
Should I drink water on an empty stomach in the morning? The doctor tells the truth: don't drink these kinds of water even if you are thirsty in the morning"Doctor, the first thing I do when I wake up every morning is to drink a glass of water, but recently I heard that some water can't

author:Möngke talks about health

Should I drink water on an empty stomach in the morning? The doctor told the truth: don't drink these kinds of water in the morning even if you are thirsty

"Doctor, the first thing I do when I wake up every morning is to drink a glass of water, but recently I heard that some water cannot be drunk on an empty stomach, is this true?" Ms. Wang asked anxiously in the consultation room. The doctor nodded and explained, "It's right to drink water on an empty stomach in the morning, but there are several types of water that you shouldn't drink even if you're thirsty. ”

After waking up in the morning and after a night's rest, the body is in a state of mild dehydration, drinking water can help replenish water and boost metabolism. However, the choice of drinking water is very particular.

Many people are accustomed to drinking cold white open on an empty stomach in the morning, thinking that it can quickly quench their thirst, but in fact, cold white open will stimulate the stomach and intestines and cause discomfort. Ms. Wang used to drink cold water every morning, but she always felt sick to her stomach, but the doctor advised her to drink warm water instead, and her condition improved.

Many people think that drinking honey water in the morning is good for health, can moisten the intestines, laxative, and replenish energy. In fact, although honey water is rich in nutrients, drinking it on an empty stomach in the morning may stimulate gastric acid secretion, causing stomach discomfort.

Especially for some people with weak gastrointestinal function, drinking honey water in the morning is counterproductive. Ms. Wang's friend Xiao Li often felt stomach pain because she drank honey water on an empty stomach in the morning, which caused her to have too much stomach acid. The doctor advised her to drink honey water after breakfast instead, which would have better results.

Some people like to drink lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning, believing that it can detoxify and improve digestion. In fact, lemon water is more acidic, and drinking it on an empty stomach will irritate the gastric mucosa, which may cause stomach problems in the long run.

Ms. Wang's neighbor, Aunt Zhang, drank a large glass of lemonade every morning and as a result, her stomach became more and more upset, and the doctor advised her to reduce her lemonade intake and drink it after breakfast.

Milk is a nutritious drink, but drinking it on an empty stomach in the morning is not a good choice. The proteins and fats in milk need to be digested in the stomach, and the secretion of gastric acid is higher in the fasting state, which may lead to indigestion.

Ms. Wang's son, Xiao Ming, used to drinking milk on an empty stomach in the morning, but he always felt bloated, and the doctor advised him to drink milk after eating some breakfast, and his stomach discomfort improved significantly.

Carbonated drinks are not recommended in the morning on an empty stomach. Carbonated drinks contain a lot of carbon dioxide, which can easily irritate the stomach and trigger acid reflux and flatulence.

Ms. Wang's husband likes to drink a can of iced Coke in the morning, but as a result, he always feels sick to his stomach, and the doctor reminded him to avoid drinking carbonated drinks on an empty stomach and drink warm water or weak tea instead.

Strong tea is also not suitable for drinking in the morning on an empty stomach. The caffeine and polyphenols in tea can irritate the gastric mucosa and cause stomach upset. In particular, the tannic acid in strong tea can affect the absorption of iron, and long-term consumption may lead to anemia. Ms. Wang's father drank strong tea on an empty stomach every morning and often felt sick to his stomach, so the doctor advised him to switch to weak tea and drink it after breakfast.

There are also many people who drink salt water on an empty stomach in the morning, thinking that it can cleanse the intestines and detoxify. In fact, drinking salt water in the morning will increase the body's sodium burden, resulting in an increase in blood pressure, which is also not good for the kidneys. Ms. Wang once tried to drink light salt water in the morning, but then felt that her blood pressure was elevated, and the doctor reminded her to drink plain water instead.

Doctors recommend that the best thing to drink in the morning on an empty stomach is warm plain water. Warm plain water is not only gentle and non-irritating, but also quickly replenishes water and promotes metabolism.

Drinking a glass of warm boiled water every morning can help your health. At the doctor's suggestion, Ms. Wang switched to drinking warm boiled water on an empty stomach every morning, which not only made her feel refreshed and comfortable, but also made her stomach no longer feel uncomfortable.

Proper drinking habits are essential for good health. By adjusting your drinking habits in the morning and choosing a drink that suits you, you can effectively avoid irritation to your stomach and intestines and protect your health. Under the guidance of the doctor, Ms. Wang gradually developed a healthy drinking habit and her physical condition improved.

Pay attention to the choice of drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning, and do not blindly follow the trend, especially some highly acidic and irritating drinks, which should be avoided on an empty stomach.

Choosing warm plain water as your first glass of water in the morning is simple and healthy, and is a great way to maintain your gut and overall health. Enjoy a healthy life through reasonable drinking habits, so that every day starts with a glass of warm boiled water.


Should I drink water on an empty stomach in the morning? The doctor tells the truth: don't drink these kinds of water even if you are thirsty in the morning"Doctor, the first thing I do when I wake up every morning is to drink a glass of water, but recently I heard that some water can't
Should I drink water on an empty stomach in the morning? The doctor tells the truth: don't drink these kinds of water even if you are thirsty in the morning"Doctor, the first thing I do when I wake up every morning is to drink a glass of water, but recently I heard that some water can't
Should I drink water on an empty stomach in the morning? The doctor tells the truth: don't drink these kinds of water even if you are thirsty in the morning"Doctor, the first thing I do when I wake up every morning is to drink a glass of water, but recently I heard that some water can't

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