
Once the ornamental fish refuses to eat, we should first eliminate some problems of improper normal operation. For example: water quality, water temperature,

author:Fish farming veteran

The problem of ornamental fish refusing to eat, why did they not eat before?

Once an ornamental fish refuses to eat, some problems with improper normal operation should first be ruled out.

For example: water quality, water temperature, improper feeding, etc.

Secondly, it is necessary to consider various disease issues.

For example: water mold, melon insects, enteritis, etc.

Then there are all kinds of stress.

For example: new fish arrive at home, change the fish tank, change the background, change the feed, change the water, add new fish, excessive fright, etc.

Finally, there is also an estrus period of anorexia, which is also possible.

In short, if it is an operation problem, then change the operating procedure, if there is a disease, the disease will be cured, all kinds of stress will be rested, and the rest is the light ...... Hungry until it is willing to eat. #Fish farming is actually very simple# #On fish farming# #养鱼养心得#

Once the ornamental fish refuses to eat, we should first eliminate some problems of improper normal operation. For example: water quality, water temperature,
Once the ornamental fish refuses to eat, we should first eliminate some problems of improper normal operation. For example: water quality, water temperature,
Once the ornamental fish refuses to eat, we should first eliminate some problems of improper normal operation. For example: water quality, water temperature,

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