
Confinement after childbirth, for the recovery of the uterus, these three things must not be careless, nor can they be relaxed

After giving birth, confinement is something that must not be ignored, after all, there are many things that cannot be done during confinement, and if one thing is not done correctly, it will have a great impact on our physical recovery. Therefore, during pregnancy, pregnant women should pay more attention to some of their own behaviors, and must not relax.

Confinement after childbirth, for the recovery of the uterus, these three things must not be careless, nor can they be relaxed

The fawn was giving birth for the first time, and she did not know about confinement, nor did she know in advance when she was pregnant. Therefore, after giving birth, it has always been the mother-in-law who is waiting for the fawn to do the confinement, and the fawn also feels that the mother-in-law has experience after childbirth, so the confinement thing does not need to worry too much about itself.

But she did not think that her decision to do so would lead to great sins during the confinement period. It turned out that when confinement was confined, the mother-in-law would never let the fawn touch the water, could not wash her hair, could not wash her face, let alone take a bath, and even brushed her teeth. It is said that it is afraid that after touching the water, it will catch a cold, the recovery is not good, and the disease will be transmitted to the child. The fawn is not allowed to brush its teeth, saying that brushing its teeth during confinement will cause teeth to fall out.

Confinement after childbirth, for the recovery of the uterus, these three things must not be careless, nor can they be relaxed

For these words, Xiaolu was also half-convinced, but she did not want to cause unnecessary family conflicts, and could only endure in silence. But I did not expect that after the confinement, the fawn's body has not yet recovered, and gynecological diseases have become more and more numerous. The fawn thought that all women would have gynecological diseases after giving birth, but they did not expect to check their bodies again, but they were told by the doctor that it was because the way of confinement was incorrect, which led to more and more gynecological diseases. The follow-up spent a lot of money on the treatment, which made the fawn very regretful.

Now many couples will let the mother-in-law serve their confinement after confinement, if the mother-in-law uses the correct way, then during the confinement period, pregnant women can indeed recover their bodies very well. However, some mothers-in-law usually choose the wrong way to confinement, which leads to some pregnant women often careless about some things when confinement, which has a serious impact on their bodies.

Confinement after childbirth, for the recovery of the uterus, these three things must not be careless, nor can they be relaxed

The three things of postpartum confinement cannot be careless

For women who are confinement, if they really want to make the uterus recover faster, then they need to pay attention to hygiene problems first. There are many elderly people who think that women should not wash their hair or bathe when they are confined, but in fact, this practice is very wrong.

Because once in this way, it is very likely that bacteria will breed, and then there will be problems with infection. Therefore, women must regularly clean their bodies during confinement, especially their private parts, so as to ensure that the speed of uterine recovery becomes faster.

Confinement after childbirth, for the recovery of the uterus, these three things must not be careless, nor can they be relaxed

And there are some elderly people who feel that women must be forbidden to move during the process of confinement, because only in this way can the recovery speed of the uterus become faster, in fact, this idea is also wrong. If a woman is always lying in bed, she is likely to make herself lazy, and this will not help the recovery of the uterus.

Therefore, women can completely go downstairs and walk around during the confinement process, and try not to do high-load exercise as much as possible, so that there will not be too much of a problem. Usually going up and down the stairs or taking a walk, this is a good way. If you don't even want to do these things, then it is impossible to get the uterus to recover quickly.

Confinement after childbirth, for the recovery of the uterus, these three things must not be careless, nor can they be relaxed

In addition, we also need to pay more attention to the diet. Many people think that women should supplement more nutrition when confinement, such as eating some eggs or big supplements, so as to make the recovery speed of the uterus faster.

Although women need to supplement some nutrition at this stage, there is no need to make up for it, if there is a situation of overnutrition, it will be harmful to their own bodies. Therefore, as long as you can eat enough, you can eat a little nutrition.

Confinement after childbirth, for the recovery of the uterus, these three things must not be careless, nor can they be relaxed

What else do women need to pay attention to when confinement? In fact, there are many things that women need to pay attention to when confinement, such as the need to maintain indoor ventilation. There are many elderly people who do not feel that the mother's body is relatively weak, so there is no need to blow a cool breeze, otherwise it is easy to cause arthritis.

We must not maintain this old thinking, if we do not blow the wind in normal times, then it is likely to lead to eczema in the mother, which will make the situation of the mother become very passive.

At the same time, when confinement, you should also ensure that you have a good attitude, some women will have postpartum depression after giving birth, which is definitely very unfavorable to their own body. If you really want to avoid such a situation, then try to complain to your husband when you usually complain, don't hold things in your heart, otherwise your mentality will become worse and worse.

Therefore, the places that pregnant women should pay attention to when confinement also need to be paid attention to, and only by doing every detail well can we make the mother successfully confinement. Otherwise, the mother's caliber will definitely become very bad, which will certainly not help their body.

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