
Is there no cure for root-knot nematodes? Biological egg control, using bacteria to make threads, help you solve the problem of root-knot nematodes! Root-knot nematodes are an important pest that harms vegetables, melons and other crops, and 70% of facility vegetables

author:Hot agricultural materials platform

Is there no cure for root-knot nematodes? Biological egg control, using bacteria to make threads, help you solve the problem of root-knot nematodes!

Root-knot nematodes are an important pest that harms vegetables, melons and other crops, and 70% of facility vegetables will be affected by root-knot nematodes, resulting in a 30%-50% yield reduction or even a dead harvest. The reason why root-knot nematodes are difficult to control is that it has many species, rapid reproduction, suitable environment, and weak resistance of cultivars. The prevention and control of root-knot nematodes should follow the "8-character policy" of "early prevention and comprehensive control", and physical, chemical, biological and other methods can be used for prevention and control, and biological control is safer and environmentally friendly. Pumeis's "extinct line" contains microbial flora such as Penicillium lilac, which can effectively control root knot nematodes, kill insect eggs, and basically cure the situation of root knot nematodes.

Is there no cure for root-knot nematodes? Biological egg control, using bacteria to make threads, help you solve the problem of root-knot nematodes! Root-knot nematodes are an important pest that harms vegetables, melons and other crops, and 70% of facility vegetables
Is there no cure for root-knot nematodes? Biological egg control, using bacteria to make threads, help you solve the problem of root-knot nematodes! Root-knot nematodes are an important pest that harms vegetables, melons and other crops, and 70% of facility vegetables
Is there no cure for root-knot nematodes? Biological egg control, using bacteria to make threads, help you solve the problem of root-knot nematodes! Root-knot nematodes are an important pest that harms vegetables, melons and other crops, and 70% of facility vegetables
Is there no cure for root-knot nematodes? Biological egg control, using bacteria to make threads, help you solve the problem of root-knot nematodes! Root-knot nematodes are an important pest that harms vegetables, melons and other crops, and 70% of facility vegetables
Is there no cure for root-knot nematodes? Biological egg control, using bacteria to make threads, help you solve the problem of root-knot nematodes! Root-knot nematodes are an important pest that harms vegetables, melons and other crops, and 70% of facility vegetables
Is there no cure for root-knot nematodes? Biological egg control, using bacteria to make threads, help you solve the problem of root-knot nematodes! Root-knot nematodes are an important pest that harms vegetables, melons and other crops, and 70% of facility vegetables
Is there no cure for root-knot nematodes? Biological egg control, using bacteria to make threads, help you solve the problem of root-knot nematodes! Root-knot nematodes are an important pest that harms vegetables, melons and other crops, and 70% of facility vegetables
Is there no cure for root-knot nematodes? Biological egg control, using bacteria to make threads, help you solve the problem of root-knot nematodes! Root-knot nematodes are an important pest that harms vegetables, melons and other crops, and 70% of facility vegetables
Is there no cure for root-knot nematodes? Biological egg control, using bacteria to make threads, help you solve the problem of root-knot nematodes! Root-knot nematodes are an important pest that harms vegetables, melons and other crops, and 70% of facility vegetables

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