
10 classic yuan songs: another kind of beauty besides Tang poems and Song poems, you can recite a few

China is a country of poetry, starting from the earliest "Book of Poetry" and "Chu Ci", to the later Lefu Song Line, and then to the later Five Words and Seven Words Ancient Poetry, after full development, finally ushered in the outbreak of Tang poetry. At that time, it could be said that poetry was everywhere. After the Tang poems, Song Ci took over the baton and pushed the mainland ancient poetry to another height. However, this is not the end of development. The subsequent Yuanqu, in another style and form, continued to maintain the glory of ancient poetry.

10 classic yuan songs: another kind of beauty besides Tang poems and Song poems, you can recite a few

If Tang shi is everyone's boudoir, and Song Ci is a small family jasper, then YuanQu is a mountain village woman. Everyone should naturally be dignified and virtuous, so Tang poetry is magnificent and the imagery is open; while Song Ci is as lively and exquisite as a small family jasper; as for yuanqu, some are the innocence and casual nature of the women of the mountain village. In short, each form has its own unique beauty.

Among the many meta-songs, these 10 songs are classics.

10 classic yuan songs: another kind of beauty besides Tang poems and Song poems, you can recite a few

Ma Zhiyuan's "Tianjing Sha Qiusi" can be said to be well known, and its position in the Yuanqu and even in the entire history of ancient Chinese literature occupies an important seat. The 9 images in the opening chapter are concatenated into an autumn map without a single verb. After the background is painted, only one sentence "Broken intestines are in the end of the world", which caused many wanderers to cry.

10 classic yuan songs: another kind of beauty besides Tang poems and Song poems, you can recite a few

Daego Xia

Guan Hanqing

Pretty enemies, at the end of the world,

There the green poplar can be a horse.

Sleepy sitting under the south window,

Count the pairs of breezes missing him.

Moth eyebrow faded to teach who to draw?

Skinny Rock Rock shy of wearing pomegranate flowers.

This poem is written in thoughts, and the woman at home misses her husband who goes out, which is often written in ancient poetry, and some people think that this kind of poetry is the poet who borrows a woman to miss her husband and express her desire to be reused by the king. "Moth eyebrows faded to teach who to draw?" Skinny Rock Yan shy of wearing pomegranate flowers" two sentences, from Zhang Chang's thrush for his wife.

10 classic yuan songs: another kind of beauty besides Tang poems and Song poems, you can recite a few

Writing about rain is also what many poets like, and the rain that hits the window and drips on the plantain makes people think a lot. Xu Zaisi's song is also very classic, using the sound of rain to express his bitterness of being stranded outside without any achievements.

10 classic yuan songs: another kind of beauty besides Tang poems and Song poems, you can recite a few

Zhang Kejiu's poem is an epic poem, and the nostalgia of Yongshi is also a tradition of the ancients. The poet laments the hardships of ordinary people through allusions such as Xiang Yu Wujiang's self-destruction and the Battle of Chibi. The rise and fall of history has left behind the deeds of those who are powerful and powerful, but it is only ordinary people who suffer.

10 classic yuan songs: another kind of beauty besides Tang poems and Song poems, you can recite a few

The two sentences "Proud of killing people in ten thousand households, illiterate smoke and waves fishing" have the most charm. There are people in the world who like to live above the temple, but some people only want to be far away. It is also a pleasure to stay away from fame and fortune, get close to nature, and live a life of hidden fishing. Although the ten thousand households on earth have supreme power and glory, they are no better than the leisure of smoke and waves.

10 classic yuan songs: another kind of beauty besides Tang poems and Song poems, you can recite a few

In the red dust, how many people do not love fame and fortune? In order to pursue fame and fortune, people trekked mountains and rivers. However, teenagers are easy to grow old. When Qingsi changed her white hair, the green mountains were the same, but the people were not yesterday. Life is like this, it is better to have less fame and fortune and more leisurely fun. The green mountains and green waters are so good, it is better to go happily.

10 classic yuan songs: another kind of beauty besides Tang poems and Song poems, you can recite a few

The ancients had the custom of sending clothes for their husbands who were out on expeditions, and every time in the cold winter, wives would send clothes for their husbands who were out on expeditions, but the wives in the poem hesitated: send them, afraid that you do not want to go home; do not send them, and are afraid that you are cold. Send and don't send, dilemma. The woman's mind in the poem is full of thoughts.

10 classic yuan songs: another kind of beauty besides Tang poems and Song poems, you can recite a few

Narcissus episode

Shea Angfu

For a few years nothing happened,

Drunk huanggong old wine mound.

There is sorrow in the world,

Nor to the soil on Liu Ling's grave,

Drunken towns do not distinguish between the wise and the foolish.

To the people of the wind, look at the country and the mountains,

How drunk!

What happens if a person is "fine"? He would go to the rivers and lakes and go on a sightseeing trip. But this is not what the poet wants. But the reality is helpless, but can not lie flat, only drunk to relieve a thousand sorrows. Wine is good stuff, numbing yourself and escaping from reality.

10 classic yuan songs: another kind of beauty besides Tang poems and Song poems, you can recite a few

The geese fell with a victorious order

Wu Xiyi

Spring flowers smell azaleas, autumn moons look at geese.

Human feelings are as thin as clouds, and the scenery is as fast as arrows.

Stay to buy money and plant mulberry gardens.

There are three huts in the hut, and the number of seedlings is a field.

Next to the bed, put a book of cold and indifference;

In front of the window, copy a few fresh Du Fu articles.

The best thing in life is not to have money, but to have a field and idleness. If you have a field, you can "morning rise and rationalize the absurdity"; if you have leisure, you can copy poems and read the Scriptures.

10 classic yuan songs: another kind of beauty besides Tang poems and Song poems, you can recite a few

This song is written about lovers who are inseparable and affectionate. Two people sat next to each other, talking and laughing. Afraid that time would pass too quickly, four more words had not yet been spoken. If God could give a little more time, what would it matter?

This is the meta-song, it is sometimes fresh and graceful, sometimes very rude and casual, such a meta-song, do you love?

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