
BACON: Can a perfect marriage exist?

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BACON: Can a perfect marriage exist?

Married people can be said to have invested their bets on the god of fate, because the family will more or less drag on the career, making many of his dreams difficult to achieve. Indeed, those who make the greatest contribution to the public tend to be those who are less attached to the comfort of their families. So they turned their whole body and mind to the whole society. And people who have wives are afraid that they only care about the happiness and future of the people around them.

However, there are also some people who choose to live alone for their own selfish interests, irresponsible, and waste their youth. Selfish married people will treat their wives and children as debt collectors and have to pay bills and checks. Some wealthy people who are clever even pride themselves on being childless, presumably because they fear that their property will be divided up.

Celibacy, especially those who are overly narcissistic and somewhat cynical, choose this lifestyle mostly out of fear of bondage. Freedom was so important to them that they longed to escape any kind of statute, even a waistline or a shoelace. They will become friends who can be pushed to their hearts, the most competent superiors or subordinates, but the single person will definitely not be the best citizen. Because they are too unstable, almost all the outlaws lack a firm marital relationship.

It is advisable for religious devotees to live in celibacy, otherwise family members may weaken their devotion to God and their fraternity to the world. Local dignitaries and judges need not be harsh, because if he is corrupt, the staff around him who specialize in providing advice will have a much greater impact on him than his wife.

For the military, the responsibility and glory of the family may become the driving force behind their charge. That's why the Turkish soldiers, who lacked a sense of marriage and family, fought so unmotivated, like a scattered sand.

It is true that the family limits the fraternity of the person to some extent, and the celibacy can be much more generous, because after all, there is no particularly close person around him who needs his endless love. Unfortunately, however, in reality, they are often a group of people with a harder heart and a more indifferent heart (very suitable for being unsympathetic interrogators), perhaps because they are too heavy on themselves and are not used to showing tenderness.

A good social climate can produce a man with a strict attitude toward life, like the expedition hero Ulysses described in Homer's epic poems, who rejects the promise of the beautiful fairy and returns to his beloved wife without hesitation.

Some solitary women tend to be radical and proud in order to seek the virtue of chastity, perhaps in order to balance the price paid for it.

If a man can win his wife's admiration through his wisdom and ability, then he will definitely win her loyalty and obedience. Conversely, a man who likes to be jealous will only let his disappointed wife run farther.

In a man's life, it can be said that his wife is his lover in his youth, his partner in middle age, and his guardian in old age. So it makes sense to choose to get married at any time. Those who hold opposing views also have their own brilliant theories. The Greek philosopher Thales once said, "It is too early to get married when you are young, and it is not necessary to marry in old age." ”

Marriages that are perfectly matched are not common. We find that some despicable husbands have virtuous wives. Of course, her choice may be due to his kindness, or perhaps to his patience, but one thing is certain—if it is entirely out of her own judgment, and if she does not heed the advice of her relatives and friends, then she will have to taste the taste of this marriage alone in the future.

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