
From the birthday to see your right fate and evil fate

A lot of people say that marriage and love are two different things

But you have to admit whether it's in love or marriage

Find the right person, you will be happy

From the birthday to see your right fate and evil fate

It doesn't matter what your attitude towards marriage is right now

Xiao Xiandu hopes that you will enter the moment of marriage

The one who holds hands must be the right person!

Even if you don't plan to get married right now

Know in advance what the right person looks like

His appearance, personality, thoughts...

When you meet him, you won't miss it.

Know in advance what kind of person is the wrong person

That future can also reduce emotional injuries and unnecessary losses;

Know in advance whether you will be happy after marriage

It can also be used as a decision on whether to get married or not.

Knowing your marriage fortunes doesn't hurt you

So, let's test the latest launch of this service

——【My Marriage】

From the birthday to see your right fate and evil fate

There are 4 main focuses on this service:

Focus 1: Know your own | marital characteristics

Your view of feelings, the other half you expect

How your attitude toward marriage will affect future marriage development

Key point two: breaking the marriage | the marriage obstacle

The biggest reason why you're still unmarried

It is necessary to avoid the evil object of fate, avoid being hurt by love, and end up without illness

Focus three: unveiling the right fate| the timing of marriage

His appearance, personality, and relationship after marriage

How you will meet and how you will get along

In the next 5 years, the marriage trend develops, which year wants you to get married the most

Focus four: Detect changes| life after marriage

After marriage happiness index, will you be happy? Do you argue a lot?

After marriage, will the temperament change, will it be more gentle or grumpy? More confident or suspicious?

After the change of identity after marriage, will you have to sacrifice your career for the sake of your family, or will you have no time to take care of your family with your career?

Poke to view your marriage resolution report

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