alleviate postpartum depression?

When I first gave birth to a child, the whole person became very glassy, looking at things very one-sidedly, and a little thing would also make me emotionally broken. There are countless moments full of disappointment in life, and fortunately, I finally survived the postpartum depression period.

I would like to share with you my experience and the solution

Causes of postpartum unhappiness

1, my husband plays games

Playing games in fact, I did not particularly object, but he played games in the bedroom day and night, which seriously affected my rest, just after giving birth, the energy and physical exhaustion, the body and tear wound pain, every day is staying up late to feed, occasionally but also change diapers, back pain, holding the baby sometimes bones are still stuck. He was unwell, did not rest well, and he was still playing games

How can new mothers alleviate postpartum depression?

2, the baby is crying

Novice mothers do not understand anything, the baby does not know the reason for crying, one by one to try, is not hungry? Is it flatulence? Or crying, in the end what is wrong, get a few more times, it will start to be irritable, rest is not good, the body is not good, all kinds of discomfort, the baby will be very irritable when crying. Then I started to think for myself and started emo~

How can new mothers alleviate postpartum depression?

3. Various guidance from family members and relatives

You're not right here, you can't be there. There is no milk, enough for children to eat. The most asked question is how the child is, is it good. But no one cares about how the maternity is.

4. Not being respected

After feeding after childbirth, the mother-in-law pulls people to see, does not pay attention to privacy, does not ask their own opinions, and does not mind.

How can new mothers alleviate postpartum depression?

This is only part of it, postpartum pregnant women will always be unhappy because of various problems, trapped themselves, now in retrospect, in fact, these are not big things, but in the postpartum stage they have no way to realize. If the family and friends around you do not understand, it will lead to a lower mood and loss of confidence in life.

How to alleviate postpartum depression

1. Communicate with family and friends in a timely manner

No matter what the cause of the problem is that you are unhappy, you can talk to your family and friends more, let them help you solve the puzzle, at this time you are a person in the bureau, you can't see clearly, they are outsiders, and it is more rational to analyze the problem.

How can new mothers alleviate postpartum depression?

2. Solve problems in a timely manner

For example, if your husband is wrong, you will tell him in time, explain the reason, and let him correct it.

3, can not solve the problem of consultation with the husband

At that time, in addition to seeing him unpleasantly, there were many anxiety problems, such as no work and no income after childbirth, postpartum body shape, etc., all kinds of anxiety, my husband was one by one to analyze and solve, breaking through my psychological defenses.

How can new mothers alleviate postpartum depression?

In most cases, new mothers will have a postpartum depression, depending on its degree, if it has not been able to come out, then there is a risk of depression, more serious may have a light life approach.

Therefore, I hope that family and friends will care more about postpartum mothers, not only the baby needs to be taken care of, but also our mothers need to care for care, taking care of not only life, but more importantly, psychological health problems.

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