
The following aspects should be paid attention to for the long term that tropical fish can be raised: the first is temperature, most tropical fish need a specific water temperature range to stay healthy. Use a thermostat to maintain stability

author:A personable cute pet encyclopedia

For the long term that tropical fish can be raised, the following aspects should be paid attention to:

The first is temperature, and most tropical fish need a specific water temperature range to stay healthy. Use a thermostat to maintain a stable water temperature to suit the needs of your fish. Generally, tropical fish tolerate water temperature of 15-35 degrees, the suitable temperature is about 25 degrees, and some species of fish require higher water temperatures, such as colorful fairies, suitable for water temperature of 30-35 degrees. No matter what season, the water temperature must be stable, so that the fish is not easy to get sick, especially in the summer, it is recommended that you do not pull out the heating rod, in fact, the main thing about the heating rod is to play a role in a constant water temperature, it is not simply heating, stable water temperature, is the most important factor that makes the fish live longer, the water temperature fluctuates too much, they will anorexia or indigestion, and even white spots.

Second, the density of fish farming must not be too large, which is conducive to maintaining the stability of water quality, and fish are not easy to infect each other with diseases, regardless of the size of the fish tank, the oxygen capacity of the water body is also limited, the number of fish, the fish is easy to lack oxygen, and the more fish, the more you feed, the easier the water is to spoil, summer itself is a high temperature season, water quality is relatively not easy to control, so the number of fish as much as possible.

Third, is to put a little more aquatic grass in the fish tank and properly lay some bottom sand, most tropical fish like to hide in the aquatic weed, in the fish tank you properly lay some bottom sand plus aquatic weeds, it is helpful to the water quality stability of the entire fish tank.

Fourth, about feeding, tropical fish bait can be divided into natural bait and artificial bait. Natural food includes red worms (earthworms), fish insects (clades, copepods), etc., which are nutritious and easy to digest. Artificial bait is powdery, flakes, etc., with balanced nutrients, which can be selected according to the needs of fish. When feeding, follow the principle of "not excessive", and control the feeding time for 5-10 minutes each time, subject to the fish being able to eat. Overfeeding can cause the bait to rot and the water quality to deteriorate.

Fifth, fish manure and food residues must be cleaned up regularly, tropical fish generally change the water once a week, each time to change one-third, add the same amount of trapped water, or add water quality stabilizer. In general, the rearing of tropical fish requires a certain amount of expertise and patience, and only by doing these details well can tropical fish live for a long time. #Fish farming knowledge u# #Tips for fish farming# #How to raise fish for novices# #How to raise ornamental fish# #On fish farming# #Talking about fish farming# #What are the skills of fish farming# #养鱼就是养健康#

The following aspects should be paid attention to for the long term that tropical fish can be raised: the first is temperature, most tropical fish need a specific water temperature range to stay healthy. Use a thermostat to maintain stability
The following aspects should be paid attention to for the long term that tropical fish can be raised: the first is temperature, most tropical fish need a specific water temperature range to stay healthy. Use a thermostat to maintain stability
The following aspects should be paid attention to for the long term that tropical fish can be raised: the first is temperature, most tropical fish need a specific water temperature range to stay healthy. Use a thermostat to maintain stability

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