
Singing out the song lyrics| what dreams about space do they have that appear in the language books?

When "Tianhe" travels, "Zhu Rong" explores the fire

When "Chang'e" runs to the moon, "XiHe" day by day


We are proud of the achievements of China's aerospace industry

At the same time, I am also proud of this far-reaching name

Looking back at history, we will find that there have been countless literati and inkers who have written romantic imaginations of the universe.

Qu Yuan said, "Lan Huixing thinks it is a sword, and holding up a bucket handle thinks it is a sword." ”

Li Bai asked, "White rabbit pounding medicine in autumn and spring, who is Chang'e lonely neighbor with?" ”

Su Shi wanted to "fly the immortals to travel, hold the bright moon and end up." ”

And Xin abandoned the disease, which has always been known for his bravery and heroism

In the face of space, there is also their own romantic tenderness

Tai often quoted Jiankang Mid-Autumn Night as Uncle Lü's subliminal endowment

Song Xin abandons the disease

A round of autumn shadow turned to golden waves, and the flying mirror was re-sharpened.

Ask the wine to Your Majesty: Why be deceived by the white hair?

Take the wind to go, long sky, straight down to see the mountains and rivers.

Cut to Gui Pasha, humanity is, clear light is more.

Song Ci story

Singing out the song lyrics| what dreams about space do they have that appear in the language books?

Xin Was a poet of the Song Dynasty and a famous general of the Southern Song Dynasty.

In our impression, Xin Did Write a Lot of Poems Related to the Battlefield. But in fact, since Xin abandoned the disease and returned to the south, he has never been on the battlefield again.

At the age of 21, Xin gathered more than 2,000 people to join Geng Jing's rebel army and revolted against Jin.

Later, Geng Jing was killed by traitors and the rebel army collapsed. In his early 20s, Xin abandoned the disease and led more than 50 people to attack the enemy camp, capture the traitors, and hand them over to the Southern Song Court. Become a young hero passed down by word of mouth by the people.

At the age of 23, Xin abandoned the disease and returned to the south with outstanding military achievements, but the ruler was content with half of the country.

Worried about recovering the great cause, he frequently wrote to the imperial court, but he did not pay attention to it, and his desire to serve the country was nowhere to be displayed. Only full of resentment and worry can be pinned on impassioned words.

In this song "Too Often Quoted"

Xin didn't just imagine flying into space

I imagined looking back at the great rivers and mountains of the motherland

Today, with the development of the manned space industry

We have achieved the abandonment of the disease

"Long sky, straight down to see the mountains and rivers" wish

Singing out the song lyrics| what dreams about space do they have that appear in the language books?

As Sabine said

"China is taking a confident and calm posture

Stand on the world stage

Tell the story that belongs to China

The thick power accumulated by generations of sages and philosophers

Will be the root of our self-confidence."

This is also the power that Song Ci brings to us

Today, we re-read and sing the Song Dynasty, allowing traditional culture to travel through time and reach the heart.

This is not a shallow continuation of poetry, but more importantly, it is hoped to revisit the classics, "innovate in the inheritance, inherit in innovation", awaken the students' inner cultural self-confidence and cultural identity, and make the traditional culture glow with the current value.

To this end, the "Shaowen Lian" of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" and the primary and secondary schools in Hangzhou jointly launched the "Children's Voice" Song Rhyme column, using the youngest voice to recite the ancient rhyme of the millennium.

"Jiang chengzi Mizhou Hunting", recited and narrated by the teachers and students of Hangzhou Phoenix Primary School, not only showed us a heroic hunting map, but also told everyone a story hidden behind the poem.

(Click on the video to watch the children's voice recitation pure enjoyment version ~)

Dear students, do you have any song words that you particularly like, or song stories that you want to know? Leave us a message below

Maybe next time, you'll hear the story you want

Executive Producer/Zhu Geqian

Audit/Ying Wu

Editor/Yisha Lee


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Singing out the song lyrics| what dreams about space do they have that appear in the language books?

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