
The dangers of drinking carbonated beverages often, dietitians warn, and the hidden health hazards cannot be ignored

author:Dr. Wu, Department of Internal Medicine, Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

On an ordinary weekend afternoon, Uncle Lee sat on the sofa at home, holding a can of cold carbonated drinks, enjoying this seemingly ordinary little happiness. However, in the midst of such a peaceful routine, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. The results of the hospital examination were shocking: long-term excessive consumption of carbonated drinks caused Uncle Lee's blood sugar levels to go out of control and even cause heart problems.

This case is not unique. As a senior dietitian, I often encounter similar situations in my daily work. Carbonated drinks, a seemingly harmless everyday drink, are actually quietly eroding our health. Many people, especially middle-aged and elderly friends like Uncle Lee, may not be aware of the hidden health risks behind their daily favorite beverages.

The dangers of drinking carbonated beverages often, dietitians warn, and the hidden health hazards cannot be ignored

In the following article, I will share with you the health effects of carbonated drinks, the truth revealed by scientific research, and the healthy eating strategies we can adopt. This is not only a discussion about health, but also an important topic about the daily life choices of each of us. Let's uncover the truth behind carbonated drinks and protect our health and the health of our families.

Demystifying carbonated beverages: hidden health risks

When discussing the effects of carbonated drinks on the body, we first need to understand their main ingredients. Carbonated beverages typically contain a high percentage of sugars (e.g., sucrose, fructose), carbonated beverages, artificial colors, and additives. The impact of these ingredients on human health is of particular concern.

Dangers of high glucose: the risk of abnormal glucose metabolism

Carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar, which is especially bad for middle-aged and elderly people. Consuming too much sugar over a long period of time can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, which increases the risk of abnormal glucose metabolism. Abnormal glucose metabolism is not only a disease in itself, but it can also lead to other complications such as cardiovascular disease and kidney problems.

The dangers of drinking carbonated beverages often, dietitians warn, and the hidden health hazards cannot be ignored

Effects of carbonic acid: stomach upset and calcium loss

The carbonic acid in carbonated drinks can cause bloating and discomfort in the stomach. For middle-aged and older adults, this can exacerbate existing digestive problems. In addition, carbonic acid may interfere with calcium absorption in the body, which can increase the risk of osteoporosis.

Hidden dangers of artificial additives: long-term health effects

Artificial colors and additives are ubiquitous in carbonated beverages. While these ingredients can add to the appeal of beverages, their long-term health effects are still not fully understood. Studies have shown that certain additives may have a negative impact on heart and liver health, especially when ingested over a long period of time and in large amounts.

Myths about synthetic sweeteners: the pitfalls of weight management

Some carbonated drinks use synthetic sweeteners to reduce sugar content, but that doesn't mean they're better for health. Studies have shown that synthetic sweeteners may interfere with the body's natural feelings of hunger and fullness, leading to an imbalanced diet. This can be a hidden trap for middle-aged and older adults who are struggling to maintain a healthy weight.

Carbonated drinks: an invisible health threat

When discussing the health effects of carbonated beverages in depth, it's important to rely on more than just superficial common sense and dig deeper into scientific research and data. The following content is based on a comprehensive analysis and understanding of multiple scientific studies and aims to provide in-depth insights into the health effects of carbonated beverages.

Association of carbonated beverages with abnormal glucose metabolism

In recent years, more and more studies have shown a strong link between the high sugar content of carbonated beverages and abnormal sugar metabolism. An important finding was that people who regularly consumed sugar-sweetened carbonated beverages had significantly higher rates of abnormal glucose metabolism than those who consumed little or no such beverages. Abnormal glucose metabolism is a condition in which blood sugar levels are higher than normal but have not yet met diagnostic criteria for diabetes. If left unchecked, this state can progress to full-blown diabetes.

The dangers of drinking carbonated beverages often, dietitians warn, and the hidden health hazards cannot be ignored

Increased systemic arterial blood pressure and intake of carbonated beverages

Carbonated beverages are not only associated with abnormal glucose metabolism, but also directly associated with increased blood pressure in the systemic arteries. Scientific studies have shown that carbonated beverages high in sugar and caffeine may cause a short-term increase in blood pressure. Long-term consumption of these beverages in large quantities may cause constant stress on the cardiovascular system and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

The relationship between carbonated beverages and obesity

Obesity is a major public health problem in today's society, and the high sugar content of carbonated beverages is one of the key factors exacerbating the problem. Studies have shown that the proportion of obese people who regularly consume high-sugar carbonated beverages is significantly higher than those who do not drink or consume less. Obesity is not only a weight issue, it is also associated with a variety of chronic health problems, including abnormal glucose metabolism, cardiovascular disease, etc.

The dangers of drinking carbonated beverages often, dietitians warn, and the hidden health hazards cannot be ignored

Alternative: Recommendations for healthy drinks

In light of these findings, it is important to reduce the intake of carbonated beverages and shift to healthier beverage options. Water, sugar-free tea drinks, and fruit juices made from fresh fruit are better choices. These alternatives not only reduce sugar intake, but also help maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Dietitian Secret: Beverage Choice, Health First

The Hidden Concerns of Carbonated Drinks

Nutrition experts emphasize that the high sugar content and artificial additives contained in carbonated drinks may exacerbate the risk of abnormal glucose metabolism for middle-aged and elderly people. In addition, the phosphate components commonly found in these beverages may cause calcium loss in the body, affecting bone health. Not only that, but carbonated beverages containing caffeine may cause increased blood pressure in the systemic arteries, especially for those who are already at risk of cardiovascular disease.

The dangers of drinking carbonated beverages often, dietitians warn, and the hidden health hazards cannot be ignored

Advice from a dietitian

Reduce carbonated beverage intake: It is recommended that middle-aged and older people reduce their intake of carbonated beverages and gradually replace them with healthier options.

Healthy alternatives: Natural fruit juices, low-fat milk, or herbal teas are recommended. These drinks not only provide essential nutrients but also reduce adverse health effects.

The dangers of drinking carbonated beverages often, dietitians warn, and the hidden health hazards cannot be ignored

Water is the best choice: Emphasize that purified water is the best choice for beverages. Water is essential for maintaining bodily function and metabolic balance.

Regular health check-ups: Regular health check-ups, especially for blood sugar and blood pressure monitoring, are recommended to prevent and detect health problems caused by dietary Xi at an early stage.

Nutrition literacy: Encourage basic nutrition Xi and understand the information on food and beverage labels to make more informed choices.

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