
How did parents raise children 100 years ago? The way it was popular at the time now seems incredible

This article is original by Tu Ma Ai Na Na, all rights reserved, infringement will be investigated

From ancient times to the present, for parents, how to raise children scientifically has always been a very important topic, but due to the different backgrounds of the times, parents in each period have the "characteristics" that were popular in raising children in that era.

But popularity does not represent science, and many times it is a manifestation of ignorance.

As early as 100 years ago, when science and technology and ideological concepts were still in a relatively lagging stage, the way parents took care of their children was more "bold" and even incredible.

How did parents raise children 100 years ago? The way it was popular at the time now seems incredible

How did parents raise children 100 years ago? These popular ways are incredible

Let's look at the first one: placing the baby in a "baby cage"

At the end of the 19th century, many apartment buildings in the United States installed cages similar to burglar windows, but the role of these cages was not to prevent theft or dry clothes, but to prepare a space for small babies to play.

At that time, the famous pediatrician in the United States believed that the baby needed more fresh air, and fresh air could make the child's face rosy and his blood healthy.

This concept was recognized by many parents at that time. Some doctors also recommend that parents living in buildings take their children to breathe fresh air and enhance immunity.

How did parents raise children 100 years ago? The way it was popular at the time now seems incredible

Breathing more fresh air is no problem, but parents obviously overundrepresent the doctor's meaning, so there is a "baby cage" specially created for babies to breathe fresh air.

Parents of young people think that baby cages are a breeze and can give their babies fresh air and sun exposure without having to go downstairs.

In fact, in terms of safety, this cage hanging on the outer wall of the apartment is very dangerous, if the child is naughty and active, it is likely to have an accident, and because of this, the baby cage has slowly disappeared after a period of popularity.

How did parents raise children 100 years ago? The way it was popular at the time now seems incredible

The second alternative parenting method: hang your baby on a clothesline and let him cry.

In life, when the baby cries non-stop, some people with medical experience often persuade him to cry: the child cries and lets him cry, and the baby's crying can enhance lung function, which is not harmful to the body.

100 years ago, some parents also adhered to the same philosophy, when their children cried, they not only did not coax, but also took a specific time every day to deliberately make their children cry.

How do these parents do it?

They wrap the child's body in a sheet and then hang it on a clothesline, and even if the child cries loudly, the parents will pay no attention to it, because they firmly believe that the child's crying can help improve immunity.

How did parents raise children 100 years ago? The way it was popular at the time now seems incredible

The third: the "cruel" process of learning to swim

Swimming is a skill that many parents want their children to master, and now that children have good conditions for learning to swim, coaches will have more scientific and efficient methods when teaching their children to swim.

But 100 years ago, when the environment was more difficult, the process of these boys in Ohio in the United States learned to swim was more "cruel", they were hung by the coach with a long rope, the whole person floated on the water, as long as they did not meet the requirements, they would always be imprisoned.

How did parents raise children 100 years ago? The way it was popular at the time now seems incredible

The last parenting method is also the most complained about, that is, "mail baby".

In 1913, when the country opened a new postal parcel business, some parents in the United States had a whim and tried to send their children to their destinations by mail.

A couple spent 15 cents on postage to have the postman deliver the child to their grandmother's house 1.6 kilometres away, a short distance that was considered dangerous by many parents.

More netizens said that this is not popular is ignorance, after all, of all the behaviors, the safety of children is the most important.

How did parents raise children 100 years ago? The way it was popular at the time now seems incredible

Mom's message

With the development of the times and the renewal of concepts, today's parenting methods have changed dramatically compared with the past.

Everyone began to uphold ignorance, advocate science, and hope to carry out parent-child feeding and education in a way that can be accepted by adults and children.

I hope that all parents can raise children scientifically and be responsible for their children.

Are there parenting styles around you that are often complained about? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

I am a mother, there is a cute baby at home, every day to record and share a temperature, height, depth of parenting experience and interesting talk, pay attention to me, at any time to get scientific and reliable parenting dry goods! Feel free to leave a comment or tell me what you think in the comments section!

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