
Family education is no longer just about eating and wearing warmth, but also allowing children to "suffer deeply"

There is a saying in Chinese folklore: the new three years are the old three years, and the seams are patched up for another three years. This is the "secret of life" left by our people when they are going through the most difficult periods. Although with the progress of social economy, people's pockets have gradually bulged.

The change in material conditions has not changed some people's deep-rooted thinking of saving, but some people have achieved such savings to the extreme, but they do not realize that doing so will have a deep harm to the growth of children.

Family education is no longer just about eating and wearing warmth, but also allowing children to "suffer deeply"

Take the most ordinary clothing, not only has the effect of cold protection and warmth, but also has the characteristics of the times and beauty, especially for children in infancy, special periods, the body changes rapidly, the demand for clothes is also larger, so many mothers like to collect old clothes for their children to wear, but they are completely unaware that this is faintly hurting children.

Wearing old clothes has more than one effect on children

Sow the seeds of inferiority

For children who have entered social groups, even in an environment like kindergarten, they have their own sense of independence. Not every child will compare, but in the same atmosphere, everyone's economic environment is almost the same, if individual children are different from others in terms of clothing, always wearing old clothes, it will be very abrupt, it is easy to be isolated by other children.

Family education is no longer just about eating and wearing warmth, but also allowing children to "suffer deeply"

This kind of natural differentiation is not deliberately done by children, and some unintentional words will make this child feel isolated and helpless, inadvertently planting the seeds of inferiority, making it difficult for children themselves to integrate into the group, and causing adverse effects on the cultivation of young personality, and such an impact is not eliminated at one stage, but it is likely to become more and more intense with age, and ultimately affect the growth of children's healthy personality.

Feeling of powerlessness that cannot be chosen

Children in the early years, it is to cultivate their own subjective judgment of the age, subjective initiative training, can help children in the future work and life, play a stronger initiative, the choice of clothes is a good training process, through their own cognition and understanding, so as to judge the style that is in line with their own personality and applicable.

Family education is no longer just about eating and wearing warmth, but also allowing children to "suffer deeply"

And if the children who wear old clothes for a long time, they lose the opportunity to exercise this ability, children who have no choice, lose control, while it is easy to form a flattering personality, it is also easy to lose the choice of things and the desire to control, over time, children are easy to form no opinion, easy to be swayed by people Personality characteristics, resulting in the lack of courage to choose in adulthood.

Destruction of aesthetic standards

Through the choice of clothing style, shape, you can exercise the aesthetic height of children, and if you wear old clothes for a long time, it will have a great impact on the learning of this aesthetic standard, generally old clothes will be outdated clothing, although it will not be tattered, but it will always be a look at the eliminated clothing, such clothes can not bring the necessary aesthetic impact to children, the impact on the child's future aesthetic level, the impact is very serious.

Family education is no longer just about eating and wearing warmth, but also allowing children to "suffer deeply"

The healthy growth of children is not only to ensure warmth, but also to consider the cultivation of personal character

Character determines life, which is by no means an exaggeration. The cultivation of children's personality from an early age can help children play an important guiding role in the choice of many problems in the future. Do not underestimate the behavior of wearing old clothes, for the modern social mass environment, new clothes are no longer the luxury of many people, but have become a daily life, and such a daily life, if not valued by parents, do not realize the impact of often wearing old clothes on the child's heart, not only cultivate the child's personality into a timid, cowardly trait, but also let the child have an inferiority complex, may ruin the child's life.

Family education is no longer just about eating and wearing warmth, but also allowing children to "suffer deeply"

Respect for the personality of the individual

Children also need to be respected for their personality, and the establishment of personal personality not only allows children to face life problems with more confidence, but also to better handle the relationship with others, correctly look at the guidance of social opinion, and have their own minds to judge and choose, creating the necessary conditions for establishing a correct world view, outlook on life, and values, which is also usually lacking in family education.

Provide the necessary material resources

Diligence and thrift are indeed the good traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, but excessive frugality will bring trouble and adverse effects to the growth of children, so parents should provide the necessary material resources for the healthy growth of their children. We can't just think about saving, the necessary material security must be done, one-sided understanding of poor children, rich daughters, will only let the child's heart be hurt, extremely detrimental to the child's growth.

Family education is no longer just about eating and wearing warmth, but also allowing children to "suffer deeply"

In addition to education, parents should also create these conditions to help their children grow

Lead by example and establish the right family style. A good family style must be the inheritance of a family habit. The fine tradition of not being humble and thrifty and thrifty cannot be lost. As a parent, we must set a good example for our children, create a correct family atmosphere, and pass it on in the mode of family style and family training, so that children can become excellent people under such influence.

Balance relationships between family members. Good family relationship, can teach children how to face, people get along with each other, comfortable family relationship, can help children create a peaceful and stable mood, the mode of interaction with people, can also learn from the relationship between family members, learn how to get along with others, will also become a precious wealth in the future life of children.

Family education is no longer just about eating and wearing warmth, but also allowing children to "suffer deeply"

Create a positive and sunny world view and outlook on life for children. Concept determines the height of life, parents must establish the correct three views for their children from an early age, with a positive and sunny attitude, face the test of life.

The virtue of frugality cannot be lost, and excessive frugality cannot be desired. Grasping the scale is the key to family education, and small old clothes may also lead to hidden problems, which parents cannot ignore.

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