
Recipe for "garlic asparagus meat roll" with lemon aroma! Use slices of bacon to fry until crispy


Meat rolls are a very simple and common type of dish, and it is up to you to decide what ingredients to include in them, such as mushrooms, bean sprouts, or even cheese. Next, let's introduce a recipe for "garlic asparagus meat wrap" wrapped in asparagus and with a lemon aroma.

Recipe for "garlic asparagus meat roll" with lemon aroma! Use slices of bacon to fry until crispy


8 asparagus

8 slices of bacon (you can use other slices of meat if you want)

Coarse black pepper a pinch of powder

Sauce (mix well in a bowl first):

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1/2 tsp stock powder

1/4 teaspoon minced or minced garlic


Step 1: After washing the asparagus, cut off the bottom about 1 cm long, and then peel off the outer skin of the lower half of the asparagus about 5 cm long.

Recipe for "garlic asparagus meat roll" with lemon aroma! Use slices of bacon to fry until crispy

Step 2: Wrap the bacon slices around the asparagus. It will be smoother to wrap it upwards from the bottom of the asparagus.

Recipe for "garlic asparagus meat roll" with lemon aroma! Use slices of bacon to fry until crispy

Step 3: Put the asparagus meat rolls in a pan and fry until the bacon is browned and the asparagus is cooked through, until each side is cooked. The bacon is oily when it is fried, so there is no need to add additional cooking oil.

Recipe for "garlic asparagus meat roll" with lemon aroma! Use slices of bacon to fry until crispy

Step 4: Pour the sauce into the pot, cook for 5 seconds, turn off the heat (if you cook for too long, the flavor of the lemon will be reduced), and finally sprinkle with coarse black pepper and you can start the pot and put it on the plate~

Recipe for "garlic asparagus meat roll" with lemon aroma! Use slices of bacon to fry until crispy
Recipe for "garlic asparagus meat roll" with lemon aroma! Use slices of bacon to fry until crispy

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