
Should you drink less honey water if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded many times: the liver is not good, and these kinds of water must be avoided

author:Dr. Puwai Huang

Aunt Zhang is 60 years old this year and usually pays great attention to health. Every morning, she drinks a glass of honey water, believing that it is good for the body. Recently, however, she felt fatigue and loss of appetite, and went to the hospital for a check-up and found that she had problems with her liver function. The doctor told her that honey water, although good, was not the best choice for people with poor liver function. Aunt Zhang was very puzzled, isn't honey water a natural health drink? Why is it bad for the liver?

Should you drink less honey water if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded many times: the liver is not good, and these kinds of water must be avoided

The liver is an important organ of the human body, responsible for metabolism, detoxification and other functions, but many people do not pay enough attention to its protection. In daily life, wrong eating habits may increase the burden on the liver and even cause liver disease. As a common health drink, honey water may have a negative impact when the liver function is poor. Aunt Zhang's experience reminds us that for people with poor liver function, we need to be extra cautious when choosing drinks.

The main function of the liver

Located in the upper right abdomen of the human body, the liver is one of the largest internal organs in the human body and performs a variety of key functions:

Detoxification function: The liver is the main detoxification organ in the body. It protects the body from harmful substances by converting them into non-toxic or excretable forms that are not toxic or excreted.

Should you drink less honey water if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded many times: the liver is not good, and these kinds of water must be avoided

Metabolic function: The liver is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It stores glycogen as glucose, which is released when needed to maintain blood sugar levels; Break down fats to produce energy; Synthesis of important proteins such as albumin and clotting factors.

Storage function: The liver stores several important nutrients, including vitamins A, D, B12, and iron, which play an important role in maintaining the normal function of the body.

Synthetic function: The liver synthesizes bile, which plays an important role in fat digestion and absorption. In addition, the liver synthesizes some important plasma proteins and clotting factors.

The importance of liver health

The health of the liver is essential for maintaining overall health. Once liver function is impaired, multiple systems in the body are affected. Here's how important liver health is and what problems it can cause if it's damaged:

Should you drink less honey water if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded many times: the liver is not good, and these kinds of water must be avoided

Metabolic disorders: Liver damage can lead to metabolic dysfunction that manifests as problems such as unstable blood sugar levels, lipodystrophy, and weight gain or loss. People with poor liver function are prone to abnormal glucose metabolism, which in turn increases the risk of diabetes.

Decreased detoxification ability: The detoxification function of the liver decreases, which will lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body, and symptoms such as jaundice, fatigue, and nausea appear. In severe cases, toxin accumulation may lead to hepatic encephalopathy, which manifests as impaired consciousness and abnormal behavior.

Increased risk of bleeding: The liver synthesizes a variety of clotting factors, and when liver function is impaired, the synthesis of these clotting factors decreases, resulting in an increased risk of bleeding. Patients may present with skin ecchymosis, bleeding gums, menorrhagia, etc.

Weakened immune function: The liver is involved in the immune response, secreting immunoglobulins and other immunoactive substances that help the body fight off infections. When liver function is poor, the immune function is weakened and it is susceptible to infection with pathogens such as viruses and bacteria.

Should you drink less honey water if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded many times: the liver is not good, and these kinds of water must be avoided

Nutrient malabsorption: The liver synthesizes and secretes bile, which is essential for the digestion and absorption of fats. In poor liver function, bile secretion decreases, leading to malabsorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins (eg, vitamins A, D, E, K), which in turn leads to malnutrition.

Data supports the importance of liver health

Globally, the morbidity and mortality of liver disease remain high. According to the World Health Organization, more than 1 million people die each year from cirrhosis and liver cancer. Liver disease has become one of the major public health problems worldwide. In China, there is a large number of patients with chronic liver diseases, and the prevalence of hepatitis B, hepatitis C, fatty liver and other diseases is increasing year by year. Liver health problems not only affect the quality of life of patients, but also impose a heavy financial burden on families and society.

Key measures to protect the liver

In order to protect liver health, the following points should be paid attention to in daily life:

Eat wisely: Avoid high-fat, high-sugar diets and eat more vitamin- and fiber-rich foods, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc.

Should you drink less honey water if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded many times: the liver is not good, and these kinds of water must be avoided

Abstain from alcohol and limit alcohol: Alcohol is the main enemy of the liver, so try to abstain from alcohol or limit the amount of alcohol you drink.

Regular check-ups: Regular liver function tests are done to detect and treat liver problems early.

Use with caution: Some medications have toxic effects on the liver, so you should consult your doctor before using them and avoid misabusing drugs and health supplements.

Prevention of viral infection: Vaccination against hepatitis B and personal hygiene to prevent hepatitis virus infection.

