
Home-style food recommendation: Taiwanese three cups of chicken, stir-fried pork with beans, steamed baby cabbage with garlic vermicelli, superb

author:Orange-flavored rose tarts

Introduction: No one is born to cook, but life makes us have to learn this skill, perennial outside can not eat the meal made at home, and do not want to eat takeaway, you can only try to do it yourself, and then slowly learn, but in fact, sometimes, what to eat is not important, the important thing is that they enjoy the process of cooking this time.

In addition, when I occasionally feel that I am alone in eating alone, I will call a few relatives and friends to come to the house and get together to enjoy the happiness brought by food!

Hello, everyone hello ~ today to share with you a few of the home-cooked food praised by many people, balanced and delicious, very under the rice, the method is particularly simple, the ingredients are also common in our daily life, even the kitchen xiaobai to do it without pressure, very special for the first choice of office workers Yo, like to do hands-on cooking friends let's try it together

Home-style food recommendation: Taiwanese three cups of chicken, stir-fried pork with beans, steamed baby cabbage with garlic vermicelli, superb

【Tabletop three cups of chicken】

-Ingredients and seasonings: chicken, green onion, ginger, garlic, basil leaves, sesame sesame oil, rice wine, rock sugar, soy sauce, soy sauce.

-Cooking process:

1: Pour sesame sesame oil into the pot, add ginger, onion and garlic until fragrant, pour in the chicken and stir-fry until fragrant.

2: Add 2 tablespoons of rice wine, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1/2 tablespoon of dark soy sauce and a little rock sugar to a boil.

3: Cover the pot and simmer for 10 minutes, cook until the juice is collected, add basil leaves and stir-fry evenly.

Three cups of Taiwanese chicken with a rich sauce, without a drop of water, burst delicious, smooth and tender chicken with fragrant basil leaves, this taste is amazing! With a bowl of rice, I can eat two large bowls!!

- Cooking tips: Three cups of three cups of chicken, refers to soy sauce, sesame oil, rice wine! The whole cooking process, really without adding a drop of water, simple ingredients can make such a delicious chicken dish, especially like the unique fragrance of basil leaves!

Home-style food recommendation: Taiwanese three cups of chicken, stir-fried pork with beans, steamed baby cabbage with garlic vermicelli, superb

【Stir-fried pork with beans】

-Ingredients and seasonings: 130 grams of pork, 2 red peppers, 3 small cloves of garlic, and garlic leaves.

1: Mince the meat, chop the beans, red pepper and garlic leaves into small pieces, and chop the garlic and set aside.

2: Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, put the minced meat in the pot and sauté the oil on medium heat, add the minced garlic and red pepper and stir-fry the aroma.

3: Stir-fry the beans, season with salt, soy sauce and soy sauce, add garlic leaves and stir-fry, add a little sugar to freshen.

A super rice dish of bean carob stir-fried meat can come out of the pot! Beans teach you a new way to eat! Specializing in the treatment of loss of appetite ~ is also a minute disc, the biggest drawback, is too much under the meal ~

To prepare the beans:

1. Fresh beans, clean, put water in a large pot to boil, put the beans into it and cook for 30 seconds to fish out (so many beans we divided into several times, each time we must wait for the water to boil and then put the beans)

2. Sunbathing, the bigger the sun, the better, spread out the beans for a day, turn the noodles twice, and the dried beans are frozen with plastic bags.

Home-style food recommendation: Taiwanese three cups of chicken, stir-fried pork with beans, steamed baby cabbage with garlic vermicelli, superb

【Steamed baby cabbage with garlic vermicelli】

- Preparation of ingredients and seasonings: 20 grams of vermicelli, 185 grams of baby cabbage, garlic, red pepper, green onion, steamed fish sauce, oyster sauce.

1: Pour the dried vermicelli into hot boiling water and soak for half an hour, wash and cut the baby cabbage into eight equal parts, put the water in the pot to boil, put the baby cabbage in the pot and cook for 20 seconds and fish out on the plate.

2: Finely chop the garlic and red pepper, drain the vermicelli and cut into two knives (shorter for easy clamping).

3: Put the right amount of oil in the pot, heat it, reduce the heat, stir-fry the minced garlic and pepper for 2 minutes, turn off the heat, put the appropriate amount of steamed fish sauce and oyster sauce and stir-fry, pour the vermicelli into it and stir it up, and then pour it on the cooked baby cabbage.

4, steamer, put the garlic vermicelli baby cabbage into the steamer for 5 minutes to bring out, sprinkle with green onion, and then pour a hot oil to burst the aroma of green onions, you can eat ~ ~

I have eaten the best fans ~ I can only say that I was amazed! Garlic vermicelli steamed baby dish, a very healthy dish ~ made garlic sauce and soaked vermicelli stirred evenly, and then steamed on the pot, especially into the flavor, a person dried off a plate ~

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