
The "little brother" is as soft as an earthworm, and he is not hard when he sees the color, and Chinese medicine uses a two-pronged move to restore the hardness he should have

author:Director of Traditional Chinese Medicine Package

I have been deeply involved in men's diseases for many years, and I have seen too many anxious faces. However, whether it is impotence or early death, most of them are due to the deficiency of the function of the five internal organs, which has advanced to the state of the elderly, resulting in poor function. But as long as the right method is used to drive away evil and promote righteousness, the function will naturally come up.

Of course, the most common problem is that the tendons are weak and weak, for example: the "little brother" can't get up, weak and weak, like an earthworm crawling on the ground, without hardness at all.

In fact, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it is closely related to the two organs of "liver and kidney" - lack of kidney yang and stagnation of liver qi and qi

Kidney Yang deficiency and inability to agitate the outer kidneys, making it difficult for Zongjin to stand up. The liver meridian circumferential yin organ, liver stagnation and qi stagnation, resulting in unfavorable meridian qi. Especially when the two are superimposed, impotence is inevitable.

The "little brother" is as soft as an earthworm, and he is not hard when he sees the color, and Chinese medicine uses a two-pronged move to restore the hardness he should have

The following is combined with the case analysis:

Mr. Wang, 41 years old, reported that just after the age of 40, there was a slump in Microsoft. It is said that a man's forty is a flower, and the good times have only officially begun, but for him, it will end before it starts, and the flash in the pan is not as fast as him!

The main symptoms are:

1. Strong desire, especially at night, it is easy to be cranky

2. The "little brother" is weak and weak, like an earthworm, and his urine is weak

3. Anxiety, dizziness and chest tightness, lack of food and sluggishness

4. Dry mouth and bitter mouth, insomnia and easy to wake up, cold limbs, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees

5. If you are too tired during the day, it is easy to slip at night


The "little brother" is as soft as an earthworm, and he is not hard when he sees the color, and Chinese medicine uses a two-pronged move to restore the hardness he should have

Syndrome differentiation: liver depression and yang deficiency;

Treatment: soothing the liver and relieving depression, warming and replenishing life

Formula: Bupleurum chinensis, fragrant herb, tulip, citrus aurantium, rehman, mountain firewood meat, angelica, white peony, cinnamon, boiled licorice.

ResultsAfter 14 doses, the patient's spirit improved significantly, and the chills, dizziness, and chest and flank fullness were alleviated. Since drinking the medicine, there has been no slippage. So the original side remained unchanged and continued to be put into use. In the end, after taking 40 doses, the evidence disappeared and the yang was normal.

The "little brother" is as soft as an earthworm, and he is not hard when he sees the color, and Chinese medicine uses a two-pronged move to restore the hardness he should have


Bupleurum, incense, tulip, citrus aurantium - soothing the liver and relieving depression, breaking the qi and qi

Angelica, white peony - nourish the liver and blood, and soften the liver body

Cooked ground, mountain wood meat - nourishing kidney yin and kidney essence

Cinnamon - warms and replenishes kidney yang

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