
The terrible Jewish wireworm wants to control more than just the old American praying mantis

author:Old army bones
The terrible Jewish wireworm wants to control more than just the old American praying mantis

The history of the Jews is, in the words of the Jews themselves, sad, that the sum of the more than 3,000 years of living in peace and contentment is only more than 400 years, including the first 150 years in Egypt, about 200 years under the rule of the Persians, and about 100 years of relative independence after rebelling against the rule of the Greeks.

For 2,000 years, they traveled all over the world, many of them in Europe. And so many years of parasitic life have trained the Jews to be like a wire worm, no matter how powerful the praying mantis is, in the end, it will inevitably fall into the water and die violently.

In fact, the Jews who live by religion are not incapable of changing their faith in order to parasitize other countries, such as the Jews who convert to Catholicism and Christianity, they call themselves Maranos, although the Maranos have changed their faith, but in fact the Jews do not regard these people who have betrayed their faith as traitors, especially among these Maranos, many of them have only converted to Christianity and Catholicism on the surface, and they still adhere to their own Judaism in their hearts, so they can do their best for the Jews at any time.

There were also some reformists among the Jews who wanted to be able to integrate into the social ecology of the various sojourns, and these Jews also openly expressed their disagreement with Zionism, and in 1845, some reformist Jews issued a statement expressing their opposition to Zionism, in which they said: We no longer regard the nation as our own responsibility, we should be a religious group, therefore, we do not want to return to Palestine, nor do we intend to restore the laws of any Jewish state, although this is said, the Jews are still very insistent on their religious will, so the Jews have not been able to fully integrate in Europe。

In fact, the massacres of Jews in history were not only committed by Nazi Germany, Rome 2,000 years ago, the Crusades 1,000 years ago, 7,800 years ago, Britain, France, Tsarist Russia, 1821, 1859 and 1871, and anti-Semitism appeared throughout Europe during that period. But at the same time, Zionism is on the rise. Many people are asking why the Jews have not been able to integrate into the international community for two or three thousand years.

I think it is possible to be mistaken, is it true that the Jews have not integrated into the international community? A people who do not even have their own territory can survive for more than 3,000 years, is it really not integrated? I think they are very successful now, they have implanted their own political influence and economic control in many of the most developed countries in the world, of course, we are relatively special, and there are several countries that are also relatively special, and I will introduce this in the next issue.

From the basic program of the First Zionist Congress of the Jews in 1897, Zionism aimed to achieve a recognized and legally guaranteed homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine. Workers and other trades moved to Palestine, and at the same time, in accordance with the current laws of the Jews in each country, the local Jews united and formed local groups, which focused on strengthening the national consciousness of the Jews and eventually establishing a worldwide union.

And in fact, this alliance has really been established, and the scope of his activities is really all over the world, and there are really many countries affected by it, and it is not a small country, for insignificant small countries, the Jews are dismissive, assuming that Palestine is not in the Middle East, not in the world's energy lifeline, and the Jews may not be able to abandon this promised land flowing with milk and honey.

For example, after World War II, France was in full swing, when under the leadership of Charles de Gaulle, France withdrew from NATO, perfected its own military industrial system, developed nuclear weapons, and got rid of its dependence on oil and coal, and at that time three-quarters of the country's electricity was provided by nuclear power plants.

France has also developed Airbus, which can compete with Boeing in the United States, and France has also taken the lead in implementing de-dollarization, everyone remembers that de-dollarization was first led by the French, and France directly sent warships to the United States, according to the rules set by the Americans, exchanged dollars for gold and shipped back home, do you think this is offending the United States?

This is an offense to the Bretton Woods system of the Jewish capital group, and many people know that the dollar is pegged to gold, and the currencies of other countries are pegged to the dollar, such a double peg mechanism, and this thing is ironclad evidence that the Jewish group wants to control the whole world with the help of the dollar! So how did the Jews destroy France?

We must talk about this person, the next one after de Gaulle, called Pompidou, he became the president of France in 1969, and before that, he was the general manager of Rothschild Bank, the Rothschild family is very familiar with some of the top Jewish groups, and the founder of the world's financial empire, Pompidou is the general manager of Rothschild Bank, and is also a member of the French Constitutional Council.

In 1962, he was also elected Prime Minister of France, noting that he was still the general manager of Rothschild Bank at the same time as he was elected Prime Minister of France, and he was placed in France like a worm egg, on the one hand, using Jewish economic means to help his career, and on the other hand, using official means to accelerate the economic penetration of Jews.