Aunt Zhang's story reminds us that liver health cannot be ignored. Correct dietary choices and lifestyle habits can effectively protect the liver and prevent the occurrence of liver disease. Understanding the basic functions of the liver and why it's important is the first step in protecting the health of ourselves and our families.

Should you drink less honey water if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded many times: the liver is not good, and these kinds of water must be avoided

The effects of honey water on the liver: potential harm that cannot be ignored

Honey water is often considered a healthy choice, especially in the morning with a glass of honey water, which many people believe helps boost metabolism and moisten the bowels. However, honey water may not be an ideal drink for people with poor liver function.

The main components of honey are fructose and glucose, which need to be metabolized by the liver. People with poor liver function have a reduced ability to detoxify and metabolize the liver, and excessive sugar intake will increase the burden on the liver. Fructose, in particular, is more easily converted to fat than glucose during liver metabolism, which may lead to an increased risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Studies have shown a direct correlation between excessive fructose intake and insulin resistance and fatty liver disease. For people with pre-existing liver problems, a diet high in fructose may worsen the condition and make it more difficult for the liver to recover. A typical case is a middle-aged man whose liver function tests showed abnormality, and he drank honey water every day, but his symptoms did not improve, but worsened. After stopping drinking honey water and adjusting the diet, liver function improved.

Should you drink less honey water if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded many times: the liver is not good, and these kinds of water must be avoided

In addition, honey contains trace amounts of phytochemicals and bioactive components that are beneficial in a healthy state but may affect the liver's ability to detoxify when the liver is underfunctioning. Honey may also contain small amounts of pollen and other allergens, further increasing the health risks for people with liver disease who have weakened immune systems or have a history of allergies.

Other drinks to avoid if you have a bad liver: Improper choice is more harmful

High-sugar drinks: sweet traps

High-sugar beverages, such as carbonated drinks and fruit juice drinks, contain a lot of sugar, especially fructose and sucrose. These drinks pose a severe burden on the liver during metabolic processes. Studies have shown that people who regularly consume high-sugar beverages have a significantly increased risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Long-term high-sugar diets can lead to insulin resistance, which can lead to fat accumulation in the liver, which may eventually lead to steatohepatitis or even cirrhosis.

Should you drink less honey water if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded many times: the liver is not good, and these kinds of water must be avoided

Alcohol: The number one killer of the liver

Alcohol is one of the leading causes of liver disease. Alcohol produces acetaldehyde during liver metabolism, which is a toxic substance that has a direct damaging effect on liver cells. Long-term alcohol consumption can lead to alcoholic fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis, and may eventually progress to cirrhosis or liver cancer. Even small amounts of alcohol can increase the burden on the liver and hinder the liver's self-repair and regeneration.

Caffeinated drinks: an invisible threat

Highly caffeinated drinks, such as espresso, energy drinks, etc., are also potentially harmful to the liver. Excessive caffeine increases the liver's detoxification burden and interferes with the liver's normal metabolic function. Some studies have shown that while moderate amounts of caffeine may help reduce the risk of fatty liver disease, excessive intake may be counterproductive, especially since energy drinks are often accompanied by high levels of sugar and other stimulants, which have a greater negative impact on the liver.

Should you drink less honey water if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded many times: the liver is not good, and these kinds of water must be avoided

Carbonated drinks: a chronic killer of health

Carbonated drinks are not only high in sugar, but also contain phosphates and other additives that affect calcium metabolism, may lead to osteoporosis, and also cause a metabolic burden on the liver. Carbon dioxide in carbonated drinks can indirectly affect liver health by increasing stomach acid secretion, which may lead to gastrointestinal upset.

Certain herbal teas: Natural does not equal safety

Certain herbal teas contain ingredients that are toxic to the liver, such as aristolochic acid, etc. Aristolochic acid has been shown to have significant toxic effects on the liver, and long-term consumption may lead to liver damage and even liver cancer. Other herbs, such as rhubarb and Polygonum multiflori, have medicinal properties, but they can also cause damage to the liver when used inappropriately or in excess. Therefore, people with poor liver function should be extremely cautious when choosing herbal teas, and it is best to drink them under the guidance of a doctor.

Should you drink less honey water if you have a bad liver? The doctor reminded many times: the liver is not good, and these kinds of water must be avoided

People with poor liver function need to be extra cautious when choosing drinks. Avoiding honey water, sugary drinks, alcoholic beverages, caffeinated drinks, carbonated drinks, and certain herbal teas is an important measure to support liver health. Reasonable choice of healthy drinks, such as plain water, light salt water, green tea, etc., can reduce the burden on the liver and promote liver health. Understand the effects of drinks on the liver and make scientific choices that can help restore liver function and maintain overall health.

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