And when France wanted to resist the control of the Jews, this person was elected at the right time, the president of France was like a nematode that had developed to the adult stage, and it was necessary to control the praying mantis to dive into the water and die violently, Pompidou and Rothschild at that time reached an agreement privately, and finally promulgated a special banking law, which was later directly called "Pompidou-Rothschild Law" by the French

The law is actually very simple: the Central Bank of France lends money to private banking groups at an interest rate of 1%, and private banking groups lend money to companies in need of money at an interest rate of 4%, and enterprises are not allowed to borrow directly from the central bank, so private banks have no cost, no risk, and no humanity to earn more than 3 times the interest of the Bank of France.

And this law is still affecting France today, and even the voice of resistance in France is very small now, so some people say that France is the only European country that dares to confront the United States after watching some international hot events, whether it is blinded by another area controlled by Jews, that is, international public opinion, in fact, including what China threats, China's economic collapse theory, is concocted for some purposes, and we will also put this in the next issue of why Jews cannot infiltrate and control China, and we will not discuss it here。

For example, when South Korea's female president Park Geun-hye was in the tripartite free trade zone between China and the DPRK and the ROK, she stepped down because of the girlfriend scandal and the sinking of a passenger liner, which aroused huge public opinion.

When Yingluck Shinawatra and Thaksin wanted to cooperate with China to dig the Kra Canal, the Red Shirt riots broke out in Thailand, and finally the military coup led to the collapse of the Thai government, and now the Middle East, try to ask which Middle Eastern country has no contradictions between the government and the anti-government, you can know who the beneficiaries of these contradictions are by a little check, the eggs of the nematode sprinkled by the Jews are now all over the world, and the worst is the United States, the most powerful praying mantis.

And if other parasitic countries are still obedient and obediently provide nutrients, they may be able to live for a few more years, once they are disobedient, a little idea of rebellion will soon be destroyed by the eggs that have been planted in the body, see here, if you just think that the Jews just want to make money and enjoy life by controlling the world, I am afraid you underestimate this ethnic group that has been excluded for thousands of years, the "Kellech Project" launched by the Jews is not a fantasy or a joke, they want to create more mixed races by disintegrating the main ethnic groups of the sojourn. The way of erasing the memory and history of the Juche nation creates a new race with "no borders, no race, no sense of morality, no history, and no culture", which is convenient for one's own control.

The current state of affairs in the United States is exactly like what a Jew, Israel-Cohen, wrote in 1912 in his book "The Race Project of the Twentieth Century," in which he wrote: "Creating national contradictions and racial tensions is the most powerful weapon of our Jews, igniting the anger of blacks against whites, instilling in whites their guilt against blacks, highlighting the performance of blacks in the sports and entertainment industries, allowing blacks to use this advantage to intermarry with whites, and ultimately achieve our goals." ”

It turns out that the "Black Lives Matter" movement was actually planned by Jews more than 100 years ago, and there is also an article posted by Jews on Facebook, let's take a look at it for all anti-Semites and racists: Think about this: 50 or 100 years from now, Israel will still be the Israel of Jews, but your country will not. Europe will be darkened and browned, and so will Asia. It is likely that your grandchildren will no longer look like you, and even if they do, your great-grandchildren will not be our descendants who will rule over your descendants who have learned to hate their own traditions after our transformation.

And for such a prospect, you can only be helpless and resign yourself to fate. This statement set off a wave at the time, but it was quickly annihilated, but since 1912, a hundred years have passed, and let's look at the facts: the changes in Europe and the United States, the changes in some countries in Asia, and the intricate Jewish capital in each country, is this not true???

Now do we seem to see the root of the problem more clearly, the world is so chaotic, because there are people who need chaos, the world is so chaotic, because there are countries and people who are unwilling to be controlled by others, and the most direct face the invasion is the infiltration of Arabs and Jewish capital into most Arab countries, everyone understands, and some countries that can be seen but cannot penetrate, can be suppressed or even eliminated by force through economic sanctions, whether it is boiling frogs in warm water or bombing hospitals in a rage, the means can be different, and the purpose will never change。

They regard capital too sacred, believing that there is nothing in this world that money cannot do, but even the countries controlled by capital are not so stable, and the integration of ethnic and ethnic groups in Europe is not the fuse lit by the Jews, and the number of blacks taken back by the European captives themselves is quite large.

At present, a big and pressing problem facing the Jews is that the strong praying mantis in the United States has been almost sucked up, the ordinary people of the United States have been drained of oil and water, and the people who have lost hope for life and hope for survival abound on the streets of the most prosperous cities in the United States, seeing that this praying mantis is about to die, but the nematode in its stomach has not yet been able to get the next host, can he not be in a hurry to cause trouble everywhere and provoke war? Then who will be the next host they want most? Everyone is welcome to discuss it in the comment area, and let's talk about this in the next issue!

The terrible Jewish wireworm wants to control more than just the old American praying mantis
The terrible Jewish wireworm wants to control more than just the old American praying mantis

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